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Suzanne Bonn

  • Assistant Professor, Education

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Suzanne Bonn joined the Department of Education in August 2015 after receiving her PhD in Applied Linguistics from Aston University in the UK. Her dissertation is entitled "Teacher Use of Personal Narrative in the Japanese University English Language Classroom" in which she analyzed the meaning of the personal experience stories told by university teachers in English language lessons and their effects on student learning. Dr. Bonn taught EFL (English as a Foreign Language) for over 12 years in universities in Nagoya, Japan, and has presented her research in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and Japan. She has served as programme chair for language teaching and learning conferences in Japan and acts as a conference proposal reader for JALT and TESOL. Dr. Bonn’s research interests include narrative analysis, research methods, conversation analysis, and portfolios as alternative assessment.


    • PhD (Applied Linguistics), Aston University (2015)
    • MATESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Middlebury Institute of International Studies (2001)
    • BA (French and German, with Distinction), University of Wisconsin-Madison (1998)

Professional experience

    • Concordia University, Department of Education, Assistant Professor, Limited-term (August 2015-present)
    • Nanzan University, Department of British and American Studies, Assistant Professor, Limited-term (April 2009-2013)
    • Sugiyama Jogakuen University, School of Cross-Cultural Studies, Department of Foreign Studies, Associate Professor, Limited-term (April 2007-March 2009)
    • Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Department of British and American Culture, Visiting Lecturer, Limited-term (April 2003-March 2007)
    • Michigan State University, English Language Center, Intern Instructor (July 2001-March 2003)

Representative publications

  • Bonn, S. (2015). The qualitative research interview: Theory and practice. OnCUE Journal 8.1, 40-51.
  • Bonn, S. (2013). Applying for a professional job - The cover letter. In D. Mussman (Ed.), New ways in teaching writing, revised.Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association. 255-258.
  • Bonn, S. (2013). Applying for a professional job - The resume. In D. Mussman (Ed.), New ways in teaching writing, revised.Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association. 259-263.
  • Bonn, S. (2012). From reading circles to culture circles: Meeting curricular and departmental goals. Academia: Journal of the Nanzan Academic Society, Literature and Language, 92. 175-184.
  • Bonn, S. (2012). Prediction practice through internet news headlines. In R. R. Day (Ed.), New ways in teaching reading, revised. Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association. 91-93.
  • Bonn, S. (2011). The reflective portfolio. OnCUE Journal 5.2/3, 34-48.
  • Quasha, S., & Bonn, S. (Eds.). (2011). Portfolios [Special issue]. OnCUE Journal 5 (2/3).
  • Bonn, S. (2011). Reflective portfolios in the EFL classroom: Rationale and implementation. Academia: Journal of the Nanzan Academic Society, Literature and Language, 90. 121-140.
  • Bonn, S. (2009). Advertising campaigns as cross-cultural tasks. In L. Stone & C. Wilson-Duffy (Eds.), Task-based III: Expanding the range of tasks through the web (pp. 200-211). International Association for Language Learning Technology.
  • Bonn, S. (2008). 1st JACET/JALT Joint Regional Conference coming soon in June. The Language Teacher, 32 (5), 36-37.
  • Bonn, S. (2007). Transitioning from traditional to hybrid and online teaching. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Journal of School of Foreign Languages, 32. 265-278.

Professional affiliations

  • TESOL, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (1999-present)
  • EFL, English as a Foreign Language, TESOL Special Interest Group
  • CALL, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, TESOL Special Interest Group
  • JALT, The Japan Association for Language Teaching (2003-present)
  • CUE, College and University Educators, JALT Special Interest Group
  • Pragmatics, JALT Special Interest Group
  • CAN-Asia, Conversation Analysis Network-Asia (2013-present)
  • LEARN, Language Education And Research Network, founder (2013-present)
  • ACLA/CAAL, Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics/L’Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée (2014-present)

Recent grants and awards

Recent Grants and Awards

  • 2014 Speaker of the Year for JALT Nagoya: Nominated by peers for presentation entitled Characteristics and Uses of Teacher Personal Narratives in the Language Classroom.
  • 2014 Aston University Conference Grant: Awarded £200 grant for AILA conference expenses.
  • 2013 JALT Research Grant Recipient: Awarded ¥100,000 grant for PhD research from JALT.
  • 2013 JALT CUE Research Grant Recipient: Awarded ¥40,000 grant for PhD research from the College and University Educators Special Interest Group of JALT.

Courses taught

  • ESL 204: Refining Academic English Language Skills
  • ESL 205: Academic Oral Communication I
  • TESL 415: Testing, Evaluation, and Course Design

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