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Young-Chul Jeong, PhD

  • Professor, Management

Contact information



PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) 
MBA (Yonsei University, South Korea)
BBA (Yonsei University, South Korea)

Areas of expertise

  • Organization theory  
  • Social inclusion and diversity in organizational leadership
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Social evaluations of organizational top leaders 


Refereed journal articles

Jeong, Y., Lim, J., Shin, D., & Bazmohammadi, S. forthcoming. The burden of being atypical: The impact of (a)typicality in leader profiles on organizational reputation. Strategic Organization

Jeong, Y., Yu, J., & Ryu, W. 2024. Connecting cross-border market participants: The intermediary role of international analysts in global capital markets. Journal of Management Studies, 61(6): 2535-2569.  

Jeong, Y., Leblebici, H., & Kwon, O. 2021. How institutional and ecological forces shape the career profiles of organizational leaders: An analysis of U.S. law school deans, 1894-2009. Human Relations, 74(9): 1370-1395.   

Jeong, Y. & Kim, T. 2019. Between legitimacy and efficiency: An institutional theory of corporate giving. Academy of Management Journal, 62(5): 1583-1608.  

Luo, X., Jeong, Y., & Chung, C. 2019. In the Eye of the Beholder: Global Analysts’ Coverage of Family Firms in an Emerging Market. Journal of Management, 45(5): 1830-1857.  

Jeong, Y. & Leblebici, H. 2019. How Professionalization and Organizational Diversity Shape Contemporary Careers: Developing a Typology and Process Model. Human Relations, 72(2): 298-321.

Kim, T., Shin, D., & Jeong, Y. 2016. Inside the 'Hybrid' Iron Cage: Political Origins of Hybridization. Organization Science, 27(2): 428-445.  

Kim, T., Shin, D., Oh, H., & Jeong, Y. 2007. Inside the Iron Cage: Organizational Political Dynamics and Institutional Changes in the Presidential Selection Systems in Korean Universities, 1985-2002. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52: 286-323.

Research activities


2022-2025: Principal Investigator, “Calling for change:The impact of ESG shareholder activism on corporate social responsibility,” Social Sciencesand Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant $95,440.

2019-2022: Principal Investigator, "Inside the black box of corporate sustainability: A longitudinal study of the diffusion and outcomes of life cycle assessment," Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant $86,370 (with Shannon Lloyd, co-applicant).

2019: Principal Investigator, “The role of themedia in corporate philanthropy: Media amplification,” Mitacs Global-link Research Award $6,000.

2016-2018: Principal Investigator, "Understanding the dynamic process of firm internationalization: A sequence analysis of internationalization events of financial brokerage firms," Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 
Insight Development Grant $46,780 (with Jisun Yu, co-applicant).   

Principal Investigator, "The evolution of professional careers: Law school deans' careers in the US, 1894-2009," Concordia University Internal Seed Funding Grant $6,500.   

2015-2017: Principal Investigator, "How do analysts evaluate family firms?," National Bank Initiative in Entrepreneurship and Family Business $10,000.  

2012-2015: Co-applicant, "Making old money new again: Loss aversion in established family firms," Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant $123,174 (with Michael Carney, principal investigator and Eric Gedajlovic, co-applicant). 

Editorial review board

2018-present: Strategic Organization 
2024-present: Human Relations 

Participation activities

Refereed conference presentations

Jeong, Y. & Yu, J. 2018. Professionals as an agent of globalization: Examining the role of security analysts in financial globalization, 1987-2007. Oxford Annual Professional Service Firms Conference, Oxford, UK. 

Jeong, Y. & Yu, J. 2018. Professionals as an agent of globalization: Examining the role of security analysts in financial globalization, 1987-2007. European Group for Organizational Studies, Tallinn, Estonia. 

Jeong, Y., Leblebici, H., & Kwon, O. 2015. The Evolution of Professional Careers: An investigation of the Careers of Law School Deans in the US during the 20th Century. Annual People and Organizations Conference, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US.

Jeong, Y., Leblebici, H., & Kwon, O. 2015. How do Professions and Organizational Fields Co-evolve?: An Investigation of Deans’ Professional Careers in American Law Schools, 1894-2009. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Kim, T., & Jeong, Y. 2014. Not Too Much, but Not Too Little: Legitimacy Tactics and Cost. Academy of Management, Philadelphia, US.

Jeong, Y., & Leblebici, H. 2014. The construction mechanisms of professional careers: An investigation of deans’ professional careers in American law schools, 1894-2011. European Group for Organizational Studies, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Kim, T., & Jeong, Y. 2013. Social Construction of Doing Good: The Roles of Audiences in Corporate Giving Behaviors of Korean Firms. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Milan, Italy.

Luo, X., & Jeong, Y. 2011. Global Securities Analysts’ Evaluations of Family Firms in Emering Markets. Academy of Management, San Antonio, US.

Jeong, Y., & Love, G. 2010. How Institutional Logics Influence Cognitive Orientation: The Case of Focused Firms, 1984-1997. Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada. 

Luo, X., Jeong, Y., & Chung, C. 2010. In the Eyes of the Beholder: Stock Analysts’ Following of Family Firms in Taiwan. Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.

Jeong, Y., & Leblebici, H. 2010. The Structure of Professional Careers: Interaction of Professions, Organizations, and Individual Agency. Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada. 

Teaching activities

COMM 401 Strategy and Competition (undergraduate) 

GDBA 538 Strategic Management (graduate) 

MANA 341 Organization Theory and Design (undergraduate) 

MSCA 645 MSc Seminar in Organization Theory (graduate) 

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