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Suong Van Hoa, PhD

  • Professor and Director of CONCOM, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
  • Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design & Innovation

Research areas: Composite materials and structures; design of composite structures; vibration; stress analysis; dynamics; finite element method; testing and evaluation of composite materials and structures; manufacturing of composites.

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1. Tabarrok, B. and Hoa, S.V.,"Thermal Stress Analysis of Plates and Shallow Shells by Hybrid Finite Element Method", Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1974,pp. 152-158.

2. McCammond, D. and Hoa, S.V., "Crazeand Creep Resistance of High Impact Polystyrene in Alcohols", Polymer Engineering& Science, Vol. 17, No. 12, December 1977, pp. 869-872.

3. McCammond, D. and Hoa, S.V., "Effectsof some Liquids on the Creep Behaviour of High Impact Polystyrene", Polymer Engineering & Science, Vol. 18, No. 11, August 1978, pp. 917-920.

4. Hoa, S.V., "Vibration of CurvedBeam with Tip Mass", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 61(3), 1978,pp. 427-436.

5. Hoa, S.V., "Vibration of a Rotating Beam with Tip Mass", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 67(3), 1979,pp. 369-381.

6. Hoa, S.V. and Sankar, S., "A computer Program for Automatic Generation of Stiffness and Mass Matrices inFinite Element Analysis", Computers and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 3,1980, pp. 147-161.

7. Sankar, S. and Hoa, S.V., "FiniteElement-Extended Transfer Matrix Method for Free Vibration of Plates", Journalof Sound and Vibration, Vol. 70, No. 1, 1980, pp. 205-211.

8. Hoa, S.V., "Relative Influence ofthe Mobility and the Solubility Parameters of Fluids on the MechanicalBehaviour of High Impact Polystyrene", Polymer Engineering &Science, Vol. 20, No. 17, 1980, pp. 1157-1160.

9. Hoa, S.V., Hodges, D.H., andRutkowski, M.J., "Comments on Vibration of a Rotating Beam with Tip Mass", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 72, No. 2, 1980, pp. 547-549.

10. Hoa,S.V., "Effects of Liquid on the Stress Rupture Lives of Fiber GlassReinforced Plastics",ASTM Special Technical Publication 734, “TestMethods for Fibrous Composites”, 1981, pp. 411-419.

11. Hoa,S.V., "Vibration Frequency of a Curved Blade with Weighted Edge", Journalof Sound and Vibration, Vol. 79, No. 1, November 8, 1981, pp. 107-119.

12. Hoa,S.V. and Ouellette, P., "Liquid Absorption of a Sheet Molding Compound",Polymer Composites, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1981, pp. 167-170.

13. Hoa,S.V., "Notched Strength of Sheet Molding Compounds", PolymerComposites, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1981, pp. 145-148.

14. Hoa,S.V., Ngo, A.D. and Sankar, T.S., "Fatigue Crack Propagation of SheetMolding Compounds in Various Environments", Polymer Composites,Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1981, pp. 162-166.

15. Hoa,S.V. and Feldman, D., "Joining Strength of Sheet Molding Compounds",PolymerComposites, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1982, pp. 48-53.

16. Hoa,S.V., Ngo, A.D. and Sankar, T.S., "Effect of Water and Isoctane Absorptionon the Flexural Fatigue Strength of a Sheet Molding Compound", PolymerComposites, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1982, pp. 44-48.

17. Hoa,S.V., "Strain Analysis of Dual Laminate Cylindrical Fiber ReinforcedPlastic Vessel",Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,July 1982, pp. 242-253.

18. Hoa,S.V. and Nguyen, Q.B., "Temperature Increase of SMC-R65 in FlexuralFatigue Test",Polymer Composites, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1983, pp.85-89.

19. Hoa, S.V.and Ouellette, P., "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Polyvinylidene Fluoridein Sodium Hydroxide", Polymer Engineering & Science, Vol. 23,No. 4, March 1983, pp. 202-205.

20. Hoa,S.V., Sankar, T.S., and Bargiora, R., "Tensile Behaviour of Laminates Usedfor Making Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels", Journal of ReinforcedPlastics and Composites, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1983, pp. 118-129.

21. Feldman,D., Hoa, S.V., and Coriaty, E., "Bonding Strength of Sheet MoldingCompounds", Polymer Plastics Technology and Engineering, Vol. 23,No. 1, 1984, pp. 99-118.

22. Lucking,W.M., Hoa, S.V. and Sankar, T.S., "The Effect of Geometry on InterlaminarStresses of [0/90] Composite Laminates with Circular Holes", Journal ofComposite Materials, Vol. 18, March 1984, pp. 174-188.

23. Hoa, S.V.and Ouellette, P., "Damping of Composite Materials", PolymerComposites, Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct. 1984, pp. 334-338.

24. Hoa,S.V. and Maji, J., "Two-dimensional Bending and Extension of Cross-plyLaminates with Different Moduli in Tension and Compression", Compositeand Structures, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1985, pp. 921-928.

25. Ngo,A.D., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Mechanisms of Fatigue Failure of SheetMolding Compounds in Different Environments", High Modulus FiberComposites in Ground Transportation and High Volume Applications, ASTMSpecial Technical Presentation #873, 1985.

26. Hoa,S.V., Yu, C.W. and Sankar, T.S., "Analysis of Filament Wound Vessel UsingFinite Elements", Composite Structures, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1985, pp.1-18.

27. Hoa,S.V., Sankar, T.S., and Berczynski, W.S., "Buckling of Hand Lay UpComposite Cylindrical Vessel", Journal of Reinforced Plastics andComposites, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1985, pp. 162-172.

28. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Creep of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic PressureVessels",Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 4,No. 3, July 1985, pp. 287-296.

29. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Buckling of Composite Cylinders underInternal Pressure", Polymer Composites, Vol. 7, No. 5, Oct. 1986.

30. Natarajan,R., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Stress Analysis of Filament Wound TanksUsing Three-Dimensional Finite Elements", International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 23, 1986, pp. 623-633.

31. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Fatigue of Glass Fiber Reinforced PolyesterLaminates",Polymer Composites, Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1986.

32. Blach,A.E. and Hoa, S.V., "Bolted Flange Connections for Glass Fiber ReinforcedPlastic Pipes and Pressure Vessels", Design Engineering, UK, May1987.

33. Hoa,S.V., Di Maria, A., and Feldman, D., "Aluminum Inserts for Sheet MoldingCompounds", Composite Structures, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1987.

34. Hoa,S.V., Daoust, J., Du, B.L., and Vu-Khanh, T., "Interlaminar Stresses in aTapered Laminate", Polymer Composites, Vol. 9, No. 5, October 1988.

35. Blach,A.E. and Hoa, S.V., "The Effects of Pull-Back on Stresses in FRPFlanges",Experimental Techniques, Nov. 1988.

36. Hoa,S.V. and Li, L., "Acoustic Emission during Quasi-StaticLoading/Hold/Unloading in Notched Reinforced Fiber Composite Materials", Journalof Acoustic Emission, Vol. 7, No. 4, March 1989, pp. 145-160.

37. Hoa,S.V., Lin, S. and Chen, J., "Effects of Moisture Content on the MechanicalProperties of Polyphenylene Sulfide Composite Materials", SpecialTechnical Publication on Thermoplastic Composites, American Society for Testingand Materials, ASTM-STP 1044, 1989.

38. Hoa,S.V. and Mannarino, G., "Twisting of Filament Wound Cylinders underInternal Pressure", Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,Vol. 8, No. 1, January 1989, pp. 212-231.

39. Daoust,J. and Hoa, S.V., "Parameters Affecting Interlaminar Stresses in TaperedLaminates under Static Loading Conditions", Polymer Composites ,Vol. 10, No. 5, October 1989, pp. 374-83.

40. Daoust,J. and Hoa, S.V., "A Comprehensive Technique for Determination of SafetyFactors in Composites," Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,Vol. 8, No. 6, November 1989, pp. 584-600.

41. Hoa,S.V., Journeaux, B., and Di Lalla, L., "Computer Aided Design forComposite Structures", Composite Structures, Vol. 13, February1989, pp. 67-79.

42. Blach,A.E., Hoa, S.V., Kwok, C.K., and Ahmed, A.K.W., "Rectangular PressureVessels of Finite Length", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology ,Vol. 112, Feb. 1990, pp. 50-56.

43. Lucking,W.M., Hoa, S.V. and Sankar, T.S., "A Boundary Collocation Method forStress Analysis of Laminated Edges", Computers and Structures, Vol.34, No. 4, 1990, pp. 655-662.

44. Beshay,A. and Hoa, S.V., "Reinforcement of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) andPolystyrene (PS) with Cellulosic Fibers Treated with Silane", Journalof Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 3, No. 4, October 1990, pp.264-74.

45. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Li, L., "A Procedure for Acceptance Testing of FRPBalsa Wood Core Pressure Vessels", Journal of Acoustic Emission, January-March 1990, pp. 37-43.

46. Xiao,X.R. and Hoa, S.V., "Effect of Melting History on the CrystallographicCharacteristics of Poly (ether ether ketone) Aromatic Polymer Composites", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 14, No. 1,1990, pp. 49-56.

47. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Li, L., "Nondestructive Evaluation of FiberglassReinforced Plastic Road Tankers Subjected to Internal Pressure Using AcousticEmission Monitoring",Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 25,1990, pp. 49-60.

48. Hoa,S.V. and Daoust, J., "An Analytical Solution for Anisotropic PlatesContaining Triangular Holes", Composite Structures, Vol. 19, No. 2,1991.

49. Mazumdar,S. and Hoa, S.V., "On the Kinematics of Filament Winding on Non-axisymmetricCylindrical Mandrels. Part I: A Generalized Model", CompositesManufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1991.

50. Mazumdar,S. and Hoa, S.V., "On the Kinematics of Filament Winding on Non-axisymmetricCylindrical Mandrels. Part II: For Convex Polygonal Cross Section",CompositesManufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1991.

51. Beshay,A. and Hoa, S.V., "Improved Interface Bonding between Cellulosic Fibersand Thermoplastics", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,Vol. 2, No. 2, 1992.

52. Hoa,S.V., Lin, S., and Chen, J., "Hygrothermal Effect on Mode II InterlaminarFracture Toughness of a Carbon/Polyphenylene Sulfide Laminate", Journalof Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1992.

53. Xiao,X.R., Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "Processing and Modeling ResistanceWelding of APC-2 Composite", Composite Materials, Vol. 26, No. 7,1992.

54. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Acoustic Emission Signal Trends during High CycleFatigue of FRP/Balsa Wood Core Vessels", Journal of Acoustic Emission,Vol. 11, No. 2, 1993.

55. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Kinematics of Filament Winding during Starting andReversal Process for Complex Composite Components", Transactions of theCSME, Vol. 17, No. 4A, 1993.

56. Han, J.and Hoa, S.V., "A Three Dimensional Multilayer Composite Finite Elementfor Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates", International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 3903-3914, 1993.

57. Hojjati,M. and Hoa, S.V., "Curing Simulation of Thick ThermosettingComposites",Composites Manufacturing, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1994, pp.159-169.

58. Smith,C. and Hoa, S.V., "Utilization of PVDF Sensors to Determine Impact Damagein Graphite/Epoxy Plates by Acousto-ultrasonic Technique", Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 13, February 1994.

59. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Algorithm for Filament Winding of Non-axisymmetricTapered Composite Components Having Polygonal Cross Section on Two-axesFilament Winding Machine", Composites Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3,pp. 343-359, 1994.

60. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa S.V. "Analytical Models for Low Cost Manufacturing ofComposite Components by Filament Winding. Part I. Direct Kinematics", CompositeMaterials, Vol. 29, No. 11, 1995, pp. 1515-1541.

61. Hojjati,M. and Hoa, S.V. "Model Laws for Curing of Thermosetting Composites",Composite Materials, Vol. 29, No. 13, 1995, pp. 1741-1761.

62. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Analytical Models for Low Cost Manufacturing ofComposite Components by Filament Winding, Part II. Inverse Kinematics", CompositeMaterials, Vol. 29, No. 13, 1995 pp. 1762-1788.

63. Xie,M., Hoa, S.V. and Xiao, X.R., "Bonding Steel Reinforced Concrete withComposites",Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 14,September 1995, pp. 949-964.

64. Kim,Y.S. and Hoa, S.V., "Buckling of Composite Plate under Biaxial LoadingConditions",Composite Structures, Vol. 31, No. 4, September 1995,pp. 247-252.

65. Hojjati,M. and Hoa, S.V., "Some Observations in Curing of Thick ThermosettingLaminated Composites", Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,Vol. 4, No. 2, 1995, pp. 89-108.

66. Xiao,X.R., Lin, S. and Hoa, S.V., "Scale Relations for Mold Filling Simulationin Resin Transfer Molding", Science and Engineering of CompositeMaterials, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1995, pp. 131-141.

67. Hoa,S.V., "Creep of a Composite Box Beam", Journal of ReinforcedPlastic and Composites, Vol. 14, February 1995, p. 128.

68. Hoa,S.V., "Biaxial Bearing Bypass Testing of Graphite/epoxy Plates", Journalof Composite Technology and Research, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1995, pp.123-131.

69. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Manufacturing of Non-Axisymmetric ThermoplasticComposite Parts by Tape Winding Technique", Materials and ManufacturingProcesses, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1995, pp. 47-56.

70. Hojjati,M., Safavi, A.V., and Hoa, S.V., "Design of Domes for Polymeric CompositePressure Vessels", Composites Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1995,pp.51-59.

71. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Application of Taguchi Method for Process Enhancementof On-line Consolidation Technique", Composites, Vol. 26, No. 9,1995, pp. 669-673.

72. Hoa,S.V. and W. Feng, “Application of global/local finite element model tocomposite laminates”, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials ,Vol. 5, No. 3-4, 1996.

73. Feng,W. and Hoa, S.V., “A partial hybrid degenerated plate/shell element for theanalysis of laminated composites”, International Journal for Numerical Methodsin Engineering, Vol. 39, 1996, pp. 3625-3639.

74. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., “Determination of manufacturing conditions for hot gasaided thermoplastic tape winding”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,Vol. 9, January 1996, pp. 35-53.

75. Feng,W., and Hoa, S.V., and Huang Q., “Classification of stress modes in assumedstress fields of hybrid finite elements”, International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 40, 1997, pp. 4313-4339.

76. Qian,G.L., Hoa, S.V., and Xiao, X.R., “A vibration method for measuring mechanicalproperties of composites: Theory and Experiment”, Composite Structures,Vol. 39, No. 1-2, 1997, pp. 31-38.

77. Qian,G.L., Hoa, S.V., and Xiao, X.R., “A new rectangular plate element for compositelaminates”, Trans. ASME Journal of Sound and Acoustics, Vol. 120, January1998, pp. 80-86.

78. Jarrah,M.A. and Hoa, S.V., “Characteristics between a base laminate and a repairlaminate subjected to variations in pressure in the repair curing cycle”, Journalof Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1998.

79. Zhang,C., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R. “Approximate solutions for stresses around apin-loaded holes in symmetric composite laminates”, Journal of ReinforcedPlastics and Composites, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1998.

80. Zhang,C., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Edge effects of laminated composite with pinloaded holes”, AIAA, Vol. 36, No. 10, October 1998, pp. 1883-1893.

81. Wang,Y., Hoa, S.V., and Osman, M., “Cutting behavior of composite prepregs”, Journalof Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 17, No. 12, 1998, pp.1119-1134.

82. Chen, J.,Hoa, S.V., Jen, C.K., Viens, M., and Monchalin, J.P., “Ultrasonic evaluation ofgraphite/epoxy composites with different curing conditions”, PolymerComposites, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 1998, pp. 225-232.

83. Feng,W. and Hoa, S.V. “Partial hybrid finite elements for composite laminates”,FiniteElements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 30, No. 4, October 15, 1998.

84. Chen,J.Y., Hoa, S.V., Jen, C.K. and Wang, H., “Fiber-optic and ultrasonicmeasurements for in-situ monitoring of graphite/epoxy composites”, Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 33, No. 20, 1999.

85. Balike,M., Rakheja, S., and Hoa, S.V., “Study of an energy dissipating under-rideguard for enhancement of crash worthiness in a car-truck collision”, InternationalJournal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 22, No. 1/2, 1999, pp. 29-53.

86. Zhao,J., Hoa, S.V., Xiao, X.R., and Hanna, I.,“ Partial hybrid finite element analysis of stress fields in compositelaminates with delamination crack under out of plane loading”,Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 18, No. 9, 1999, pp. 827-843.

87. Naji,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Experimental and theoretical investigation of the curingprocess of thermosetting composite structures with angle bend”, Journal ofComposite Materials, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1999, pp. 702-723.

88. LeVan,M., Rutinduka, E., Detellier, C., Gougay, P., Hascoet, V., Tavakoliyan, S.,Hoa, S.V., and Matsuura, T., “Mechanical and pore characteristics of zeolitecomposite membranes”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9, 1999, pp.783-788.

89. Naji,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Modeling of autoclave curing of composite laminates withangle bend”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 18, No.8, 1999.

90. Balike,M., Rakheja, S. and Hoa, S.V., “Study of an energy dissipating under-ride guardusing hardware-in-the-loop simulation”, Trans. of CSME, Vol. 23, No. 2,1999, pp. 307-320.

91. Amiouny,S.V. and Hoa, S.V., “Combinatorial optimization for angles of wrap in filamentwound cylinders”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.18, 1999.

92. Zhang,C., Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Effects of friction on three dimensionalcontact stresses in pin-loaded composites”, J. Composite Materials, Vol.34, No. 16, 2000.

93. He, K.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “The study of tapered laminated compositestructures. A review”, Composites Science and Technology, 60, (2000) pp.2643-2657.

94. Hoa,S.V. and Kim, Y.S., “Buckling of composite plates under biaxial loadingconditions”, Trans. of CSME,Vol. 24, No. 1, April 2000.

95. Naji,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Curing of thick angle bend thermoset composite part: Curingprocess modification for uniform thickness and uniform fiber volume fractiondistribution”, Composite Materials, Vol. 34, No. 20, 2000, pp.1710-1755.

96. Kim,K.J., Sham, M.L., Hamada, H., Hoa, S.V 13 other authors, “Effect of surface treatmenton mode I interlaminar fracture behavior of plain glass woven fabriccomposites. Part I: Report of the 2nd round robin test results”, CompositeInterface, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2000, pp. 227-242.

97. Zhang,C., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Through the thickness compressive strengths ofgraphite/epoxy laminated composites: Experimental characterization andstatistical analysis”, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,Vol. 9, No. 4, 2000, pp. 163-176.

98. Sheng,S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “Three dimensional micro-mechanical modeling of wovenfabric composites”, CompositeMaterials, Vol. 35, No. 19, 2001, pp. 1701-1729.

99. Jarrah,M.A., Tahat, M.S.M., and Hoa, S.V., “Mode II fracture at the interface betweena base and a repair graphite/epoxy laminate”, Journal of Reinforced Plasticsand Composites, Vol. 21, No. 11, 2002, pp. 963-982.

100. Yan, Y.and Hoa, S.V., “Energy approach for prediction of mechanical behavior of 2-Dtriaxially braided composites: Part I: Model Development”, J. Composite Materials,Vol. 36, No. 8, 2002, pp. 963-982.

101. Yan, Yand Hoa, S. V., “Energy approach for prediction of mechanical behavior of 2-Dtriaxially braided composites: Part II: Parameter Analysis”, J. CompositeMaterials, Vol. 36, No. 10, 2002, pp. 1233-1254.

102. Sheng,S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “Three dimensional micro-mechanical modeling of wovenfabric composites”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 35, No. 19, 2001,pp. 1701-1729.

103. Zhang, C.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Experimental characterization of interlaminar shearstrengths of graphite/epoxy laminated composites”, Journal of CompositeMaterials, Vol. 36, No. 13, 2002, pp. 1615-1652.

104. Sheng,S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “Modeling of 3D angle interlock woven fabric composites”,Journalof Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Vol. 16, January 2003, pp. 45-58.

105. Hoa, S.V.,Sheng, S.Z, Zhao, Q., and Ouellette, P., “Determination of elastic propertiesof triax composite materials”, Composite Science and Technology, Vol.63, 2003, pp. 437-443.

106. Zhao,Q., and Hoa, S.V., “Triaxial woven fabric (TWF) composites with open holes (PartI): Finite element models for analysis”, Journal of Composite Materials,Vol. 37, No. 9, 2003, pp. 763-790.

107. Zhao,Q., Hoa, S.V., and Ouellette, P., “Triaxial Woven Fabric (TWF) composites with openholes (Part II): Verification of the finite element models”, Journal ofComposite Materials, Vol. 37, No. 10, 2003, pp. 849-874.

108. Zhao,Q. and Hoa, S.V. “Thermal deformation behavior of triaxial woven fabric (TWF)composites with open holes”, Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 37, No. 18, 2003, pp. 1629-1640.

109. He, K.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Stress Analysis of Tapered composite laminates using partial hybridfinite elements”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.23, No. 6, 2004, pp. 589-600.

110. He, K.,Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Interlaminar stress and delamination analysis ofinternally tapered composite laminates”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics andComposites, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2004, pp. 707-728.

111. Liu,W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Morphology and performance of epoxynanocomposites modified with organoclay and rubber”, Polymer Engineering andScience, 2004, pp. 1178-1186.

112. Hojjati,M., Johnston, A., Hoa, S.V., and Denault, J., “Viscoelastic behavior of CytecFM73 Adhesive during cure”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume91, 2004, pp. 2548-2557.

113. Ton-That,M.T., Ngo, T.D., Ding, P., Fang, G., Cole, K.C., and Hoa, S.V., “Epoxynanocomposites: Analysis and Kinetics of cure”, Journal of PolymerEngineering and Science, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004, pp. 1132-1141.

114. Zhao,Q., Hoa, S.V., and Ouellette, P., “Progressive failure of triaxial woven fabric(TWF) composites with open holes”, CompositeStructures, Vol. 65, No. 3-4, 2004, pp. 419-431.

115. Zhao,Q., and Hoa, S.V., “ Finite elementmodeling of a membrane sector of an Art EM Reflector”, Journal of CompositeMaterials, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 581-600, 2005.

116. Lei,S.G., Ton-That, M.T., Cole, K.C., Hoa S.V., and Pesneau, I., “The role ofcoupling agents on the formation of polypropylene nanocomposites”, CanadianMaterials Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 33-40, 2005.

117. Liu,W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Organoclay modified high performance epoxy nanocomposites”,Composites Science and Technology, 65, 2005, pp. 307-316.

118. Xu, D.,Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Buckling analysis of triaxial woven fabriccomposite structures, part I: Non-linear finite element formulation”, CompositeStructures, Vol. 67, 2005, pp. 37-55.

119. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Fracturetoughness and water uptake of high performance epoxy nanocomposites”, Invited paper, Composites Scienceand Technology, Vol. 65 No. 15-16, pp. 2364-2373, 2005.

120. Wu, L.,Hoa, S.V., and Ton-That, M.T., “Effects of water on the curing and propertiesof epoxy adhesive used for bonding FRP composite sheet to concrete”, Journalof AppliedPolymer Science, Vol. 99, pp. 580-588, 2006.

121. Wu, L.,Hoa, S.V., and Ton-That, M.T., “Effects of composition of hardener on thecuring and aging for an epoxy resin system”, Journal of Applied PolymerScience, Vol. 99, 2006, pp. 580-589.

122. Xu, D.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Buckling analysis of tri-axial fabric compositestructures, Part II: Parametric study- Unidirectional loading”, CompositeStructures, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 236-253, 2006.

123. Lei,S., Hoa, S.V., and Ton-That, M.T., “Effect of clay types on the formulation andproperties of polypropylene nanocomposites”, Composite Science andTechnology, Vol. 66, No. 10, 2006, pp. 1274-1279.

124. Jiang,Y., and Hoa S.V., “A novel method for the manufacturing of thick composites”,Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 433-454, 2006.

125. Wang,H., Hoa, S.V., and Wood-Adams, P., “A new method to synthesize clay/epoxy nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 4286-4296, 2006.

126. Xu, D.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Buckling analysis of tri-axial woven fabriccomposite structures subjected to bi-axial loading”, Composite Structures,Vol. 78, No. 1, Mar. 2007, pp. 140-152.

127. Zhao,Q. and Hoa, S.V., “Toughening mechanism of epoxy resins with micro/nanoparticles”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2007, pp.201-220.

128. Lebel,L. and Hoa, S.V., “Manufacturing of braided thermoplastic composites withcarbon/nylon commingled fibers, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41,No. 9, 2007, pp. 1101-1122.

129. Wu, L.,Hoa, S.V., and Wang, H., “Improvement of flammability resistance of epoxyadhesives used in infrastructure applications”, CSCE journal, Vol. 34,No. 3, March 2007, pp. 323-330.

130. Ngo,T.D., Ton That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., and Cole, K.C., “Curing kinetics andmechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites based on different organoclays”, Journalof Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2007, pp. 649-661.

131. Liu,W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Water uptake of epoxy-clay nanocomposites: Modeldevelopment”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 67, pp. 3308-3315,2007.

132. Zhao,Q. and Hoa, S.V., “Effect of stress shielding or particles-dispersed polymer”,Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 21, 2007, pp. 2615-2638.

133. Liu,W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Water uptake of epoxy-clay nanocomposites: Experimentsand model validation”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp.2066-2072, 2008.

134. Allaoui,A., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “The electronic transport properties andmicrostructure of carbon nanofibre/epoxy composites”, Composites Science andTechnology, Vol. 68, pp. 410-416, 2008.

135. Xu, Y.,and Hoa, S.V., “Mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy/claynanocomposites”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 68, 2008, pp.854-861.

136. Ngo,T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., and Cole, K.C., “Reinforcing effect oforganoclay in rubbery and glassy epoxy resins- Part I: Dispersion andproperties”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 107, 2008, pp.1154-1162.

137. Ngo,T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., Cole, K.C., “Preparation and properties of epoxynanocomposites, I. The effect of premixing on the dispersion of organoclay”,PolymerEngineering and Science, Vol. 49, 2009, pp, 666-672.

138. Rosca,I.D. and Hoa, S.V., “Highly conductive multiwall carbon nanotube and epoxycomposites produced by three-roll milling”, Carbon, Vol. 47, 2009,1958-1968.

139. Nofar,R., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Failure detection and monitoring in polymermatrix composites subjected to static and dynamic loads using carbon nanotubenetworks”,Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 69, 2009, pp. 1599-1606.

140. Ngo,T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., and Cole, K.C., “Effect of temperature, duringand speed of pre-mixing on the dispersion of clay/epoxy nanocomposites”, CompositesScience and Technology, Vol. 69, 2009, pp. 1831-1840.

141. Hu, S.,Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “A new evaluation method for surface finish ofcomposite automotive panels using waveform analysis”, Journal of CompositeMaterials, Vol. 43, No. 8, April 2009, pp. 843-875.

142. Hoa,S.V., Ouellette, P., and Ngo, T.D., “Determination of shrinkage and modulusdevelopment of thermosetting resins”, Journal of Composite Materials,Vol. 43, No. 7, April 2009, pp. 783-803.

143. Allaoui,A, Hoa S.V., Evesque, P., and Bai, J., “Electronic transport in carbon nanotubetangles under compression: The role of contact resistance”, ScriptaMateriala, V.61, N. 6, 2009, p.628-631.

144. Sanchez-Garcia,M.D., Lagaron, J.M. and Hoa, S.V., “Effect of addition of carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes onproperties of thermoplastic biopolymers”, Composites Science and Technology,vol. 70, 2010, p. 1095-1105.

145. Derisi, B., Hoa, S.V., Xu, D., Hojjati, M., andFews, R.,“ Composite tube exhibiting large deformation under bending”, Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 44, No. 16, 2010, pp. 2005-2020.

146. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., and Cole,K.C., “The influence of clay dispersion, clay concentration and epoxy chemistryon the fracture toughness of epoxy nanocomposites”, Science and Engineeringof Composite Materials, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010, pp.19-30.

147. Ahmed, A.F. and Hoa, S.V., “Optimization andthermal conduction modeling for a hybrid reinforced composite material forsolid rocket motor insulation”, Materials Science and Engineering,Volume 4, No. 6, June 2010, pp. 13-22.

148. Mehdipour, A., Rosca, I.D., Sebak, A-R, Trueman,C.W., Hoa, S.V., “Advanced carbon fiber composite materials for RFID tagantenna applications”, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Societyjournal, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2010, pp. 218-229.

149. Mehdipour, A., Sebak, A-R., Trueman, C.W., Rosca,I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “Reinforced continuous carbon fiber composites usingmulti-wall carbon nanotubes for wideband antenna applications”, IEEE Trans.on Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 58, No.7, 2010, pp. 2451-2456.

150. Mehdipour, A., Sebak, A-R, Trueman, C.W., Rosca,I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “Full-composite fractal antenna using carbon nanotubes for multiband wireless applications”, IEEEAntennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 9, 2010, pp. 1-4.

151. Rosca, I.D. and Hoa, S.V., “Method for reducingcontact resistivity of carbon nanotube containing epoxy adhesives for aerospaceapplications”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 71, 2011. pp.95-100.

152. Derisi, B., Hoa, S.V., Xu, D., Hojjati, M., andFews, R., “Mechanical behavior of carbon/PEEK thermoplastic composite tubeunder bending load”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composites Materials, Vol.24, No. 1, January 2011, pp. 29-49.

153. Zhao, Q., Hoa, S.V., and Gao, Z. J., “Thermalstresses in rings of thermoplastic composites made by automated fiber placementprocess”, Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,Vol. 18, No. 1 & 2, 2011, pp. 35-49.

154. Ngo, T.D., Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T., and Wood-Adams,P.M., “Shear mixing and dispersion of thermoset polymer nanocomposites: Modellingthe delamination process”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 122,No. 1, 2011, pp. 561-572.

155. Mohiuddin, M., Hoa, S.V., “Electricalresistance of CNT-PEEK composites under compression at different temperatures”,Nanoscale Research Letters, 6(1), 2011, pp.419-424..

156. Shadmehri,F., Derisi, B., and Hoa, S.V., “On bending stiffness of composite tubes”, Journalof Composite structures, Vol. 93, No. 9, August 2011, pp. 2173-2179.

157. Mehdipour, A., Sebak, A.R., Trueman, C.W.,Rosca, I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “Performance of microstrip patch antenna on a reinforcedcarbon fiber composite ground plane”, Microwaveand Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 53, No. 6, June 2011, 1328-1331.

158. Ngo, T.D, Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V., and Cole,K.C., “Preparation and properties of epoxy nanocomposites Part 2: The effect ofdispersion and intercalation/exfoliation of organoclay on mechanicalproperties”,Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 52, Issue 3, 607-614,2012.

159. MohiuddinM. and Hoa S.V., “Temperature dependent electrical conductivity of CNT-PEEKcomposites”, Composites Science and Technology, 2011, 72 (1), pp. 21-27.

160. Shadmehri,F., Hoa, S.V., and Hojjati, M., “Buckling of conical composite shells”, CompositeStructures, Volume 94, Issue 2, January 2012, pp. 787-792.

161. Zhang, C. and Hoa, S.V., “A limit basedapproach to the stress analysis of cylindrically orthotropic compositecylinders (0/90) subjected to pure bending”, Composite Structures, Vol. 94, 2012, pp. 2610-2619.

162. Chaeichian, S., Wood-Adams, P., and Hoa, S.V.,“In situ polymerization of polyester-based hybrid systems for the preparationof clay nanocomposites”, Polymer, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2012, 1512-1523.

163. Ciecierska, E., Boczkowska, A., Kurzydlowski, K.J.,Rosca, I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “The effect of carbon nanotubes on epoxy matrixnanocomposites”, J. Thermal Analysis Calorimetry, published on line July3, 2012, DOI 10.1007/10973-012-2506-0.

164. Ahmed, A.F.,and Hoa, S.V., “Thermal insulation by heat resistant polymers for solid rocketmotor insulation”, J . Composite Materials, Vol. 46, No. 13, June 2012,pp. 1549-1559.

165. Derisi, B., Hoa S.V., and Hojjati, M.,“Similitude study on bending stiffness and behavior of composite tubes”, Journalof Composite Materials, Vol. 46, No. 21, 2012, pp 2695-2710..

166. Mehdipour, A., Sebak, A.R., Trueman, C.W.,Rosca, I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “Multiwall carbon nanotube-epoxy composites forhigh shielding effectiveness for aeronautic applications”, IEEE Transactionson Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2012, pp. 28-36.

167. Aissa B., Tagziria, Haddad E., Jamroz W., Loiseau J.,Higgins A., Asgar-Khan M., Hoa S.V., Merle P.G., Therriault D., and Rosei F.,“The self healing capability of carbon fibre composite structures subjected tohypervelocity impacts simulation space debris”, International ScholarlyResearch Network, ISRN Nanomaterials, 2012, Article ID 351205,doi:10.5402/2012/351205

168. Mehdipour A., Denidni T.A., Sebak A., Trueman C.W., Rosca I.D.,and Hoa S.V., “Non metallic dielectric resonator antenna using carbon nanotubecomposite materials”, IEEE antennasand wireless propagation letters, Vol. 11,2012, pp. 1293-1295..

169. Ngo T.D., Cole K.C., Ton-That M.T., and Hoa S.V.,“Epoxy/clays nanocomposites-Preparation and performance improvement”, Acceptedfor publication, SPE Plastics Research Online, 10.2417spepro.004844, May28, 2013.

170. Mehdipour Aidin, Denidni Tayeb A., Sebak Abdel R., TruemanChristopher W., Rosca Iosif D., and Hoa Suong V., ‘Mechanically reconfigurableantennas using an anisotropic carbon-fibre composite ground”, IET Microw.Antennas Propag., Vol. 7, No. 13, 2013, pp. 1055-1063.

171. Mohiuddin M., and Hoa S.V., “Estimation of contact resistance andits effect on electrical conductivity of CNT/PEEK composites”, CompositesScience and Technology,Vol. 79, 2013, pp. 42-48.

172. Naghashpour A., and Hoa S.V., “In situ monitoring of through-thicknessstrain in glass fiber/epoxy composite laminates using carbon nanotube sensors”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 78, 2013, pp. 41-47..

173. El Tahan, M., Galal, K., and Hoa, S.V., “NewThermoplastic CFRP Bendable Rebars for Reinforcing Structural ConcreteElements”, Composites, part B:Engineering, Vol. 45, 2013, pp. 1207-1215..

174. Naghashpour A., and Hoa S.V., “Technique for real-time detection,location and quantification of damages in large polymer composite structuresmade of electrically non-conductive fibers and carbon nanotube networks”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 24, 2013 , 445502(9 pages).

175. Amir Hajiloo, Xie Wenfeng, Hoa Suong V., and Khan Salman, “Thermalcontrol design for automated fiber placement machine”, Journal of Science and Engineering ofComposite Materials, Vol. 21, No. 3,2013, pp. 427-434.

176. Mactabi Roham, Rosca Iosif D., Hoa Suong V., “Monitoring theintegrity of adhesive joints during fatigue loading using carbon nanotubes”, CompositesScience and Technology, 78, (2013), pp. 1-9.

177. ZhangC., Hoa S.V. and P. Liu, “A method to analyze the pure bending of tubes ofcylindrically anisotropic layers with arbitrary angles including 0 oand 90o”, Composite Structures, Vol. 109, 2014, pp. 57-67.

178. Zhang C., and Hoa S.V., “A systematic and quantitative method to determine the optimal assumedstress fields for hybrid stress finite elements”, J of Finite Element Analysis and Design, Vol. 80, 2014, pp. 41-62.

179. Shadmehri,F., Hoa, S.V., and Hojjati, M., “The effect of displacement field on bending,buckling and vibration of cross-ply circular cylindrical shells”, Mechanicsof Advanced Materials and Structures, 21, 2014, pp. 14-22.

180. RouhiM., Ghayoor H., Hoa S.V., and Hojjati M., “Effect of structural parameters ondesign of variable stiffness composite cylinders made by fiber steering”,accepted for publication, Composite Structures, August 2014.

181. NaghashpourA. and Hoa S.V., “A technique for real-time monitoring, locating andquantifying damage in large polymer composite structures made of carbon fibers and carbon nanotubenetworks”, accepted for publication, Structural Health Monitoring, July2014.

182. HelmyS. and Hoa S.V., “Tensile fatigue behavior of tapered glass fiber reinforcedepoxy composites containing nanoclay”, accepted for publication, CompositesScience and Technology, 2014.

1. Hoa,S.V., Analysis for Design of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels and Piping,Technomic Publishers, Connecticut, 1991.

2. Hoa,S.V., ed. Computer Aided Design of Polymer Matrix Composite Structures, MarcelDekker, New York, 1995.

3. Hoa,S.V. and Feng, W., Hybrid finite element method for stress analysis oflaminated composites, Kluwer Academic, 1998.

4. Gay,D., Hoa, S.V., and Tsai, S.W., Composite Materials, Design and Applications,CRC Press, 2002.

5. Gay, D.and Hoa, S.V., Composite Materials, Design and Applications, secondedition, CRC Press, 2007.

6. Hoa,S.V., Principles of the manufacturing of composite materials, Destech,2009.

Conference publications

1. McCammond, D. and Hoa, S.V., "Crazeand Creep Resistance of High Impact Polystyrene in Alcohols", Proc. ofthe National Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers,Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, pp. 25-29.

2. McCammond, D. and Hoa, S.V.,"Effects of some Liquids on the Creep Behaviour of High ImpactPolystyrene", Proc. of Annual Technical Conference of the Society ofPlastics Engineers, Montreal, Quebec, 1977, pp. 516-518.

3. Hoa, S.V., "Vibration of RotatingBeam with Tip Mass", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on EngineeringApplications of Solid Mechanics, Ontario Research Foundations, Toronto,Ontario, September 25-26, 1978.

4. Hoa, S.V., "Relative Influence ofthe Mobility and the Solubility Parameters of Fluids on the MechanicalBehaviour of High Impact Polystyrene", Proceedings of the AnnualTechnical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, New Orleans,Louisiana, May 1979, pp. 614-617.

5. Hoa, S.V. and Sankar, S., "BladeVibration Frequency of Flexible Blade Auto Cooling Fan", Proceedings ofthe Fifth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,Montreal, July 1979, pp. 1564-1567.

6. Hoa, S.V., "Finite Element Methodfor the Vibration Frequency of a Curved Beam with Tip Mass", Proceedingsof the Fifth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,Montreal, July 1979, pp. 90-93.

7. Ngo, A.D., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S.,"Effect of Environments on the Behaviour of Sheet Molding Compounds", Proceedings of National Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers,Detroit, Michigan, November 1979, pp. 75-78.

8. Hoa, S.V., "Stress Concentration inFiber Reinforced Plastics", Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium onEngineering Applications of Mechanics, Ottawa, Canada, June 1980, pp.71-73.

9. Hoa, S.V., "Creep of Fiber GlassReinforced Plastics in Liquid Environments", Proceedings of the ASMEInternational Conference on Advances in Materials Technology in the Americas,San Francisco, August 1980, pp. 63-66.

10. Hoa,S.V. and Masood, Z., "Stress Concentration Factor in a Flexible Blade AutoCooling Fan", Proceedings of the ASME International Conference onReliability Stress Analysis and Failure Prevention Methods in Mechanical Design,San Francisco, August 1980, pp. 219-223.

11. Hoa,S.V., "Fracture of Sheet Molding Compounds", Proceedings of the4th Canadian Fracture Conference, Strength and Fracture of Composites,Alton, Ontario, Canada, October 1980, pp. 106-110.

12. Hoa,S.V. and Sankar, T.S., "Fractures of Sheet Molding Compounds", Proceedingsof the Fourth National and the First International Meeting on CompositeMaterials, Milan, Italy, November 1980.

13. Hoa,S.V., Ngo, A.D., and Sankar, T.S., "Fatigue Crack Propagation of SheetMolding Compounds in Various Environments", in Fracture of CompositeMaterials, ed. G.C. Sih and V.P. Tamuzs, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982.

14. Hoa,S.V., "Effect of Hole Size on the Stress Concentration of Sheet MoldingCompounds", Proceedings of the 39th Annual Technical Conference,Society of Plastics Engineers, Boston, May 4-7, 1981, pp. 43-45

15. McQueen,H.J., Blach, A.E., and Hoa, S.V., "Structure of a Material andManufacturing Option in Mechanical Engineering at both B.Eng. and M. Eng.Level", Proceedings of the 1981 ASEE Annual Conference, LosAngeles, June 1981.

16. Hoa,S.V. and Lin, S., "Temperature Increase in SMC Fatigue Testing", inCompositeStructures, ed. I.H. Marshall, Applied Science Publishers, 1981.

17. Hoa,S.V. and Nguyen, Q.B., "Heat Generation in Fatigue Testing of SMC", Proceedingsof the 40th Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, SanFrancisco, California, May 1982, pp. 183-185.

18. Hoa,S.V. and Ouellette, P., "Stress Corrosion Cracking of PVDF", Proceedingsof the 40th Annual Technical Conference of Plastics Engineers, SanFrancisco, California, May 1982, pp. 128-130.

19. Hoa,S.V., Feldman, D., and Khoriaty, E., "Joining Strength of SMC", Proceedingsof the National Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, BalHarbour, Florida, October 1982.

20. Goudreau, S.,Gauvin, R., and Hoa, S.V., "Prédiction par diverses méthodes d'analyse dela performance d'un carter en composite", Association pour lesmatériaux composites, Paris, France, September 1982, pp. 235-245.

21. Hoa,S.V., "Stress Analysis of Dual Laminate Cylindrical Fiber Glass ReinforcedPlastic Vessel", Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference, ReinforcedPlastics/Composites Institute, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.Washington, D.C., January 1982, Section 3B.

22. Hoa,S.V., "Strain Limited Design in Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessel", Proceedingsof the Fourth International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-IV,Japan, October 1982.

23. Feldman,D., Hoa, S.V. and Khoriaty, E., "Joining Strength of Sheet MoldingCompounds SMC-R65", Proceedings of the 38th Annual TechnicalConference, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Houston, Texas, February1983.

24. Hoa,S.V., Sankar, T.S., and Bargiora, R., "Bending Behaviour of Glass FiberReinforced Polyester Laminates", Proceedings of the 38th AnnualTechnical Conference, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Houston, Texas,February 1983.

25. Hoa,S.V., Ouellette, P., and Sankar, T.S., "Strain Analysis in FiberReinforced Plastic Vessel", Proceedings of the 1983 Portland ASMEPressure Vessel and Piping Division Conference, Portland, Oregon, June1983, paper #83-PVP-43.

26. Lucking,W.M., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Stress Analysis of LaminatesContaining Circular Holes", Proceedings of the Department of NationalDefense Composite Materials Workshop, Victoria, British Columbia, July12-25, 1983, pp. 15.1-15.27.

27. Hoa,S.V., Sankar, T.S., and Ouellette, P., "Fatigue of Laminates Used in FRPVessels", Proceedings of the Composite Materials Symposium,Sheridan Park, Toronto, Ontario, October 1983.

28. Hoa,S.V. and Ouellette, P., "Damping of Composite Materials", Proceedingsof the 1983 Composites Symposium, The Industrial Materials ResearchInstitute, Boucherville, Quebec, November 1983.

29. Ngo,A.D., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Fatigue of Sheet Molding Compounds inLiquids Environments", Proceedings of the ASTM Symposium, 'HighModulus Fiber Composites in Ground Transportation and High VolumeApplications,' Pittsburg, Penn., November 1983.

30. Hoa,S.V., Cheng, R.M.H., and Badruddin, S., "An Improved Profile of the RailwayWheel to Minimize Residual Stresses After Severe Drag Braking", Proceedingsof the ASME 1983 Winter Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass, November 1983,paper #83-WA-RT-11.

31. Hoa,S.V., Berczynski, W.S. and Sankar, T.S., "Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vesselsunder External Pressure", Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference,Reinforced Plastic Institute, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Houston,Texas, January 1984.

32. Ngo,A.D., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Axial Fatigue of SMC-R65 Sheet MoldingCompound in Liquid Environments", Proceedings of the CFC 12 FatigueProcess in Fiber Composite Conference, Jackson Point, Ontario, May 3 and 4,1984, pp. 56-61.

33. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Fatigue of Laminate Used in FRP Vessels", Proceedingsof the 42nd Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers,New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1984.

34. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Creep of Laminates Used in FRP Vessels", Proceedingsof the 43rd Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers,Washington, D.C., April 29-May 3, 1985.

35. Rohrauer,G., Hoa, S.V., and Feldman, D., "Modification of Damping Coefficients ofGraphite/Epoxy Composite by Adding Rubber into Epoxy", Proceedings ofthe 5th Int. Conference on Composite Materials, San Diego, California, July-August1985.

36. Hoa,S.V., "The Use of Laminate Theory in Fiber Reinforced Plastic PressureVessels",Proceedings of the 1985 Corrosion Resistance Conference,St. Louis, Missouri, October 14-17, 1985

37. Hoa,S.V., Lulham, I., and Sankar, T.S., "Aluminum Inserts for Fastening SheetMolding Compounds", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference onComposite Structures, Paisley College of Technology, Scotland, September9-11, 1985.

38. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Buckling of Filament Wound CompositeTubes Under External Pressure Loadings", Proceedings of"Composites '85" Symposium, National Research Council Canada,Industrial Materials Research Institute, November 1985.

39. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V. and Sankar, T.S., "Buckling of Fiber Reinforced PlasticVessels under External Pressure", Conference on Experimental Mechanics,Beijing, China, October 8, 1985.

40. Hoa,S.V., McQueen, H.J., and Doan, D., "Review of the Fatigue Behavior ofGraphite/Epoxy Composites", Proceedings of the 17th International Conferenceon the Strength of Metals and Alloys, Montreal, Canada, August 12-16, 1985,pp. 1531-1536.

41. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Buckling of Filament Wound ReinforcedPlastic Vessels under External Pressure", Proceedings of the 41stAnnual Conference, The Society of Plastics Industry, RP/C, Atlanta, January1986, Paper 22-F.

42. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "Acoustic Emission Testing of Reinforced PlasticBalsa-Core Laminates Used in Road Tankers", Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Symposium on Acoustic Emission from Reinforced Composites,Montreal, Canada, July 21-25, 1986.

43. Lucking,W.M., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "On Measuring Hole Surface Strains ofGraphite/Epoxy Laminar Plates Using Strain Gages", Proceedings ofSociety for Experimental Mechanics, New Orleans, June 8-13, 1986, pp.499-507.

44. Huang,Q., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "A New Finite Element Technique forAnalysis of Coupling Stresses in Composite Materials", Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Computational Engineering Mechanics,Beijing, China, July 1987.

45. Hoa,S.V., "Analysis for Design with Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels", Proceedingsof the 42nd Annual Technical Conference, Society of the Plastics Industry,Cincinnati, February 1987.

46. Blach,A.E. and Hoa, S.V., "The Effect of Pull-Back on Stresses on FRPFlanges", 1987 Spring Conference on Experimental Machines, Societyfor Experimental Machines, Houston, Texas, June 14-19, 1987.

47. Blach,A.E. and Hoa, S.V. "Bolted Flanged Connections for Glass Fiber ReinforcedPlastic Pipes and Pressure Vessels", 11th International Conference onFluid Sealing, Cannes, France, April 8-10, 1987.

48. Hoa,S.V. and Di Maria, A., "Aluminum Inserts for Fastening Sheet MoldingCompounds", Proceedings of the Conference on Composites in Manufacturing ,Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Los Angeles, December 1987.

49. Hoa,S.V., Lin, S., and Chen, J., "Mechanical Behaviour of ThermoplasticComposites", Proceedings of the ASTM Symposium on Thermoplastic MatrixComposites, Materials, Bal Harbor, Florida, October 19-20, 1987.

50. Hoa,S.V., Daoust, J., Du, B.L., and Vu-Khanh, T., "Interlaminar Stresses in aTapered Laminate", Proceedings of "Composites '87" Conference ,Industrial Materials Research Institute, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 5-6, 1987.

51. Lucking,W.M., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Edge Phenomena of Fiber ReinforcedLaminated Plates", Proceedings of the International Conference onAnalytical and Testing Methodologies for Design with Advanced Materials,Montreal, Canada, August 26-28, 1987.

52. Hoa,S.V., Rohrauer, G., and Dudley, N., "Environmental Degradation of FilamentWound Reinforced Plastic Pipes", Proceedings of the 43rd AnnualTechnical Conference, Society of the Plastics Industry, Cincinnati, Ohio,February 1-5, 1988.

53. Daoust,J. and Hoa, S.V., "Parameters Effecting Interlaminar Stresses in TaperedLaminates", Proceedings of the Composites '88’ Conference ,Industrial Materials Research Institute, National Research Council Canada,Quebec, November 1988.

54. Hoa,S.V., Journeaux, B., and Di Lalla, L., "Computer Aided Design forComposites", Proceedings of the Composites '88" Conference,Industrial Materials Research Institute, National Research Council Canada,Quebec, November 1988.

55. Hoa,S.V. and Di Maria, A., "Effective Joining of Sheet MouldingComposites", Proceedings of the 4th Annual ASM/ESD Advanced CompositesConference/Exposition, Dearborn, Michigan, September 1988.

56. Xiao,X.R. and Hoa, S.V., "Effect of Melting History on the CrystallineCharacteristics of Poly (etherether Ketone) Aromatic Polymer Composite", Proceedingsof the 2nd International Conference on Development and Design with AdvancedMaterials, Montreal, Quebec, August 1989.

57. Huang,Q., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S.,"Three-Dimensional Hybrid Finite Element for Laminated Structures", Proceedingsof the 2nd International Conference on Design and Development with AdvancedMaterials, ATMAM '89, Montreal, Canada, August 16-18, 1989.

58. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Li, L., "A Procedure for Acceptance Testing of FRPBalsa Wood Core Pressure Vessels", Proceedings of the 3rd InternationalSymposium on Acoustic Emission from Composite Materials, AECM-3, Paris,France, July 17-21, 1989.

59. Hoa,S.V. and Smith, C., "AE Signal Classification of Graphite/PPS CompositeSubjected to Mode II Fracture", Proceedings of the 3rd InternationalSymposium on Acoustic Emission from Composite Materials, AECM-3, Paris,France, July 17-21, 1989.

60. Beshay,A. and Hoa, S.V., "Reinforcement of Polyvinylchloride (PVC) andPolystyrene (PS) with Cellulosic Fibers Treated with Silane", Proceedingsof the Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials Conference, Universityof Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, September 5-7, 1989.

61. Hoa,S.V. and Thimmhardy, E., "An Investigation into the Use of FiberReinforced Plastics in Load Bearing Members of Buildings", Proceedingsof the 1989 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 9th Canadian Hydro-technicalConference, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, June 8-10, 1989.

62. Hoa,S.V., Journeaux, B. and Di Lalla, L., "Computer Aided Design for CompositeStructures", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference onComposite Materials, Quangchou, China, August 1-3, 1989.

63. Hoa,S.V., "Stresses at Connections in Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels", Proceedingsof the 44th Annual Technical Conference, SPI Composite Institute, Dallas,Texas, February 1989.

64. Hoa,S.V. and Nouraeyan, A, "Mechanical Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced PlasticHorizontal Pipes on Saddle Support", ibid.

65. Hoa,S.V., "Stress Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Horizontal Pipes onSaddle Support", Proceedings of the Corrosion Conference, NationalAssociation of Corrosion Engineers, San Antonio, Texas, November 1989.

66. Xiao,X. and Hoa, S.V., "Parameters Affecting the Repair Process ofThermoplastic Composites", Proceedingsof the 2nd International Conference on Design and Development with AdvancedMaterials, ATMAM '89, Montreal, Canada, August 16-18, 1989.

67. Dudley,N. and Hoa, S.V., "Mechanical Behavior of Composite Fibers after Exposureto Corrosive Environments", Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference,SPI Composites Institute, Washington D.C., Paper 2E, Feb. 1990.

68. Hoa,S.V., Ouellette, P., and Li, L., "An Acoustic Emission Procedure forNondestructive Evaluation of Road Tankers", Proceedings of the 1990Spring Conference, the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, SanAntonio, Texas, March 19-23, 1990.

69. Huang,Q., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Three Dimensional Composite FiniteElement Formulation for Stress Analysis of Anisotropic LaminateStructures", in Composite Materials, Design and Analysis, ed. Wilde and W.R. Blain, Computational Mechanics Publications, --- Springer -Verlag, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer AidedDesign in Composite Material Technology, Brussels, Belgium, April25-27, 1990.

70. Xiao, X.R.,Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "Repair of Thermoplastic Composite Structuresby Fusion Bonding", Proceedings of the 35th International SAMPESymposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, April 2-5, 1990, pp. 37-45,

71. Beshay,A. and Hoa, S.V., "Improved Interface Bonding between Cellulosic Fibersand Thermoplastic", Proceedings of the 35th International SAMPESymposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, April 2-5, 1990, pp.571-578.

72. Ouellette,P., Hoa, S.V., and Li, L., "Nondestructive Evaluation of FiberglassReinforced Plastic Road Tankers Subjected to Internal Pressure Using AcousticEmission Monitoring", Proceedingsof the 2nd International Specialist Meeting on Major Hazards in the Transportand Storage of Pressure Liquified Gases,Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, May 27-30, 1990.

73. Thimmhardy,E. and Hoa, S.V., "Ultimate Strength of Box Section Composite MaterialBeams", Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil EngineeringAnnual Conference, Hamilton, Canada, June 1990.

74. Xiao,X.R., Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "On the Durability and MorphologyRelationship in Crystalline Thermoplastic Composites", Proceedings ofthe International Colloquium on Durability of Polymer Based Composite Systemsfor Structural Applications, Free University of Brussels, Brussels,Belgium, August 1990.

75. Hoa,S.V., "A Recommended Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of FiberReinforced Plastic Highway Tankers", Proceedings of the AmericanSociety for Nondestructive Testing Conference, San Antonio, March 1990.

76. Hoa,S.V., "Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels on Saddle Support", Proceedingsof the 10th Symposium on Managing Corrosion with Plastic, NACE, Houston, Texas, March 1990.

77. Thimmhardy,E. and Hoa, S.V., "Numerical Investigation of Ultimate Strength ofComposite Box Beams", Advanced Composites Materials in CivilEngineering Structures, Proceedings of the Specialty Conference, AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 31 & Feb. 1, 1991.

78. Xiao,X.R., Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "Induction Heating Repair of CarbonFiber Reinforced Composite Laminates", Proceedings of the 2nd JapanInternational SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Chiba, Japan, Dec. 11-14,1991.

79. Xiao,X.R., Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "Fusion Bonding Repair of ThermoplasticResin Composites", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of CompositeMaterials, Hawaii, July 15-19, 1991.

80. Hoa,S.V., Lin, S., and Chen, J., "Hygrothermal Effect on Mode II InterlaminarToughness of a Carbon/Polyphenylene Sulfide Laminate", Proceedings of the8th International Conference on Composite Materials, Hawaii, July 15-19, 1991.

81. Ngo,A.D., Hoa, S.V., and Sankar, T.S., "Micromechanic Analysis of Random FiberSheet Molding Compounds", Proceedings of the 1st Canadian InternationalConference and Exhibition on Composites,Montreal, Canada, Sept. 4-6, 1991.

82. Huang,Q., Chien, W.Z., and Hoa, S.V., "A New Formulation of Hybrid-displacementFinite Element with Assumed Partial Stress Field and Partial Strain Field",Proceedings of the 1st Canadian International Conference and Exhibition onComposites, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 4-6, 1991.

83. Xiao,X.R., Hoa, S.V., and Street, K.N., "Evaluation of Fusion Bonding PatchedThermoplastic Composite Panels", Proceedings of the 1st CanadianInternational Conference and Exhibition on Composites, Montreal, Canada,Sept. 4-6, 1991.

84. Hoa,S.V., "Computer Aided Design for Composite Pressure Vessels and Piping", Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Managing Corrosion with Plastics Symposium,NACE, Houston, Texas, October 21-24, 1991.

85. Hoa,S.V., "Creep of a Composite Box Beam", Proceedings of the 47thAnnual Composites Institute Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 1992.

86. Han J.and S.V. Hoa “Three dimensional composite elements for finite element analysisof anisotropic laminated structures”, Proc. Computer Aided Design inComposite Material Technology III, Delaware, USA, May 1992.

87. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Reverse Kinematics Filament Winding", Proceedingsof the CSME Forum, Montreal, June 1992.

88. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Filament Winding of Tapered Axisymmetric andNon-axisymmetric Composite Components", Advanced Materials andStructures from Research to Applications, Proceedings of the 13th InternationalEuropean Chapter of SAMPE, Hamburg, Germany, May 1992.

89. Smith,C. and Hoa, S.V., "Utilization of PVDF Sensors to Determine Impact Damagein Graphite/Epoxy Plates by Acousto-ultrasonic Techniques", Proceedingsof the 4th International Symposium on Acoustic Emission from Composites,Seattle, USA, July 1992.

90. Ouellette,P. and Hoa, S.V., "AE Signal Trends during Long Cycle Fatigue of FRP/BalsaWood Core Vessels", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium onAcoustic Emission from Composites, Seattle, USA, July 1992.

91. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Determination of Fiber Winding Angle Distributionduring Filament Winding Process for Known Winding Motions", Proceedingsof the 2nd International Symposium of Composite Materials and Structures,Beijing, China, August 1992.

92. Hoa,S.V., Huang, Q. and Feng, W., "Dual Finite Elements with Partial Stressand Strain Fields", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium ofComposite Materials and Structures,Beijing, China, August 1992.

93. Kim,Y.S. and Hoa, S.V., "Biaxial Buckling of Composite RectangularPlates", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of CompositeMaterials and Structures, Beijing, China, August 1992.

94. Hoa,S.V., "Design of a Composite Box Beam for Building Applications", Proceedingsof the International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges andStructures, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Sherbrooke, Canada,October 1992.

95. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Experimental Determination of Process Parameters forLaser Assisted Processing of PEEK/Carbon Thermoplastic Composites", 38thInternational SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, May1993.

96. Hoa,S.V., "Bolted Joint Strength of Graphite/Epoxy Laminates Subject toBiaxial Loading Conditions", Advanced Technology on Design andFabrication of Composite Materials and Structures, Politecnico di Torino,Torino, Italy, May 1993.

97. Kim,Y.S. and Hoa, S.V., "Effects of Load Combination on Biaxial Buckling ofLaminated Composite Rectangular Plates", Proceedings of ICCM-9 ,Madrid, Spain, July 1993.

98. Mazumdar,S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Effect of Processing by Hot Gas and Laser Heating onProperties of APC-2 (PEEK/Carbon) Composite Rings", Proceedings ofICCM-9, Madrid, Spain, July 93.

99. Hoa,S.V., Lucking, W.M., and Lefebvre, D., "Biaxial Testing of BoltedGraphite/Epoxy Plates", Proceedings of the 9th International Conferenceon Composites, ICCM-9, Madrid, Spain, July 1993.

100. Han, J. and Hoa, S.V., "ThreeDimensional Stress Analysis by a Laminated Element with Partial Stress Fieldfor Composite Laminates", Proceedings of CANCOM 1993, Ottawa,Canada, Sept. 1993.

101. Kim, Y.S. and Hoa, S.V., "Bucklingof Composite Plates under Biaxial Loading Conditions", Proceedings ofCANCOM '93, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 1993.

102. Mazumdar, S.K. and Hoa, S.V.,"Manufacture of Complex Thermoplastic Composite Components on Tape WindingMachine Using Laser Heating", Proceedings of the 2nd CanadianInternational Conference on Composites, CANCOM '93, Ottawa, Canada,September 1993.

103. Hoa, S.V., "Bolted Joint Strengthof Composite Laminates under Biaxial Loading Conditions", ASTMSymposium on Joining of Composites, Dallas, November 1993.

104. Invitedlecture,Hoa, S.V., "Effect of Biaxial Loading on Bearing/Bypass Joint Strength ofComposites", US Army Symposium, New Orleans, August 1993.

105. Mazumdar, S.K. and Hoa, S.V.,"Fabrication of APC-2 Rings Using Laser", Proceedings of the 1993Japan SAMPE Conference, Chiba, Japan, 1993.

106. Mazumdar, S.K. and Hoa, S.V., "Useof Taguchi Method for the Manufacture of APC-2 Rings Using Laser", Proceedingsof the 1994 SAMPE Conference, Anaheim, April 1994.

107. Invitedpresentation: Hoa, S.V., “Biaxial Bearing Bypass Bolted Joint Strengthof Composite Laminates”, Ecole Polytechnique, June 1994.

108. Invitedpresentation: Hoa, S.V., “Biaxial Bearing Bypass Bolted Joint Strengthof Composite Laminates”, Clarkson University, New York, 1994.

109. Feng, W. and Hoa, S.V., "3-DTransition Element Formulation for the Global/local Analysis of LaminatedStructures", Proc. of the International Conference on Design andManufacturing Using Composites, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 1994, pp.394-403.

110. Kim, Y.S. and Hoa, S.V., "Effectsof Stacking Sequence on the Biaxial Buckling of Laminated CompositePlates", Proceedings of the International conference on Design andManufacturing Using Composites, Montreal, August 1994, pp. 365-374.

111. Hojjati, M. and Hoa, S.V.,"Consolidation of Thick Thermosetting Composites", ibid., pp.311-319.

112. Xiao, X.R., Lin, S., and Hoa, S.V.,"Scale Relations in Mold Filling in Resin Transfer Molding", ibid.,pp. 53-62.

113. Feng, W. and Hoa, S.V., "ADegenerated Plate/shell Element with Assumed Partial Stress Field for theAnalysis of Laminated Composites", Computer Aided Design in CompositeMaterial Technology IV, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1994, pp.75-84.

114. Han, J. and Hoa, S.V., "An 8 NodeMultilayer Partial Stress Field Finite Element for 3-D Analysis of CompositeStructures", ibid, pp. 51-58.

115. Xiao, X.R., Di Santo C., Xie, M. andHoa, S.V., “Experimental Verification of Scale Relations in Mold FillingSimulation in Resin Transfer Molding”, 26th International SAMPE TechnicalConference, Atlanta, October 1994, pp.171-183.

116. Xie, M., Hoa, S.V. and Xiao, X.R.,"Bonding Steel Reinforced Concrete with Composites", ibid, pp.675-688.

117. Mazumdar, S.K. and Hoa, S.V., “AutomatedManufacturing of Composite Component by Thermoplastic Tape Winding”, 8thCASI Symposium on Aerospace Structures and Materials, Montreal, May 1995.

118. Qian, G.L., Hoa, S.V., and Xiao, X.R.,"Identification of Elastic and Damping Properties of Composite Laminatesfrom Vibration Test Data", ICCM-10, Whistler, British Columbia, August14-18, 1995, p. IV-25-32.

119. Qian, G.L., Hoa, S.V., and Xiao, X.R.,"Vibration and Damping Analysis of Laminated Composites by Using a NewRectangular Plate Finite Element", ibid., pp. V-217-224.

120. Hoa, S.V. and Feng, W., "AGlobal/local Model for Analysis of Composites", ibid. pp. V-141-148.

121. Erzingatzian, A., Hoa, S.V. and Xiao,X.R., "Finite Element Analysis of Filament Wound Pipes on SaddleSupport", Proceedings of the International Conference on CompositeMaterials and Energy, Montreal, May 1995.

122. Ganesan, R. and Hoa, S.V.,"Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainty in Acoustic Emission of CompositeMaterials", 5th International Symposium on Acoustic Emission fromComposite Materials, Sundsval, Sweden, July 1995.

123. Qian, G.L., Hoa, S.V., and Xiao, X.R.,"A New Rectangular Plate Element for Vibration Analysis of LaminatedComposites", Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress of AppliedMechanics, Victoria, British Columbia, May-June 1995, p. 280.

124. Ganesan,R. and Hoa, S.V., "Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of CompositeStructures", ibid., p. 92.

125. BalikeM., Rakheja S., and S.V. Hoa, “Crashworthiness enhancement in a car truckcollision using energy dissipative under-ride guard”, paper 962211, SAEInternational Truck and Bus meeting & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan,October 1996.

126. HoaS.V. and W. Feng, “Application of global/local finite element model tocomposite laminates with a hole”, Proc. Canada-Japan workshop on Composites,Aug. 1996.

127. NgoA.D., Martin L., and S.V. Hoa, “Mode III interlaminar fracture toughness ofunidirectional graphite/epoxy composites”, ibid.

128. Invited lecture: HoaS.V. and W. Feng, “Hybrid finite element method for stress analysis ofcomposite laminates”, Proc. of Composite 96, Industrial MaterialsInstitute, National Research Council of Canada, Oct. 1996.

129. ChenJ.Y., Hoa S.V., Jen C.K., Levesque D. and J.P. Monchalin, “ Ultrasonicevaluation of graphite/epoxy composites with different curing conditions”,ibid.

130. ChenJ.Y., Hoa S.V., Jen C.K., Levesque D., and J.P. Monchalin, “The studies of dynamicmechanical properties of AS4/3501-6 composites with different curing conditions”,3rd International conference on Composites Engineering, NewOrleans, 1996.

131. GanesanR., Hoa S.V. and M. El-Karlamawy, “Stochastic analysis of the fatigue behaviorof polymer matrix fiber reinforced laminated composites”, Proc.International conference on Advanced Materials, Beijing, China, Aug. 1996.

132. Feng W.and S.V. Hoa, “A 3-D partial hybrid laminated element for analysis of thicklaminates”, 3rd International conference on CompositesEngineering, New Orleans, July 1996.

133. ZhaoJ., Hoa S.V. and X.R. Xiao, “A knowledge embedded data base system forcomposite material selection”, Proc. Computer aided Design in CompositeMaterials Technology V, Udine, Italy, June 1996.

134. HoaS.V., and W. Feng, “Global/local approach using hybrid elements for composites”ibid.

135. HoaS.V., Xiao X.R., and M. Xie, “Repair of steel reinforced concrete withcarbon/epoxy composites”, 2nd International conference onAdvanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montreal, August1996.

136. ErzingatzianA., Hoa S.V., and X.R. Xiao, “Mechanical behavior of filament wound FRP pipeson saddle support”, Proc. ICPVT-8, ASME, Montreal, June 1996, pp.307-314.

137. NakaiA., Hamada, H., and Hoa, S.V., “Influence of braiding structure on torsionalproperties of braided composite tube”, Proc. 1996 Pressure Vessels andPiping conference, Montreal, June 1996.

138. JenC.K., Chen J.Y., Hoa S.V., Nguyen K.T., Legoux J.G., and H. Hebert, “Cladbuffer rods for in-situ process monitoring”, Proceedings of the IEEEInternational Symposium, Toronto, October 5-8, 1997.

139. Keynote address: HoaS.V., “Fiber reinforced plastic highway tankers”, International conferenceon research on Materials, Cancun, Mexico, September 1997.

140. ChenJ.Y., Hoa S.V., Jen C.K. and H. Wang, “In-situ monitoring of graphite/epoxycure using fiber optics and ultrasonic sensors”, Proc. of the 12thAnnual Technical conference on Composite Materials, American Society forComposites, Dearborn, Michigan, Oct. 6-8, 1997.

141. El-Karmalawy M., Ganesan R., and S.V.Hoa, “Quantification and prediction of fatigue damage in composite laminatesbased on modal testing and stochastic cumulative damage model”, ibid.

142. Kwan, E., Xiao, X.R., Hoa, S.V., Hamada,H., and Wang, H., “Low velocity impact of multi reciprocal braided Eglass/epoxy composites”, ibid.

143. Ganesan, R., Hoa, S.V., Zhang, S., andEl-Karlamawy, M., “A stochastic cumulative model for the fatigue response oflaminated composites”, Proc. 11th International conference onComposites, ICCM 11, Gold Coast, Australia, July 1997.

144. Chen, J.Y., Hoa, S.V., Jen, C.K., andWang, H., “Monitoring and evaluation of curing of graphite/epoxy compositeusing fiber optics and ultrasonics”, Proceedings of the CanSmart workshop onSmart Materials and Structures, Canadian Space Agency, September 1998.

145. Feng, W. and Hoa, S.V., “3-Dglobal/local model using partial hybrid finite elements and its software COMSAfor composite analysis”, Proc. CADCOM 98, Composite Methods on CompositeMaterials, Montreal, August 1998.

146. Amiouny, S.V. and Hoa, S. V.,“ Heuristicsfor the design of thick composite cylinders”, ibid.

147. Zhao, J., Hoa, S.V., Xiao, X.R., andHanna, I., “Partial hybrid finite element analysis of stress fields incomposite laminates with delamination crack under out of plane loading”, ibid.

148. Naji, M. and Hoa, S.V., “Curing of thickangle-bend thermoset composite Part: Curing cycle effect on thickness and fibervolume fraction distribution”, Proc. 2nd Joint Canada-Japanworkshop on Composites, Montreal, August 1998.

149. Zhang, C., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Stochasticcharacteristics of in-situ interlaminar shear strengths”, ibid.

150. Invitedpresentation: Hoa, S.V. “Hybrid finite element method for stressanalysis of composite laminates”, Journée des éléments finis, UniversitéLaval, Quebec, May 1998.

151. Invitedpresentation: Hoa, S.V., “Development of composite picket for logtrailers”,Canadian Woodlands conference, Montreal, March 1998.

152. Invitedlecture:Hoa, S.V., “Bolted joint strength of composite laminates under biaxial bearingbypass loading conditions” International conference on mechanical testing ofmaterials and structures, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,October 22-24, 1998.

153. Yong, Y. and Hoa, S.V., “An energyapproach for the prediction of effective stiffness of 2-D braided composites”, Proc.International Conference of Composite Materials, ICCM 12, Paris, July 1999.

154. Hoa, S.V. and Lee, S., “Development oftechniques for the joining of composite tubes”, ibid.

155. Naji, M. and Hoa, S.V., “Curing of thickangle-bend thermoset composite part: curing process modification for uniformthickness and uniform fiber volume fraction distribution”, ibid.

156. Zhang, C., Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Experimentalcharacterization and stochastic modeling of graphite/epoxy laminated composites”,ibid.

157. Zhang, C., Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Analyticalsolutions to three-dimensional edge stresses in laminated composites withcircular holes”, Proceedings of the Canadian Congress of AppliedMechanics, 1999.

158. Amiouny, S. and Hoa, S.V., “Angles ofwrap in filament wound cylinders”, Proceedings of the meeting of theInstitute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS),Cincinnati Spring meeting, May 2-5, 1999.

159. Al Omari A.O., Xiao, X.R., and Hoa, S.V.,“An investigation on the vacuum assisted resin transfer molding process”, Proc.Polymer Composites 99 Symposium, Society of PlasticsEngineers, LacDelage, Quebec, Canada, October 1999.

160. Hojjati, M. and Hoa, S.V., “Mold releaseagent effect on the process induced strain during fabrication of thermosettingcomposites”, ibid.

161. Invitedlecture,Hoa, S.V. and Feng, W., “Hybrid finite element method for the stress analysisof laminated composite structures”, presented at the European Congress inAppliedScience and Engineering 2000, Barcelona, Spain, September11-14, 2000.

162. He, K., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Threedimensional triangular-prism partial-hybrid-stress finite element- a newelement for analysis of interlaminar stresses in laminated composites”, CADCOMP2000, Computer Methods in Composite Materials and Structures, Bologna,Italy, Sept. 13-15, 2000.

163. Sheng, S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “A threedimensional micro-mechanical analysis of woven fabric composites”, Proceedingsof the CSME Forum, Montreal, Quebec, May 16-19, 2000.

164. Hoa, S.V., “Applications of polymermatrix composites”, Proc. of the 3rd Canada-Japanworkshopon Composites, Kyoto, Japan, March 6-10, 2000.

165. Sheng, S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “Frommicro-geometry to macro-properties: Modeling of textile composites”, Proc.of the Meso-Mechanics 2000 conference , Xian, China, June 13-16, 2000.

166. Sheng, S.Z. and Hoa, S.V., “Modeling of3D interlock woven fabric composites”, Proc. of American Society forComposites conference, Austin, Texas, Sept. 2000.

167. Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T., and Azuelos, O.,“Enhancing properties of epoxy using nanoclay”, Proc. 3rdCanadian International conference on Composites, Montreal, August 2001.

168. He, K., Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V., “Interlaminarfracture behavior of internally tapered composite laminates”, Proc. 3rdCanadian International Conference on Composites, Montreal, August 2001.

169. Hojjati, M., Johnston, A., Hoa, S.V., andDenault, J., “Stress relaxation behavior of Cytec FM 73 adhesive during cure”,ibid.

170. Hoa, S.V. and Sheng, S.Z., “Threedimensional model for elastic properties of textile composites”, ibid.

171. Hoa, S.V. and Xie, M., “Interfacebetween fiber reinforced plastic rod and concrete”, Proc. 13thInternational Conference on Composites, Beijing, China, June 2001.

172. He, K., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Three dimensional triangular prism partial hybrid stress finite element- a newelement for analysis of interlaminar stresses in laminated composites”, Proc.13th International conference on Composites, Beijing, China,June 2001.

173. Hoa, S.V., Sheng S.Z., Zhao, Q., andOuellette, P., “Determination of elastic properties of triax composite materials”, Proc.International conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore,July 2001.

174. Hojjati, M., Johnston, A., Denault, J.,and Hoa, S.V., “Stress relaxation of Cytec FM 73 adhesive during cure”, Proc.3rd Canadian International Conference on Composites, Montreal, August 2001.

175. He, K., Gansean, R., and Hoa, S.V.,“Interlaminar fracture behavior of internally tapered composite laminates”, ibid.

176. Hoa, S.V. and Sheng, S.Z., “Threedimensional model for elastic properties of textile composites”, ibid.

177. Hoa S.V., Azuelos, O., and Ton-That,M.T., “Enhancing properties of epoxy resin using nanoclay”, ibid.

178. Balike, M., Hoa, S.V., and Rakheja, S.,“Development of crash elements for automotive applications”, Proc.International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design in Engineering, CSME, Montreal, November 2001.

179. Hoa, S.V., “Design of a composite rodfor the reinforcement of concrete”, ibid.

180. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q., Ouellette, P., andMoudrik R., “Analysis of triax composites for satellite applications”, 3rdAnnual Aerospace Technology Collaboration Forum, Montreal, May 1-2, 2002.

181. Invitedlecture, Hoa, S.V., “Combined use of polymercomposites and metals in engineering structures”, InternationalConference of Metallurgists, Montreal, August 12-15, 2002.

182. Hoa, S.V., “Development of a newcomposite rod for the reinforcement of concrete” Technical conferenceof the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, April 2002.

183. Hoa, S.V. “Analysis of triax compositesfor satellite applications”, 23rd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, Toronto, Canada,September 8-13, 2002.

184. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q. and Ouellette, P.,“Mechanical behavior of triax composites using special finite elements”, American Societyof Composites 17th Technical Conference, Purdue University, Indiana, October2002.

185. Hoa, S.V. and Ouellette, P., “Monitoringthe history of shrinkage of thermoset resins” ibid.

186. Ganesan, R., He, K., and Hoa, S.V.,“Interlaminar fracture behavior of internally tapered composite laminates”, ibid.

187. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q., and Moudrik, R.,“Analysis of a membrane Art Reflector made of triaxial fabric composites”, 4thCanada-Japan workshop on Composites, September 2002.

188. Ton-That M.T., Cole K. and Hoa S.V., “Epoxynanocomposites, Curing kinetics and performance”, 4thCanada-Japan workshop on Composites, Vancouver, September 2002.

189. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q., Ouellette, P., and MoudrikR., “Analysis of triax composites for satellite applications”, 3rdAnnual Aerospace Technology Collaboration Forum, Montreal, May 1-2, 2002.

190. Ton-That, M.T., Cole, K., Hoa, S.V., andShen, D., “Effect of temperature on the preparation of nanocomposites withnanoclays”, Proc. 4th Canada Japan workshop on Composites,CRC Press, September 2002, pp.491-499.

191. Hoa, S.V. “Development of a newcomposite rod for the reinforcement of concrete”Technical conference of theCanadian Society of Civil Engineers, April 2002.

192. Hoa, S.V., “Analysis of triax compositesfor satellite applications”, 23rd InternationalCongressof Aeronautical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, September 8-13, 2002.

193. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q., and Ouellette, P.,“Mechanical behavior of triax composites using special finite elements”, AmericanSociety of Composites 17th Technical Conference,PurdueUniversity, Indiana, October 2002.

194. Hoa, S.V. and Ouellette, P., “Monitoringthe history of shrinkage of thermoset resins” ibid.

195. Ganesan, R., He, K., and Hoa, S.V.,“Interlaminar fracture behavior of internally tapered composite laminates”,ibid.

196. Hoa, S.V., Zhao, Q., and Moudrik, R.,“Analysis of a membrane Art Reflector made of triaxial fabric composites”, 4thCanada-Japan workshop on Composites, September 2002.

197. Ton-That, M.T., Cole, K., and Hoa, S.V.,“Epoxy nanocomposites, Curing kinetics and performance”, 4thCanada-Japan workshop on Composites, Vancouver, September 2002.

198. Sharifi, S., Chen, M., and Hoa, S.V., “Acellular manufacturing approach to composite manufacturing of automotive componentparts”, Proc. American Society for CompositesConference,Florida, October 2003.

199. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Organoclay modified high performance epoxy for advanced composites”, Proc.SAMPE 2003 conference, Long Beach, California, May 2003.

200. Ton-That, M.T., Ngo, T.D., Ding, P.,Fang, G., Cole, K.C., and Hoa, S.V., “Epoxy Nanocomposites, Analysis andKinetics of Cure”, Proc. Polymer NanocompositesConference,Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council of Canada, October2003.

201. Hoa, S.V., Ouellette, P., Fews, R.,D’Arienzo, V., and Beaulieu, P., “Development of method for in-situ curemonitoring of graphite/epoxy composites using ultrasonics”, Proc. CanadianAeronautics and Space Institute, 16th Aerospace Structures andMaterials Symposium, Montreal, April 2003.

202. Bao, X.B., Hoa, S.V., and Bao, X.,“Cracks and Delamination detection in composite laminates using embedded fiberoptic sensors”, Proc. International Workshop on StructuralHealthMonitoring, Stanford University, September 2003.

203. Hoa, S.V. and Bao, X., “Monitoring ofcracks and delamination of tapered composite laminates by using embeddedextrinsic Fabry-Perrot Interferometric optical fiber sensors”,Proc.CANSMART Conference, Montreal, October 2003.

204. Wang, H., Wood-Adams, P., and Hoa, S.V.,“The effect of multi-functional organoclay on the properties of clay/epoxy nano-composites”, Proc. 2003 Canadian International Conference on Composites,Ottawa, Canada August, 2003.

205. Zhao, Q. and Hoa, S.V., “Thermalbehavior of Triaxial Woven Fabric (TWF) composites with open holes”, Proc.2003 Canadian International Conference on Composites, Ottawa, Canada,August 2003.

206. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Morphology and performance of epoxy nano-composites modified with organoclayand CTBN rubber”, ibid.

207. Wang, H., Wood-Adams, P., and Hoa, S.V.,“Epoxy nano-composites using trifunctional clay”, ibid.

208. Hoa, S.V. and Ouellette, P., “Shrinkagemonitoring of thermoset composites”, Proc.International Conference onComposite Materials, ICCM 14, San Diego, July 2003.

209. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Organoclay modified high performance epoxy for composites”, ibid.

210. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V. and Pugh, M.,“Improvement of properties of epoxy using rubber and nanoclay”, Proc.Polymer Nano-composite conference, Industrial Materials Institute, NationalResearch Council of Canada, October 2003.

211. Wang, H., Wood-Adams, P., and Hoa, S.V.,“Effect of stoichiometry ratio on the micro-nano structures of epoxy resin andits nano-composites”, ibid.

212. Ton-That, M.T., Lei, S., Cole, K., andHoa, S.V., “Effect of coupling agents in polypropylene nano-composites”, ibid.

213. Keynote address. Hoa, S.V.,“Advanced polymer composites”, International conference on industrialapplications of nano-materials and advanced composites”, Hong Kong,February 2004.

214. Hoa, S.V., “Fracture toughness of epoxynano-composites”, ibid.

215. Hoa, S.V. and Yu, Xin, “Design of a newcomposite rod for the reinforcement of concrete”,Canadian DesignEngineering Network Conference, Montreal, June 2004.

216. Hoa, S.V., Liu, W., and Pugh, M.,“Augmentation of fracture toughness of epoxy using nanoclays and rubber”, 5thCanada-Japan workshop on Composites, Yonezawa, Japan, September 2004.

217. Bao, X., Hoa, S.V., Bao, X., Du, X., andKing, P., “Damage detection in composite laminates under low velocity impactusing embedded fiber Bragg Grating sensors”, ibid.

218. Hu, S., Ganesan, R., and Hoa, S.V.,“Measurement and Stochastic field modeling of surface roughness of compositeplates manufactured using RTM”, ibid.

219. Nakai, A., Hamada, H., Laberge-Lebel,L., Hasan, S., Guay, F., and Hoa, S.V., “Fabrication and mechanical propertiesof long fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite”, ibid.

220. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Effect of processing parameters on properties on epoxy nanocomposites”, PolymerNanocomposites Conference, San Francisco, September 2004.

221. Hassan, S. and Hoa, S.V., “Characterizationand mechanical properties of carbon/PEKK thermoplastic composites”, Proc.SAMPE Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, May 2005.

222. Hoa, S.V., Wu, L., and Wang, H., “Epoxywith flammability resistance for civil engineering applications”, Proc. 3rdInternational Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, France, July 2005.

223. Hong, H., Hoa, S.V., Pugh, M., Bhuiyan,N., and Siddiqui, K., “A new approach for the capstone design project at theDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Concordia University”, CanadianDesign Engineering Network Conference, Kananaskis, Alberta, July 2005.

224. Wang, H., Hoa, S.V., and Wood-Adams, P.,“A new method for the processing of epoxy/clay nanocomposites”, Proc. 5thCanadian International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, August 2005.

225. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V.,and Cole, K.C., “Epoxy nanocomposites: The influence of behavior of curingagent and preparation methods on Curing kinetics and mechanical properties”,ibid.

226. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Fracture toughness and water uptake of epoxy/clay nanocomposites”, Proc.American Society for Composites Annual Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, August 2005.

227. Lebel, L. and Hoa, S.V., “Manufacturingof braided thermoplastic composites with commingled fibers”, ibid.

228. Zhao, Q. and Hoa, S.V., “Modification ofmechanical properties of epoxy resin with micro/nano particles”, Proc. 7thInternational Mesomechanics conference, Montreal, August 2005.

229. Zhao, Q. and Hoa, S.V., “Effects ofparticle size on stress and toughness of epoxy nanocomposites”, Proc.Polymer Nanocomposites conference, Montreal, September 2005.

230. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V.,and Cole, K.C., “The influence of type of organoclay ad preparation method on curingkinetics and mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites”, ibid.

231. Plenarylecture,Hoa, S.V., “Activities on composites in Canada”, American Society for Composites Annual Conference,Drexel University, Philadelphia, September 2005.

232. Abdella, I., Rahmizadeh, T., Hoa, S.V.,and Trueman, C. “Experimental and theoretical evaluation of shielding effectivenessand electrical conductivity of carbon/epoxy composites”, COM 2006,Montreal, October 2006.

233. Abdella, I., Rahimzadeh, T., Trueman, C.,and Hoa, S.V., “Shielding effectiveness and electrical conductivity ofcarbon/epoxy composites“, Proc . SAMPE International conference and exhibition,Long Beach, California, May 2006.

234. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V, and Pugh, M. “Waterabsorption in nanoclay/epoxy nanocomposites”, ibid.

235. Lebel, L. and Hoa, S.V., “Processing andcharacterization of braided commingled carbon/nylon thermoplastic composites”,ibid.

236. Allaoui, A., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Effect of preparation method on the electrical properties of carbonnanofiber/epoxy nanocomposites”, Proc. 6th Canada Japan workshopon Composites, Toronto, Canada, August 2006.

237. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Epoxy/clay nanocomposites. Model to calculate diffusion coefficient due towater absorption”, ibid.

238. Wu, L., Hoa, S.V., and Wang, H., “Improvementof flammability resistance of epoxy using nanocomposites”, ibid.

239. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V.,and Cole, K.C. “Rubbery and glassy epoxy/clay nanocomposites”, ibid.

240. Hu, S., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R.,“Evaluation of surface finish of composite automotive panels”, Proc.American Society for Composites, Detroit, September 2006.

241. Ngo T.D., Hoa S.V., Ton That M., “Effectof shearing on dispersion, interaction, exfoliation of clay in epoxy”,Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials,ICCM, Kyoto, Japan, July 2007.

242. Allaoui, A., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Nano-carbon fillers in a resin matrix: electrical properties”, ibid.

243. Hu, S., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R.,“Surface finish of automotive composite panels” ibid.

244. Hoa, S.V., Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., “EpoxyNanocomposites”, Keynote address, International Conference on Advances andTrends in Engineering Materials and their applications (ATEMA 2007),Montreal, August 2007.

245. Thatte, G., Hoa, S.V., Merle, P., Haddad,E., “Self healing epoxy for space applications”,Proc. first internationalconference on self-healing materials, Noordwijk, Netherlands, April 2007.

246. Xu, Y. and Hoa, S.V., “Propertiesenhancement of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy clay nanocomposites”, Proc.Canadian International conference on composites, Winnipeg, August 2007.

247. Hoa, S.V., Ngo, T., Ton-That, M.T., andWood-Adams, P., “High shear mixing and dispersion model for thermoset polymernanocomposites”, ibid.

248. Mohiuddin, M. and Hoa, S.V., “Electricallyconductive carbon nanofiber based thermoplastic composites for fusion bonding”,Proc. SAMPE 2007, Baltimore, June 2007.

249. Allaoui, A., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Electrical transport properties of carbon nanofiber epoxy composites”, Proc.Polymer Nanocomposites conference, Industrial Materials Institute, NationalResearch Council of Canada, October 2007.

250. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V.,and Cole, K.C., “Preparation and properties of epoxy nanocomposites Part I: Theeffect of premixing on dispersion of organoclay”, ibid.

251. Ngo, T.D., Ton-That, M.T., Hoa, S.V.,and Cole, K.C., “Preparation and properties of epoxy nanocomposites Part 2:Effect of dispersion and intercalation /exfoliation of organoclay on mechanicalproperties”, ibid.

252. Ngo, T.D., Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T.,and Cole, K.C., “Fracture toughness of epoxy nanocomposites: the effect ofdispersion, clay concentration and epoxy chemistry”, Proc. 7thCanada Japan workshop on Composites, Fujisawa, Japan, August 2008(published by Destech Publications).

253. Hoa, S.V., Invited featured lecture,“Polymer Nanocomposites research in Canada,SAMPE Fall technicalconference and exhibition, Memphis, Tennessee, September 2008.

254. Nofar, R., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Carbon nanotube network as a strainindicator and failure predictor in polymer matrix composites subjected tostatic and dynamic loads”, Proc.23rd Annual technicalconference, American Society for Composites, Memphis, Tennessee, September2008.

255. Ahmed, A.F. and Hoa, S.V., “Developmentand analysis of a hybrid reinforced composite material for solid rocket motorinsulation”, ibid.

256. Ngo, T.D., Hoa, S.V., and Ton-That,M.T., “Effect of shearing on dispersion, interaction, exfoliation or clay inepoxy”, Proc. 16th Inter. Conf. on composite materials,Kyoto, July 2007.

257. Allaoui, A., Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M.,“Nano carbon fillers in a resin matrix: electrical properties”, ibid.

258. Hu, S., Hoa, S.V., and Ganesan, R., “Surfacefinish of automotive composite panels”, ibid.

259. Mehdipour, A., Rosca, I.D., Trueman,C.W. Sebak, A.R., Hoa, S.V, Shielding Effectiveness Analysis of ReinforcedContinuous Carbon Fiber (RCCF) Composites: Numerical and Experimental Study”, Proc.First joint US/Canada conference on composites, University of Delaware,September 15-17, 2009.

260. Mehdipour,A., Rosca, I.D., Trueman, C.W., Sebak, A.-R., and Hoa, S.V., “High frequencyshielding properties of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites” ibid.

261. Fathy, A.A.and Hoa, S.V. “Development and analysis of a hybrid reinforced compositematerial for solid rocket motor insulation”, ibid.

262. Rosca,I.D. and Hoa, S.V., “Conductive nanocomposites based on mass produced carbonnanotubes and epoxy resin” ibid.

263. Zhao, Q., Hoa,S.V., and Gao, J., “A new coupling method of atomistic-continuum FE methods”, ibid.

264. Liu, X.D.,Hoa, S.V., and Chen, M., “Cost analysis for manufacturing of compositeaerospace products with uncertainties”, ibid.

265. Mehdipour,A., Sebak, A-R., Trueman, C.W., and Hoa, S.V., “Carbon fiber composite T-matchfolded bow-tie antenna for RFID applications”, Proc. IEEE Antenna andPropagation Symposium (APS 2009), Charleston, South Carolina, USA,June 1-5, 2009.

266. Zhao, Q.,Hoa, S.V., and Gao, J., “Interface fracture of bicrystal in multiscale” Proc.ICF12, Ottawa, May 2009.

267. Mohiuddin,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Effect of temperature and compression on electricalconductivity of CNT-PEEK composites”, Proc. ICCM17, Edinburgh, July2009.

268. Fathy, A. andHoa, S.V., “Optimization and thermal conduction modeling for a hybridreinforced composite material for solid rocket motor insulation”, ibid.

269. Nofar, R.,Hoa, S.V., and Pugh, M., “Self-sensing glass/epoxy composites using carbonnanotubes”, ibid.

270. Sanchez-Garcia,D., Lagaron, J.M., and Hoa, S.V., “Development and characterization of novel biocompositeswith carbon nanofiber and carbon nanotubes”, ibid.

271. Ngo, T.D.,Ton-That, M.T., Singh, R.P., and Hoa, S.V., “The potential bio based polymerand their nanocomposites for composite structure” ibid.

272. Liu, W.,Hoa, S.V., and Haddad, E., “Self healing materials for space applications” Proc.Second international conference on self healing materials, Chicago, USA,June 2009.

273. Fathy, A.and Hoa, S.V., “Development of asbestos free composites for rocket motorinsulation”, Proc. Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Halifax, May2009.

274. Fathy, A.and Hoa, S.V., “Development of asbestos free composites for rocket motorinsulation”, Proc. Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Halifax, May 2009.

275. Mehdipour,A., Rosca, I.D., Sebak, A.R., Trueman, C.W., and Hoa, S.V., “Advanced carbonfiber composite materials for RFID Tag antenna applications”, ACESconference, Chicago, May 2009.

276. El Tahan,M., Hoa, S.V., and Galal, K., “Mechanical characteristics of new thermoplasticCFRP rebars for reinforcing concrete elements”, Proc. 8th int. conf. onshort and medium span bridge, Niagara Falls, Jul 2010.

277. Mohiuddin,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Effect of pressure on electrical conductivity of PMMA/ CNTnanocomposites”, Proc. 25th American Society for Composites conference,Dayton, Ohio, September 2010.

278. Sinaei, H.and Hoa, S.V., “Improving of thermal conductivity of epoxy by adding carbonnanotubes and short carbon fibers for the manufacturing of thick composites”,ibid.

279. Mohiuddin,M. and Hoa, S.V., “Effect of pressure on electrical conductivity of PEEK/CNTnanocomposites”, Proc. TNT2 conference, Portugal, September 2010.

280. Wei Wang,Y., Chen, M., and Hoa, S.V., “Cost analysis for the manufacturing of compositewind turbine blades”, Proc. 8th Canada-Japan workshop on composites,Montreal, July 2010.

281. Bui, K.A.,Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T., and Ngo, T.D., “Effect of nanoclay on fracturetoughness of vinyl ester resins”, ibid.

282. Rosca,I.D., Mactabi R., and Hoa, S.V., “Influence of the carbon nanotube type,loading and chemical functionalization on the fatigue resistance of aluminumlap joints”, Proc. 26th symposium of the international committee on aeronautical fatigue, Montreal, June 1-3, 2011.

283. Hesna-Zamal,H. and Hoa, S.V., “Fatigue damage behavior of glass/epoxy composites usingcarbon nanotubes as sensors”, ibid.

284. Kabir, A.and Hoa, S.V., “Improvement of vibration damping and flexural fatigue propertyincorporating nanoclay into glass/epoxy composites”, ibid.

285. Zhao, Q.and Hoa, S.V., “Thermal Stresses ofThermoplastic Composite Rings in Automated Fiber Placement Process”, Proc.26th American Society for Composites/Second joint US-Canada conference oncomposites, Montreal, September 2011.

286. Rowghanian,P. and Hoa, S.V., “Improvement ofTemperature Distribution Across Thick Thermoset Composite Laminates UsingCarbon Nanotubes”, ibid.

287. Khan, S.,Xie, W.F., and Hoa, S.V., “ThermalControl System Design for Automated Fibre Placement Process” ibid.

288. Mactabi,R., Rosca, I.D., and Hoa, S.V., “In-SituHealth Monitoring of Adhesively Bonded Aluminum Joints Using Carbon Nanotubes”,ibid.

289. Derisi,B., Hoa, S.V., Xu, D., and Hojjati, M., “A Simulation Procedure for the Designof Composite Tubes with Large Deformability” ibid.

290. August,Z., Quinn, C., Xiao, C., and Hoa, S.V., “Effects of liquid environment on themechanical performance of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic stiffenedstructures made using automated fiber placement”, ibid.

291. Shadmehri,F., Xiao, C. Hojjati, M., Chen, J., and Hoa, S.V., “Determination of OptimalProcess Parameters for Manufacturing Thermoplastic Composite Rings by AutomatedFiber Placement”, ibid.

292. Mehdipour, A., Rosca, I.D., Trueman, C., Sebak,A., and Hoa, S.V., “Advanced Carbon Fiber Composite (CFC) Materials forAntenna Applications”, ibid.

293. Mehdipour,A., Rosca, I.D., Trueman, C., Sebak, A., and Hoa, S.V., “Reinforced Continuous Carbon Fiber (RCCF)Composite Materials for Microwave Applications” ibid.

294. Rosca,I.D. and Hoa, S.V., Electricallyconductive structural adhesive based on bucky papers”, Proc, 18th International conference on composite materials, Jeju, Korea, August 2011.

295. Tong, R.,Hoa, S.V., and Chen, M., “Cost Analysison L-shape Composite Component Manufacturing”, Proc, 18thInternational conference on composite materials, Jeju, Korea, August 2011.

296. Shadmehri,F., Cai, X., Hoa, S.V., Hojjati, M., and Chen, J., “Effect of autoclave processon the quality of thermoplastic cones manufactured using automated fiberplacement technique”, SAMPE 2011, May 23-26, 2011.

297. Derisi, B.,Hoa, S.V., Xu, D., Hojjati, M., and Fews, R., “Effect of the layup sequence onthe toughness and large deformation of composite tube in bending”, Internationalconference on composite structures 16, Porto, Portugal, June 2011.

298. Shadmehri, F., Hoa, S.V., and Hojjati, M.,“Buckling of conical composite shells”, International conference oncomposite structures 16, Porto, Portugal, June 2011.

299. Khan, A.M.,Aissa, B., Haddad, E., Higgins, A., and Hoa, S.V., “Experimental Investigationof the Self Healing Performance of CFRP Composite Subjected to High VelocityImpact”, International conference on self healing materials, Universityof Bath, UK, June 2011.

300. Chaeichian,S., Hoa, S.V., and Wood-Adams, P., “In situ polymerization of unsaturatedpolyester hybrid systems for the preparation of clay nanoccomposites:Mechanical properties”, 15th European conference on composites, Venice,Italy, June 2012.

301. Rosca,I.D. and Hoa, S.V., “Conductive structural adhesive with low thermal expansioncoefficient for aerospace applications”, 15th European conference oncomposites, Venice, Italy, June 2012.

302. Cai, X.,Shadmehri, F., Hojjati, M., Chen, A., and Hoa, S.V., “Determination of optimumprocess conditions for processing AS4/APC-2 thermoplastic composites byautomated fiber placement”, Proc. SAMPE conference, Boston, May 2012.

303. Hoa, S.V.,“Automated manufacturing of composites using automated fiber placement”, 9thCanada-Japan workshop on composites, Kyoto, Japan, July 2012.

304. Ahmed, K. andHoa, S.V., “Damping and fatigue properties of glass/epoxy composites withnanoclay addition”, 37th Annual conference of the American Society forComposites, Arlington, Texas, October 2012.

305. Naghashpour,A. and Hoa, S.V., “Through the thickness strain measurement in compositelaminates using carbon nanotubes”, ibid.

306. Hoa, S.V.and Ahmed, K., “Effect of nanoclay addition on the fatigue behavior ofglass/epoxy laminates”, Annual technical conference of the Society forEngineering Science, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012.

307. Rosca,I.D. and Hoa, S.V. “Effect of carbon nanotubes on the thermal conductivity ofcarbon/epoxy composites “, International conference on aerospace technology,Paris, France, November 2012.

308. Shadmehri,F., Xiao, C., Hoa, S.V., Hojjati, M., “Thermoplastic composite cones”, ibid.

309. Mehdipour A., Denidni Tayeb, Sebak Abdel, Trueman ChrisW., Rosca Iosif, Hoa Suong V., “Anisotropic carbon fiber nanocompositesfor mechanically reconfigurable antenna applications”, Proc. 2013 IEEEInternational Symposium on antenna applications, Florida, USA, July 2013.

310. Invited keynotelecture, Hoa S.V., “Automated composites manufacturing for aerospaceapplications”, Proc. of the 4thInternational Conference on the Advances in composite materials, Goa,India, Feb. 2013.

311. Invited key notelecture, Hoa S.V., “ Unique composite structures made by automatedmanufacturing”, Proc. of the 17th International conference on compositestructures, Porto, Portugal, June 2013.

312. Cai Xiao, Devault Franck, Hoa Suong, and Sedaghati Ramin,“A comparison of current design concepts of fuselage panels under typical loadconditions”, Proc. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials,Montreal, July 2013.

313. El Geuchy Mohamed., HoaSuong, Shadmehri Farjad, “Bending stiffness behavior of thick walled compositetubes”, ibid.

314.Chaeichian Sina, Wood AdamsPaula, and Hoa Suong, “Effect of morphology on fracture toughness ofthermoplastic/thermoset/clay hybrid composites”, ibid.

315. Zhang Canhui, Hoa Suong andLiu Pei, “Improvement of limit-based approach to stress analysis fororthotropic composite cylinders (0/90) subjected to pure bending”, ibid.

316. Ghayoor Hossein and HoaSuong, “Modelling of deformation of layers in thermoplastic compositesmanufactured by automated fiber placement”, ibid.

317. Naghashpour Ali, and HoaSuong, “Through thickness electrical resistance in glass/epoxy/CNTs compositelaminates subjected to mechanical loading”, ibid.

318.. Madhok Kulbir Singh,Naghashpour Ali and Hoa Suong, “Comparative characterization of the TC-250 outof autoclave material made by hand lay up and automated fiber placementprocesses”, ibid.

320.Rosca Iosif Daniel, and Hoa Suong, “Electricallyconductive adhesives for CFRP composites based on nickel nanostrands and carbonnanotubes”, ibid.

321.Hoa S.V., “Recent developmentsin automated composites manufacturing”, ibid.

322.Shadmehri Farjad, Hoa Suong,and Hojjati Mehdi, “Bending test of thermoplastic composite cone”, ibid.

323. El Geuchy Mohamed, Hoa Suong,and Shadmehri Farjad, “Behavior of thick composite tubes under pure bendingload”, Proc. American Society of Composites Annual Technical conference,Pennsylvania, September 2013.

324.Fortin Simpson Jeffrey, ElGeuchy Mohamed, Shadmehri Farjad and Hoa Suong, “Effect of processing parameterson the bending behavior of thermoplastic composite tubes made by automatedfiber placement process”, ibid.

325. Key note lecture, Hoa S.V., Thermoplastic composite tubes made byautomated fiber placement”, Third International Symposium on Advanced TextileScience and Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China, November2013.

326. Ghayoor H., Shadmehri F., andHoa S.V., “Development of experimental technique for measuring strain anddeformation in manufacturing of thermoplastic composites using automated fiberplacement”, SAMPE , Seattle, Washington, June 2014.

327. Rouhi M., Ghayoor h., HoaS.V., and Hojjati M., “Effect of thickness ratio and load direction onstructural performance of variable thickness composite cylinders”, SAMPE, Seattle,Washington, June 2014.

328. Naghashpour A., and HoaS.V.,”A technique for in-situ health monitoring of large polymer compositestructures made of carbon fibers and carbon nanotube networks”, Proc. 16thEuropean Conference on Composite Materials, Seville, Spain, June 2014.

329. Naghashpour A., and Hoa S.V.,“Effects of distance between electrodes, proximity of electrodes to damage,plate size, carbon nanotube (CNT) concentrations, and damage severity on changein electrical resistance for in-situ damage detection, location andquantification in glass fiber/epoxy plates containing CNT”, Proc. 10thCanada Japan workshop on composites, Vancouver, Canada, August 2014.

330. Gorjipoor A., Hoa S.V. andGanesan R., “Stress analysis of f thick composite laminate with a boltedjoint”, Proc. 10th Canada Japan workshop on composites, Vancouver,Canada, August 2014.

331. Kaganj A., Hoa S.V., HojjatM., Lebel L., and Heroux S. “Stamp forming of S-shape thermoplasticcomposites”, Proc. 10th Canada Japan workshop on composites,Vancouver, Canada, August 2014.

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