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Dr. Valérie De Courville Nicol, PhD

  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: Emotion and Social Life, Anxiety, Mind/Body/Society, Health and Wellbeing, Self-help, Popular Literature

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PhD Sociology (Carleton University)

Research activities

1.  Sociological dimensions of emotional experience, particularly anxious experience

2. Mind/body/society interface

3. New orientations to everyday problems of living, health, and wellbeing

4. Popular emotional discourses and literatures, particularly self-focused

5. Morality, ethics, and the self in social life

6. Theory and method in socioemotional analysis

Teaching activities

Courses / Syllabi

Areas of undergraduate teaching:

1. Sociology of emotions

2. Sociology of fear and risk

3. Sociology of literature

4. Classical social theory

Areas of graduate teaching:

1. Self and subjectivity

2. Contemporary theory

4. PhD seminar
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