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Sara Terreault

  • Part-time Faculty, Theological Studies
  • Part-time Faculty, Religions and Cultures
  • Part-time Faculty, School of Irish Studies

Research areas: Pilgrimage theory & practice; Celtic Christianity; historical & contemporary spiritual practices; contemplative traditions; theology & the arts; theology & culture; research methodology & pedagogy; Indigenous research methodology & pedagogy

Contact information


By appointment.



After completing a BFA, Art History and an MA, Theological Studies from Concordia University, Sara Terreault engaged in postgraduate studies in historical and contemporary spirituality in the Department of Theological Studies. She is particularly interested in how theology, spirituality and culture intersect and shape one another. With the Department of Theological Studies, she contributed to the formation programme for the Spiritual & Community Animators of the English school boards in Montreal and throughout the province of Quebec. She has been guest speaker on spirituality at the Archdiocese of Montréal’s Faith Enrichment Conferences, facilitated talks and retreats at the Unitas Centre for Ecumenism and Christian Meditation, and she presented a regular Women & the Bible workshop for the women at the Maison Tanguay correctional facility.


B.F.A. (Concordia University; Art History, with Distinction, 1999)
M.A. (Concordia University, Theological Studies, 2004. Thesis: The spirituality of theology and the work of Rowan Williams)
Postgraduate Studies (Concordia University, Special Individualized Program. Area of specialisation: historical and contemporary spirituality) 

Teaching activities

Courses Taught:
THEO 228/IRST 228 (Celtic Christianity)
THEO 233 (Religious Pluralism and Secular Culture)
THEO 234 (Pilgrim Bodies, Sacred Journeys)
THEO 236 (Spirituality: Personal, Social, Religious)
THEO 242 (Theology and the Arts)
THEO 245 (The Creative Self)
THEO 347 (Spirituality and Ageing)



Book Chapter: "Pilgrimage and Performative Pedagogy:  Studying, Narrating and Walking the Walk", Pilgrimage to the Heart of the Sacred (Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press, forthcoming).

Pilgrim Bodies: An Anatomy of Christian andPost-Christian Intentional Movement.  Edited volume, in preparation under contract for Ashgate Publishers Pilgrimage Studies Series. Forthcoming: publication 2016.

"Du Vieux-Montréal à Kahnawa:ké: BridgingUrban Solitudes in Walking Pilgrimage." Room One Thousand (UC Berkeley GlobalUrban Humanities Initiative.  SpecialIssue: Urban Pilgrimage).  Spring2015.  Co-authored with MatthewAnderson.  ISSN: 2328-4161

"The Road Increasingly Taken: WalkingPilgrimage as Ecumenical Practice?." Ecumenism (Journal of theCanadian Centre for Ecumenism), Spring 2015. 

“A Theology of the Incarnate God - St John ofDamascus on Holy Icons.” Word in theWorld (Winter 2005), 53-64. ISSN: 1705-8597

“Abhishiktananda’s ‘Cave of the Heart’.” Word in the World (Summer 2004), 46-67.ISSN: 1705-8597

“Teaching Art History and Spirituality.”(Interview.) Homeschooling HorizonsMagazine (September 2003), 16-17, 28. ISSN:1499-187X

“Rowan Williams and the Shape of ChristianTheology.” Word in the World (Spring2003), 83-99. ISSN: 1705-8597

Participation activities

Conference organisation and presentations

Academic Conference Organisation

2015(May 7-10)


IndigenizingPilgrimage - International Pilgrimage Studies Conference  – Department of TheologicalStudies and Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, QC   


2013(May 3-4)


EcstaticJourneys - International Pilgrimage Studies Conference  – Department of TheologicalStudies and Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, QC


2010(April 15-17)

Member:Scientific Planning Committee

Art Religion: Fourth Max and Iris Stern International Symposium  – Musée D’Art Contemporain de Montréal andConcordia University, Montreal, QC                                               



Refereed ConferencePresentations and Panels


2014,(October 25): Conference: Les Défis de l'Oecuménisme dans leMonde d'Aujourd'hui

L'Institut Irénée Beaubien: Le Centre Canadien d'Oecuménisme, Montreal,QC

Paper  presented: The Road Increasingly Taken: Walking Pilgrimage as Ecumenicalpractice?


2014,(September 27): 2014 Annual Symposium for Pilgrimage Studies -SharedJourneys: The Confluence of Pilgrimage Traditions.

Institute for Pilgrimage Studies, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg,VA, USA

Paper  presented: 'I wander'd lonely as a cloud’: Postmodern Pilgrimage asAscetic/Aesthetic Romance

2014,(July10): "Sacred Journeys: Pilgrimage and Beyond" Global Conference.

Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Mansfiled College, Oxford University, Oxford,  UK.

Paperpresented:Fleeing the Centre in Celtic Christian peregrinatio


2013(October 5) 2013 AnnualSymposium for Pilgrimage Studies -

Pilgrims' Progress: Pilgrimage across Time and Cultures.

Institute for Pilgrimage Studies, College of William & Mary,Williamsburg, VA USA

Paperpresented:Early Medieval Celtic Peregrinatioand Postmodern Pilgrimage Patterns


2013,(May4): "EcstaticJourney" International Pilgrimage Studies Conference.

Concordia University, Montreal QC

Paperpresented:"A Bishop, a Shipwreck and the Celtic High Cross:  Pilgrimage as Source of  Cultural Iconography."


2009,(May25): CanadianTheological Society, at the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and SocialSciences Congress, Carleton University, Ottawa ON

Paperpresented:Spirituality and Intellectual Sustainability in the Contemporary University


2009,(Mar 27) : TheologyOutside the Classroom – Concordia University, Montreal QC

GuestPanelist -Session: “Worship, Society and Culture”.


2008,(May 2): AmericanAcademy of Religion: Eastern International Region Meeting, 

McGill University, Montreal QC

PaperPresented:“Spirituality Studies: A Model for the Humanities the Academy.”


2008,(June 26): Religion,Faith, Spirituality: An Interdisciplinary and International Postgraduate

Conference on the Past, Present and Future, Graduate School of theCollege of Arts and Humanities, Bangor University, Wales, UK

PaperPresented:“Spirituality Studies: A Model for the Humanities in the Academy.”


2007,(July  12): FifthInternational Critical Management Studies Conference,  University of Manchester, UK

Paperpresented:“Contemplative Spiritual Traditions: Toward a Holistic Understanding of the  Worker as Person, and Work asPerson-Formation.”


2006,(May 29): CanadianSociety for Patristic Studies, at the Canadian Federation for the Humanitiesand Social Sciences Congress, York University, Toronto ON

Paperpresented:“Navigating Incarnation: the Name of God as Idol or Icon.”


2005,(November 2): LeuvenEncounters in Systematic Theology (Lest V), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Belgium

Paperpresented:“Navigating Incarnation: the Name of God as Idol or Icon.”

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