Tingyu Zhou, PhD
- Assistant Professor, Finance
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Tingyu Zhou joined John Molson School of Business in 2014. She completed her PhD at University of Connecticut. She received her MBA in Finance and BBA in Economics from University of Macau. She has been teaching real estate courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Prior to joining UConn PhD program, she worked at Investment and Research department in Jones Lang LaSalle.
Areas of expertise
- Real Estate Economics
Refereed journal articles
Do Principles Pay in Real Estate Crowdfunding? (with Denis Schweizer) Journal of Portfolio Management. Forthcoming.
A Review and Extension of Merger and Acquisition Research between REITs and General Corporations (with John Glascock, Ying Zhang) Journal of Real Estate Literature. Forthcoming.
Can We Have More Real Estate to Hold? Evidence from Statistical Properties of Listed REITs versus Listed Non-REIT Property Companies in the USA. 2017 (with John Glascock, Wikrom Prombutr, Ying Zhang) Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. Forthcoming.
Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from US the Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores. 2017 (with John Clapp and Stephen Ross) Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Forthcoming.
An Anatomy of the Interrelationship between Equity and Mortgage REITs. 2017 (with J. Andrew Hansz, Wikrom Prombutr and Ying Zhang) International Real Estate Review Forthcoming.
An Investigation into the Substitutability of Equity and Mortgage REITs in Real Estate Portfolios. 2016 (with J. Andrew Hansz and Ying Zhang) Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 54, 338-364.
Predicting Risks of Anchor Store Openings and Closings. 2016 (with John Clapp) Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 52, 449-479.
The Location of New Anchor Stores within Metropolitan Areas. 2015 (with John Clapp) Regional Science and Urban Economics 50, 87-107.
Expansions and Contractions of Major US Shopping Centers. 2014 (with John Clapp and Katsiaryna Salavei Bardos) Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 48, 16-56.
Herding and Information Based Trading. 2009(with Rose Neng Lai) Journal of Empirical Finance 16,388-393.
Herding and Positive Feedback Trading on Property Stocks. 2008 (with Rose Neng Lai) Journal of Property Investment and Finance 26, 110-131.
Participation activities
ASSA-American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA)Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 2018 (Scheduled)
ASSA-American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, January 2017 (2 papers)
7th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association, Copenhagen, Denmark,May 2017.
Asian Real Estate Society and Global Chinese Real Estate CongressMeeting, Taichung, Taiwan, July 2017 (Scheduled)
Northern Finance Association (NFA) 2017, Halifax, Canada, September2017. (Scheduled)
Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA,October 2017 (Scheduled)
Midwest Finance Association Annual Conference, Atlanta GA, March 2016*
ASSA-American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) Annual Conference, Washington, DC,June 2016*
The 6th Annual Conference of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), Hangzhou China,July 2016
Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings, San Destin FL, November 2016*
ASSA-American RealEstate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) Annual Conference, Boston, MA,January 2015
UNC Charlotte Economics(joint with Finance) Seminar Series, February 2015
University of Connecticut Real Estate Center 50th Anniversary Symposium March 2015
Joint AREUEA-AsRES-GCREC-IRES Meeting, Washington DC, July 2015
ASSA-AREUEA doctoral session, January 2014 Philadelphia, PA
CFA-JCF-Schulich Conference on Financial Market Misconduct, York University, April 2014 Toronto,Canada
The 6th AnnualConference of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), Nanjing, China,July 2014
Maastricht-National University of Singapore-MIT Symposium, Maastricht, the Netherlands, August 2014
61st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI),Washington DC, November 2014
8th Meeting of the Urban Economics Association, November 2013 Atlanta, GA
American Real Estate Society (ARES) Annual Conference, Kona HI, April 2013
Weimer School Session Program, Weimer School for Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics,West Palm Beach FL, May 2013
ASSA- AREUEA Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, January 2013
Concordia University,Montreal, Canada, November 2013
Georgia State University, Atlanta GA, November 2013
University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX, December 2013
Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 2012
Universitas 21 Doctoral Research Conference. Hartford CT, May 2012
The 4th Annual Conference of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), Macau SAR,China, July 2012
* presented by coauthor