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Dr. Yasaman Gorji, PhD, MBA

Assistant Professor, Management

Dr. Yasaman Gorji, PhD, MBA

Yasaman Gorji is an assistant professor in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the John Molson School of Business (Montréal).

Her areas of research include network theory, Family Business, Entrepreneurship, and International business. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Comparative International Management.

She teaches contemporary business thinking and strategy courses to undergraduate and MBA students; she has coauthored business cases for capstone strategy classes.

Teaching activities

MBA 650 - Crafting and Implementing Successful Strategies.

COMM 401 - Strategy and Competition

COMM 210 - Contemporary Business Thinking


Gorji, Y., Carney, M., & Prakash, R. (2019). Indirect nepotism: Network sponsorship, social capital and career performance in show business families. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 100285.

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