Warren S. Linds, PhD
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Associate Professor, Applied Human Sciences
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Supervised programs: Individualized Program (MA, MSc), Humanities (PhD), Individualized Program (PhD)
Research areas: Arts based research and Wellbeing of Indigenous Youth Ethical Considerations of Arts Based Research Creative Practices in Teaching in Higher Education Facilitation Skills Ethical Know How
Contact information
Dr. Linds has been a full-time faculty member at Concordia since August, 2004.Before beginning his graduate studies at the University of British Columbia in 1996, he spent 17 years working in international development education. Dr. Linds also worked for 6 years in community television, radio and newspapers in Vancouver and Newfoundland. He has had extensive experience in popular theatre and community development. This background has been critical to his teaching approach where he brings practical experiences and theoretical approaches together. Dr. Linds has published in the areas of group facilitation, anti-oppression and anti-racism pedagogy, the fostering of youth leadership, and alternative and arts-based approaches to qualitative research and documentation. He has presented at both national and international conferences in education, critical pedagogy, popular theatre and complexity theory.
Ph.D. Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
B. A. Communication Arts, Loyola College, Université de Montreal
Research interests
- Youth Leadership Development
- Facilitation Skills
- Theatre as research
- Community based participatory research
- Anti-racism pedagogy
- Healthy decision-making
Teaching activities
AHSC 660 - Human Systems Intervention Masters Program
Philosophy and Ethics of Human Systems Intervention
Research activities
Research grants
Denov,M. (Principal Investigator), Carlton, R., Mitchell, C.,Guzder, J., Blanchet-Cohen, N., D’Amico, M., Linds, W., Bond, S. Rabiau, M., Marchand, I., Van Praagh, S., & El-Sana, A.(Co-Applicants) (September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2024). Children and FamiliesAffected by War & Migration: Towards an Integration of Ethics, Culture andIntersectionality within the Tri-Pillared Approach. Fonds de Recherche du Québec sur la Sociétéet la Culture, Soutien aux Équipes de Recherche, FQRSC(Soutien aux équipes de recherche).Co-Applicant. (360,000).
Denov, M., Bond, S.,Blanchet-Cohen, N., D’Amico, M., Fraser, S., Ghayda, H., Guzder, J., Linds,W., Mitchell, C. and Linds, W. Children and Families Affected By War: ATri-Pillared Approach.. FRQSC Soutien aux Equipes de Recherche. Funded2016-2020.
Episkenew, J. A., Goulet, L., Linds, W.,Marchildon, G. (Co-Primary Investigators). Arnason, K., Boehme,G., Anderson, M., Christopher, S., Dell, C., Dewar, J.,Janzen, B., Jolly, R., Marsh, C., McKegney, S., Ranahan, P., Reading, C., Ribeiro. N., & Yuen, F.(Co-Investigators). (funded, September, 2013 – August, 2016). Kitinikewinmisiwanacihisowin: Researching arts-based wellness promotion for suicideprevention among Aboriginal youth. Operating Grant - PA: Applying the“Two-eyed Seeing” model to Aboriginal Health. Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch – Aboriginal People’s Health Institute.
Marchildon, G., Marsh, C., Poudrier, J. & Reading,C. (funded, April, 2013 – March, 2016). Iyiniw-OskâtisakPamihisowak: Using Indigenous KnowledgeFor A Healthier Aboriginal Youth. SaskatchewanHealth Research Foundation. (Team Member).Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., Linds, W., & Schmidt, K. (funded September, 2009 – August, 2013). Development of Aboriginal Youth Health Leadership Through Theatre. Canadian Institutes for Health Research – Aboriginal People’s Health Research Centre.
Episkenew, J., Arnason, Karen, Brooks, C., Goulet, L., Linds, W.,Poudrier, J., & Ribiero, N. (funded, April 2013 – March 2014). Miywayawin Wahkotawin: A Roundtable onArts-based Innovations in Aboriginal Health Research. Dissemination Events: Fall 2012 Competition, CanadianInstitutes of Health Research. Co-Applicant.
Linds, W., Blanchet-Cohen, N., Yuen, F., & Mann-Feder, V.(funded April, 2011 – June, 2012).
Transforming practices: Emancipatory approaches to youth engagement.Social Sciences and Humanities Research CouncilPublic Outreach Grant. Principal Applicant.
High, S. (applicant), Linds, W. & 34 other co-applicants, 4 collaborators, & 14 community partners. (funded September 2007 – August 2012). Life Stories of Montrealers Displaced by War, Genocide and Other Human Rights Violations – Histoires de vie des Montréalais déplacés par la guerre, le génocide et autres violations aux droits de la personne. Community-University Research Alliance. Member of the “Staging human rights” working group.
Participation activities
Recent conference presentations
Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., Brass, D., Linds,W., & Schmidt, K. (2014). TheImpact of Arts Programming on Well Being of Indigenous Youth. InternationalNetwork of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development (INIHKD) - NEAHR 2014 Conference, Winnipeg ManitobaOctober 5-10, 2014.
Pandey, M., Ribeiro, N., Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., & Linds,W. (2014). Arts and Health: TheHidden Connection. Poster Presentation to The Canadian PsychologicalAssociation's 75th Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC, June 5-7, 2014.
Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., Brass, D., Benjoe, D., Schmidt, K. &Linds, W. (2014). Iyiniw-Oskâtisak Pamihisowak: Indigenous Youth HelpingThemselves. World Indigenous People’s Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawai’i,May 19-24, 2014.
Mitchell, C., Linds, W., D’Amico, M.,Akesson, B., Khan, F., & Denov, M. (2014) Ethical Beginnings and Ethical Endings: Arts-Based ParticipatoryResearch with Youth Affected by Armed Conflict. 7th Annual Conference of the Canadian Associationfor Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS). Montreal, Quebec, May 7-9, 2014.
Gareau,P., Lu, L., Ndjeru, L., Wong, A., Sajnani, N., Ward, D., & Linds, W. (2014). Living Histories Ensemble: Performing life onthe edge. Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Toronto, Ontario, May 22-25, 2014.
Linds, W. (2013). The Effect of Affect of Theatre of the Oppressed in a DecolonizingProcess. Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed. Oxford, Ohio, June 27-30, 2013.
Linds, W. (2013). Engaging in Embodied Praxis (Reflection/Action) on our TO/PO work. Pedagogy and Theatreof the Oppressed. Oxford, Ohio, June 27-30, 2013.
Episkenew, J., Linds, W., Yuen,F. (2013). ``You mightas well call it Planet of the Sioux ”: Indigenous Youth, Imagination, andDecolonization, Canadian Applied Literature Association. Victoria, B.C., June 3-5, 2013.
Linds, W. & Episkenew, J.(2013). Applied Theatre’s Role in a Decolonizing Process.Seminar Presentation: No Happy Endings: What can Applied Theatre really do?Canadian Association for Theatre Research. Victoria, B. C., June 1-4, 2013.
Linds, W. & Ritenburg, H. (2013). Knowing through the body: An embodied approachto arts-based research. 9th International Congress ofQualitative Inquiry, Champaign Urbana, Illinois, May 16-18, 2013.
Linds, W., Ribiero, N., Ritenburg, H., & Yuen, F. (2013). Theaffect as effect in a decolonizing theatre process with Indigenous youth, Session Organizer. 9th International Congress ofQualitative Inquiry, Champaign Urbana, Illinois, May 16-18, 2013.
Linds, W. (2012). ThePoetics of Embodied Transformative Theatre: Limits and
Possibilities of Writing the Body. Conferenceof the Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Washington, D.C.,August 2-5, 2012.
Armstrong, A. E., Linds, W., Kuftenic,S., Snyder-Young, D., & Taylor, W. (2012). What Do We Know? Dialogues onApplied Theater Scholarship and Praxis, Conference of the Association forTheatre in Higher Education. Washington, D.C., August 2-5, 2012.
Linds, W., Ritenburg, H., Episkenew, J.,Goulet, L., Schmidt, K., & Whiteman, A. (2012). An embodiedexploration of decolonizing Indigenous methodologies.8hnternational Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois,May 16-20, 2012.
Sajnani, N., Linds, W., Ndjeru, L., Lu,L., Gareau, P., & Ward, D. (2012). The Bridge: Toward Relational Aesthetic Inquiry in the Montreal Life Stories Project. Living HistoryEnsemble. History, Memory and Performance Conference, University of Ottawa,April 19-21, 2012.
Linds, W. (2012). Session coordinator: The Roleof the Body in Indigenous and Decolonizing Research Methodologies. AnnualConference of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, B. C., April12-15, 2012.
Linds, W., Ritenburg, H., Goulet, L., Episkenew,J. Schmidt, K. (2012). The body speaks: Theatre as an embodied decolonizing methodology/. Annual Conference of the American Educational ResearchAssociation, Vancouver,B. C., April 12-15, 2012.
Sajnani, N., Linds, W., Ndjeru, L., Lu,L;, Gareau, P., Djaczman, C., & Ward, D. (2012). Workshop Presentation. Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral Historyin the Aftermath of Mass Violence Conference, Montreal, Quebec,March 22-25, 2012.
Malo, K., Braunstein, J., Messer, K. & Linds, W. (2011). What it means to be trigger/ed – AParticipative Workshop. CollaborativeAction Research Network. Vienna, Austria,November 4-6.
Ritenberg, H., Linds, W., Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., Schmidt, K. & Dieter, M. (2011). Swimming in the same waters? The dynamics of colonization and decolonization in a research project with Aboriginal communities. 7th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, May 19-22, 2011.
Sajnani, N., Linds, W., Ndjeru, L., Liu, L;, Gareau, P., Djaczman, C., & Ward, D. (2011). The Bridge: Developing, and exploring, a new Playback theatre form that brings teller, audience, and performers together in embodied dialogue. Festival for Playback Theatre North America. Acting for personal, organizational, and community change. Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 16-19, 2011.
Linds, W., Episkenew, J., & Ritenberg, H. (2011). Embodied research. Indigenous innovation integration. 11th National Gathering of Graduate Students, Regina, Saskatchewan, June 24-27, 2011.
Schmidt, K., Linds, W., Goulet, L., Episkenew, J., & Ritenberg, H. (2011). The dynamics of colonization and decolonization in a research project with Aboriginal communities. 1st Annual Aboriginal Health Networks Conference, June 27, 2011, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Linds, W., Sullivan, J., & Goulet, L. (2011). Decolonizing the imagination: Theatre of the Oppressed in colonized communities. 17th International Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 21-23, 2011.
Linds, W. (2011). What happens when we ask what happens: Processing Theatre of the Oppressed activities. 17th International Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 21-23, 2011.
Schmidt, K. , Linds, W., Episkenew, J., & Goulet, L. (2010). Exploring health issues with aboriginal youth through drama. Healing our spirit worldwide Hawai’i Ko Pae ‘Aina, the sixth gathering, Honolulu, Hawai’i, September 3-10, 2010.
Linds, W. & Trull, A. (2010). Developing ethical practice through inquiry: It’s not know-what, it’s know-how. Sense-making and changemaking in an educational context symposium, Organizational Development and Change Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 6-10, 2010.
Linds, W. & Goulet, L. (2010). Flexibility in Forum Theatre. 16th International Theatre and Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference, Austin, Texas, June 3-6, 2010.
Duffy, P. , Vettraino, E., Conrad, D., Kuftinec, S., Linds, W.,& Goulet, L. (2010). Youth and theatre of the oppressed. 16th International Theatre and Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference, Austin, Texas, June 3-6, 2010.
Sullivan, J., Linds, W. , Parras, B., Murillo, M., Pust, T., & Porto, L. (2010). The Role of Freirean Popular Arts & Education Methodologies in Democratizing and Enhancing Community-Based Participatory Research. 16th International Theatre and Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference, Austin, Texas, June 3-6, 2010.
Episkenew, J., Goulet, L., Linds, W., & Schmidt, K. (2010). De-Colonizing Workshops: Joint Action Through Forum Theatre to Overcome Oppression. Association for Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature Conference, Montreal, Quebec, May 31-June 1, 2010.
Sajnani, N., Linds, W., Wong, A., Ndjeru, L., & The Living Histories Theater Ensemble. (2010). The Living Histories Theatre Ensemble: Research Creation through Playback Theatre in an Oral History Project. Canadian Association for Theatre Research Conference, Montreal, Quebec, May 28-31, 2010.
Recent Publications
Cleary, B., Linds, W., Carnevale, F. A., Thorstad, K.,Rauch, F., & Tsimicalis, A. (2024). The school of no fun and no play: Learning how to create supportiveenvironments from children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal ofDisability Studies in Education 4, 25-49.
Mitchell, C., Ntomboxolo, Y., D'Amico. M.,Linds,W., & Denov, M. (2023). On the Ethics of Getting the Word Out: RuralGirls Reflect onOwnership in Participatory Visual Research in Rural SouthAfrica. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research 31(3), https://doi.org/10.1177/11033088231166814
Linds,W., Vettraino, E. & Vineberg, L. (2023). Willing toLearn More: StorytellingResponsive Consulting through the 6-Part-Story Method. Storytelling,Self, and Society 18(1), 56-82.
Denov, M.,D’Amico, M., Linds, W., Mitchell, C. & Mosseau, N. (2022). Youth Reflections on Ethics in Research and Practice: A Case Study ofYouth Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda. Journal of Youth Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2022.2080540
Linds, W., Jhunjhunwala, T., Nadarajah, L., Starnino,A., & Vettraino, E. (2021).
Unlocking creativity: Six Part Story Method asan imaginative pedagogical tool. Learning Landscapes, 14(1), Spring,203-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36510/learnland.v14i1
Victor,J., Goulet, L., Linds, W., Eninew, L. (2021). Storyscapes of place: First Nation youths’photographic depictions of home. Journal of Youth Studies 25(4). DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1902964
Ugarte, M., & Linds,W. (2020). Making Stone Soup: Arts-based organizationalinterventions and participants’ sense of well being, communication and teamwork.In Mreiwed,H., Mitchell, C., & Carter, M. (Eds.), Art as an agent for socialchange. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Linds, W., Sjollema, S., Victor, J.,Eninew, L., & Goulet, L. (2020). Widening the angle: Film as alternative pedagogy for wellness inIndigenous youth. International Journal of Learning through the Arts 21(1), 1-28. http://www.ijea.org/v21n1/index.html
Ranahan, P., Yuen, F. & Linds,W. (2019). Exploring Indigenous Youths’ Perspectives onWellness. Psynopsis. Official Magazine ofthe Canadian Psychological Association Special Issue on Indigenous Psychology.
Victor, J., Linds, W., Goulet, L., Ehinew,L., Goulet, K. & Licon, E. (2019). “Moving forward”: Arts and Indigenous reciprocal leadership in aNeehithuw (Woodland Cree) school arts project. WINHEC: International Journal ofIndigenous Education Scholarship, Issue 1 67-83. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/winhec/issue/view/1452
Yuen, F.,Ranahan, P., Linds, W. & Goulet,L. (2019). Leisure, cultural continuity,and life promotion. Annals of Leisure Research. : doi: 10.1080/11745398.2019.1653778
Vettraino,E., Linds, W., & Downie, H. (2019). Embodiedreflexivity: discerning ethical practice through the Six-Part Story Method. Reflective Practice: International andMulti-disciplinary Perspectives, 20(2),218-233. doi: 10.1080/14623943.2019.157519
Beginning at the beginning in social work education: acase for incorporating arts-based approaches to working with war-affectedchildren and their families. Journal ofFamily Social Work, 22(1), 63-82.
Vettraino,E., Linds, W., & Downie, H. (2019). Embodiedreflexivity: discerning ethical practice through the Six-Part Story Method. Reflective Practice: International and Multi-disciplinaryPerspectives, 20(2), 218-233. .doi: 10.1080/14623943.2019.157519
Hyslop, M., Linds, W., Goulet, L. & Schmidt, K. (2018). Weechi metuwe mitotan Playing Games of Presence with Indigenous Youth in Saskatchewan, Canada. International Journal of Play 7(1).
Vettraino, E. & Linds, W. (2018). Living the Experience of Learning: Embodied Reflexivity as Pedagogical Process. South African Theatre Journal Special Issue on Embodied Pedagogies, 1-21.
Linds, W & Vettraino, E (contracted, 2026) Transforming the workplace through theatre: Insights, practice and challenges in the field. Routledge
Linds, W. & Gee, T. (September,2023). Workshop: The Art of Creative Inquiry. Rotterdam: SpringerPublications.
Linds, W. & Vettraino, E. (Co-editors). (2015). Playing in a House of Mirrors: Applied Theatre as Reflective Process. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Linds, W., Sammel, A., & Goulet, L. (Eds.). (2010). Emancipatory practices: Adult/youth engagement for social and environmental justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.Hocking, B., Haskell, J. & Linds, W. (Eds.). (2001). Unfolding bodymind:
Exploring possibility through education. Burlington, Vermont: Foundation for Educational Renewal.
Denov, M., Akesson, B., Linds, W., D’Amico, M. & Khan, F. (2016). Research as intervention: Exploring the health and well-being of children and youth facing global adversity through participatory visual methods. Global Public Health.An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice (Special Issue on Participatory Visual Methods and Global Public Health) 11(5-6), 1-18.
Akesson, B. , D’Amico, M. , Denov, M., Khan, F., Linds,W. & Mitchell, C. (2014). ‘Stepping back’ as researchers: How are we addressing ethics in arts-based approaches to working with war-affected children in schooland community settings. Educational Research for Social Change 3(1), pp.75-89.
Yuen, F., Linds, W., Episkenew, J., Ritenburg, H., & Schmidt, K. (2013), "You might as well call it Planet of the Sioux": Indigenous youth, imagination, and decolonization. Pimatisiwin. A journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous community health 11 (2)
Vettraino, E., Linds, W., & Goulet, L. (2013) Click, Clack, Move: Facilitation of the arts as transformative pedagogy. Journal of transformative education. 1541344613499826, first published on October 10, 2013 as doi: 10.1177/1541344613499826.
Ebbesen, M.D. & Linds, W. (2013). Forumspil: Transforming Minds and Hearts with Group Process. Group Facilitation 12, 31-44.
Goulet, L, Linds, W., & Episkenew, J. & Schmidt, K. (2012). A decolonizing space: Theatre and health with Indigenous youth. Native Studies Review 20(1), 35-61.
Sajnani, N., Wong, A., Linds, W., Ndjeru, L. & Members of the Living Histories Theatre Ensemble. (2012). The Rackety Bridge: Playback Theatre, Oral History, and Arts-Based Research in the Montreal Life Stories Project. In High, S., Dong, R., & Little, E. (Eds.), Remembering war, genocide and other human rights violations: Oral history, new media and the arts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Linds, W. & Trull, A. (2012). Developing ethical practice through inquiry: It s not know-what, it s know-how. In Wankel, C. & Stachowicz-Stanusch, A. (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching ethics in business and management education. Herchsy, PA: IGI-Global.
Sajnani, N., Linds, W., Ndjeru, L., Wong, A., & Members of the Living Histories Ensemble. (2011). The Bridge: Towards relational aesthetic inquiry in the Montreal Life Stories Project. Canadian Theatre Review 148 (Fall).
Linds, W. & Goulet, L. (2010). (Un) Intentional spaces: Co-determined leadership through drama/theatre. In Linds, W., Sammel, A., & Goulet, L. (Eds.). Emancipatory practices: Adult/youth engagement for social and environmental justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Linds, W. & Goulet, L. (2010). Acting outside the box: Using Theatre of the Oppressed in an anti-racism schools program. In Duffy, P. & Vettraino, E. (Eds.), Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Linds, W., Yuen, F, Goulet, L., Episkenew, J., & Arnason, K. (2010). Forum Theatre: An opportunity for examining and re-creating Indigenous identity through performance as play. In Chappell, D. (ed.), Children Under Construction: Play as Curriculum. Berne: Peter Lang.
Reilly, R., Linds, W. (2009). Complexity. In Mills, A. J., Durepos, G., Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Linds, W., Goulet, L., Episkenew, J, Arnason, K.. (2009). Rehearsal with Reality: Exploring health issues with aboriginal youth through drama. In McKay, S., Fuchs, D. and Brown, I. (Eds.), Passion for Action in Child and Family Services: Voices from the Prairies. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre.
Linds, W., & L. Goulet. (2008). Performing praxis: Exploring anti-racism through drama. In S. Moore and R. Mitchell (Eds.), Power, pedagogy and praxis: Social justice in the globalized classroom. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
Linds, W. (2008). Masks in metaxis: Writing into being the becoming drama facilitator. In D.T. Jacobs (ed.), The authentic dissertation: Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation. London: Routledge, pp. 169-174.
Linds, W. & Vettraino, E. (2008). Collective Imagining: Collaborative Story Telling through Image Theater [54 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2), Art. 56, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802568.
Linds, W. (February 2008). Performing responsibility Ethical Know-How through Drama Facilitation. Reflective Practice, 9 (1), pp. 101 - 110.
Book Chapters
Vettraino, E., Vineberg, L., & Linds,W. (2023). Moving from the why to the what: The role of arts in the teaching of business. In Traczykowski, L. Goddard, A., Knight, G. & Vettraino, E. (Eds.), Inter- and Multi-Disciplinary Learning and Teaching: Business Beyond Silos. Edward Elgar Publishers.
Linds, W., D’Amico, M., Denov, M., Mitchell, C., Shevell, M. (January,2023). Arts-Based Research Innovations in Work with War-Affected Children and Youth: A Synthesis. In Denov, M., Mitchell,C., & Rabiau, M. (eds.) (2023) Global Child: Children and Families Affected by War, Displacement & Migration. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Pandey, M., Linds, W., Ribeiro, N., Goulet,L., Episkenew, J. & Schmidt, K. (2021). Becoming themselves: Facilitators’perceptions of arts and wellness work with Aboriginal youth. In Van Styvendale,N., Mcdougall, J. D., Henry, R., & Innes R. A. (Eds.), The Arts of IndigenousHealth and Wellbeing. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, pp. 114-140.
Beginning at the beginning in social work education: a case for incorporating arts-based approaches to working with war-affected children and their families. In Denov, M. & Shevell, M. (Eds.). Social Work Practice with War-Affected Children, London:Routledge.
Linds, W. & Trull, A. (2012). Developing ethical practice through inquiry: It s not know-what, it s know-how. In Wankel, C. & Stachowicz-Stanusch, A. (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching ethics in business and management education. Herchsy, PA: IGI-Global.
Linds, W. & Goulet, L. (2010). (Un) Intentional spaces: Co-determined leadership through drama/theatre. In Linds, W., Sammel, A., & Goulet, L. (Eds.). Emancipatory practices: Adult/youth engagement for social and environmental justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.Linds, W. & Goulet, L. (2010). Acting outside the box: Using Theatre of the Oppressed in an anti-racism schools program. In Duffy, P. & Vettraino, E. (Eds.), Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Linds, W., Yuen, F, Goulet, L., Episkenew, J., & Arnason, K. (2010). Forum Theatre: An opportunity for examining and re-creating Indigenous identity through performance as play. In Chappell, D. (ed.), Children Under Construction: Play as Curriculum. Berne: Peter Lang.
Reilly, R., Linds, W. (2009). Complexity. In Mills, A. J., Durepos, G., Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Linds, W., Goulet, L., Episkenew, J, Arnason, K.. (2009). Rehearsal with Reality: Exploring health issues with aboriginal youth through drama. In McKay, S., Fuchs, D. and Brown, I. (Eds.), Passion for Action in Child and Family Services: Voices from the Prairies. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre.
Linds, W., & L. Goulet. (2008). Performing praxis: Exploring anti-racism through drama. In S. Moore and R. Mitchell (Eds.), Power, pedagogy and praxis: Social justice in the globalized classroom. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
Linds, W. (2008). Masks in metaxis: Writing into being the becoming drama facilitator. In D.T. Jacobs (ed.), The authentic dissertation: Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation. London: Routledge, pp. 169-174.