Dr Susan Cahill, PhD
- Literature, School of Irish Studies
status: On sabbatical until 1 July 2018
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Dr. Cahill completed her PhD on Contemporary Irish Writing and the Body in University College Dublin in 2007. Her monograph, Irish Literature in the Celtic Tiger Years: Gender, Bodies, Memory, was published by Continuum in 2011. She is the co-editor of two collections of essays on contemporary Irish authors: Anne Enright: Irish Writers in Their Time, eds. Claire Bracken and Susan Cahill (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011) and This Side of Brightness: Essays on the Fiction of Colum McCann, eds. Susan Cahill and Eóin Flannery (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012). Other publications include articles on historical children’s literature, gender and the body in contemporary Irish fiction, and fairytale cinema, and Irish literary girlhood.
In the spring of 2013, Dr. Cahill was awarded a three-year FRQSC grant for her project, "Ireland's Daughters: The Literary Cultures of the Irish Girl, 1870-1922" and is currently working on a monograph based on this research.
Dr. Cahill is on sabbatical for the academic year 2017/2018 and will be a Visiting Research Fellow in the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London.
Research interests
Susan Cahill teaches a variety of courses on Irish literature. Her research interests include Irish children’s literature, representations of the Irish girl, and contemporary Irish fiction, particularly women’s writing.
Teaching activities
She teaches a variety of courses including:
Highlights of Irish Literature
The Irish Literary Revival
James Joyce
Irish Children's and YA Literature
Research Methods in Irish Studies
Contemporary Irish Women's Writing
Thesis supervision
She is interested in supervising graduate students in any area of Irish literature, particularly those focusing on Irish children’s literature; contemporary Irish literature (particularly individual authors such as Anne Enright, Claire Kilroy, and Colum McCann); the Irish Literary Revival; Irish women’s writing; gender, feminism, and the body in Irish writing; Irish Gothic; the Big House novel; James Joyce; Irish modernism (especially writers such as Elizabeth Bowen).
Irish Literature in the Celtic Tiger Years 1990 to 2008: Gender, Bodies, Memory, London: Continuum Press, 2011
Cahill, Susan and Eoin Flannery. Eds. This Side of Brightness: Essays on the Fiction of Colum McCann.Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012
Bracken, Claire and Susan Cahill. Eds. Anne Enright. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011
Journal Special Issue
Guest Editor (with Emma Hegarty and Emilie Morin) of Waste and Abundance: The Measure of Consumption, Special Issue of SubStance 37. 2 (2008) (Issue 116)
Journal Articles
“Austerity and Girlhood in Contemporary Irish Literature” LIT:Literature Interpretation Theory 28.2 (2017)
“Through the Looking Glass: Fairytale cinema and the spectacle of femininity in Stardust and The Brothers Grimm”. Marvels& Tales 24.1 (2010): 57-67.
“Foreword: Waste and Abundance: The Measure of Consumption” with Emma Hegarty and Emilie Morin. Waste and Abundance: The Measure of Consumption, Special Issue of SubStance 37. 2 (2008) (Issue 116): 3-7.
“Corporeal Architecture: Body and City in Colum McCann’s This Side of Brightness”. Etudes Irlandaises 32.1(2007): 43-58.
Book Chapters
“Celtic-Tiger Fiction”. A History Of Modern Irish Women’s Literature. Ed.s Clíona Ó Gallchoir and Heather Ingman. Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press, Forthcoming, 2018
“Post-Millennial Fiction in the Republic”. The Handbook of Modern Irish Fiction. Ed. Liam Harte. Oxford:Oxford University Press, Forthcoming 2018
“Where Are the Irish Girls?: Girlhood, Irishness and L.T. Meade”. Girlhood Studies and the Politics of Place: Contemporary Paradigms for Research. Eds. Claudia Mitchell and Carrie Rentschler. New York: Berghahn Books, 2016, pp. 212-227
“Making Space for the Irish Girl: Rosa Mulholland and Irish Girls in Fiction at the Turn of the Century”. Colonial Girlhood in Literature, Culture and History, 1840-1950.Eds. Kristine Moruzi and Michelle J. Smith. Palgrave, 2014. Pp. 167-179
“‘Far away from the busy world’: Máirín Cregan’s Children’s Literature”. TheCountry of the Young: Interpretations of Youth and Childhood in Irish Culture.Eds. John Countryman and Kelly Matthews. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 70-85.
“Choreographing Memory: The Dancing Body and Temporality in Dancer”. This Side of Brightness: Essays on the Fiction of Colum McCann. Eds. Susan Cahill and Eóin Flannery. Oxford: PeterLang, 2012. 75-102
“Introduction” with Eóin Flannery. This Side of Brightness. 1-8.
“‘Cleaning up the mess?’: The Child and Nation in Historical Fiction set between 1890 and 1922”. Irish Children’s Literature and Culture: New Perspectives on Contemporary Writing. Eds. Valerie Coghlan and Keith O’Sullivan.London: Routledge, 2011. 41-54.
“‘Dreaming of upholstered breasts’, or, how to find your way back home: dislocation in What Are You Like?”Anne Enright. Eds. Claire Bracken and Susan Cahill. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011. 87-106.
“Introduction” with Claire Bracken. Anne Enright. 1-12.
“Interview with Anne Enright, August 2009” with Claire Bracken, Anne Enright. 13-32.
“‘The “Other” that Moves and Misleads’: Mapping and Temporality in Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s The Dancers Dancing” Liminal Borderlands: Ireland Past,Present, Future, edited by Irene Gilsenan Nordin and Elin Holmsten. Oxford:Peter Lang 2009. 69-83.
“‘A Greedy Girl’ and ‘A National Thing’: Gender and History in Anne Enright’s The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch”Irish Literature: Feminist Perspectives.Eds. Patricia Coughlan and Tina O’Toole. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2008.203-222.
“Doubles and Dislocations: The Body and Place in Anne Enright’s What Are You Like?” Global Ireland: Irish Literatures for the New Millennium. Eds. Ondrej Pilný and Clare Wallace. Prague: Litteraria Pragrnsia, 2005. 133-44.