Sheila Mason, PhD
- Professor and Undergraduate Advisor, Philosophy
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Sheila Mason teaches and publishes in several areas of Ethics: Virtue Theory, Feminist Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Narrative Ethics, the Ethical dimensions of Leisure Studies. She has also taught and published with colleagues in Psychology [Center for Research on Human Development] and in Accountancy.
Ph.D. 1972 Purdue University
M.A. 1965 Purdue University
B.A. 1965 McGill University
Most significant research contributions
"The Role of Epiphanies in Moral Reflection and Narrative Theory: Two Sides of the same Coin?," in Interchange, Winter 2006 (in press).
"L' éthique narrative comme fondement d'une citoyenneté saine," in A. Duhamel et F. Jutras, dir., Enseigner et éduquer à la citoyenneté, Les Presses Universitaires Laval, May 2004.
"Happiness, Values and the Experience of Aging: A Study of the Life Reflections of Elderly People." With D. Pushkar, W. Conrad, P. Basewitz, J. Chaikelson, Journal of Adult Development Vol 10, October, 2003.
2004 Chapter in book: “Narrative et citoyenneté,” in A. Duhamel et F. Jutras, dir., Enseigner Enseigner et éduquer à la citoyenneté, Les Presses Universitaires Laval.
2000 Chapter in book: “Les Rapports entre le bien Commun et l'interest privé dans l'État-providence,” in Guy Giroux, dir., L'État, la Société Civile et l' Economie: Turbulences et Transformations, Les Presses Universitaires Laval, 215-248.
Leisure Studies, 18, 233-248
Participation activities
Conference proceedings and presentations
October 2006 "Narrative Knowing and the Ideal of Practical Wisdom," The Thomas R. Watson 2006 Conference on Narrative, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky.
September 2006, "What is ecological thinking, and is it rational?," Canadian Society for Epistemology, Symposium on Rationality in Contemporary Epistemology, University of Sherbrooke.
May, 2006 "A Comparison of recent writings on practical wisdom in the Aristotelian tradition and in popularized Western Buddhism," The Canadian Jacques Maritain Society, The Learned Societies: Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, York University.
May 2006 "Environmental ethics and leadership: finding the links between theory and practice in the narratives of newly “converted” environmentally committed people through grounded theory analysis." Narrative Matters Conference, Acadia University.