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Yu-Shan Hsu

Thesis supervisor Seeking students

  • Assistant Professor, Management

Thesis supervision details

Supervised programs: Management (MSc), Business Administration (PhD)

Contact information


Yu-Shan Hsu is an Assistant Professor at the John Molson School of Business (JMSB), Concordia University in Montreal. She received her PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Masters of Arts in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota.

Her research interests are in the areas of international human resource management,  work–nonwork interplay, and interpersonal relationships. Her research has been published in various outlets such as Human Resource Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Personnel Review, Journal of Global Mobility, and International Journal of Human Resource Management. She is currently serving as an editorial review board member of Journal of Global Mobility.

Before joining the department of Management as a tenure track professor, she held various positions in JMSB, including Scholar in Residence and Lecturer Assistant Professor. Prior to her academic career, she worked as a human resource specialist in Diageo Taiwan.

Areas of expertise

Expatriate management
Cultural intelligence
Work-life balance
International human resource management
Knowledge transfer

Teaching activities

COMM 210 Contemporary business thinking
COMM 227 Interpersonal and critical thinking skills
MANA 362 Human resource management
MANA 445 Health and safety management
MANA 463 Strategic human resource management


Refereed publications

Chen, Y.-P., Hsu,Y.-S., & Shaffer, M. A. (2024). Self-initiated expatriates’ culturalintelligence, embeddedness and career satisfaction: A whole-life perspective. Journalof Global Mobility (ABDCRanking: B)

Hsu, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-P., Chiang, F. F-T., & Shaffer, M.A. (2024). Bridging the expatriate and host country national knowledge transfergap: Managing communication anxiety and uncertainty, Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC Ranking: A)

Hsu, Y.-S., Dimitrova, M, Shaffer, M.A., & Miller, G. J. (2024). Work role commitment and interferenceof work with family among Asian and White Americans, American Behavioral Scientist (ABDC Ranking: B)

Hsu, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-P. Chen, Selmer, J. & Bastida,M. (2023). Thriving in virtual academic conferences: Fact or fiction?, InternationalJournal of Human–Computer Interaction, (ABDC Ranking: B)

Landry, A. T., Papachristopoulos, K., Hsu,Y.-S., & Chen, Y.-P. (2022). Better leveraging monetary rewards in the21st century workplace using self-determination theory. Int. Journal ofBusiness Science and Applied Management17(1), 67-80.

Hsu, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-P., Chiang, F. F-T., &Shaffer, M. A. (2022). It takes two to tango: Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals. Human Resource Management (ABDC Ranking: A*; FT 50)

Hsu, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-P., Shaffer, M. A., & Chiang, F. F-T. (2021). Knowledge exchange between expatriates and host country nationals: An expectancy value perspective. Journal of Global Mobility,Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (ABDC Ranking: B)

Hsu,Y.-S., Chen, Y. -P., & Shaffer, M. A (2019). What reduces work and home cognitive failures? The roles of flextime use and perceived control. Journal of Business and Psychology. (ABDC Ranking: A)

Fu, C. K., Hsu, Y.-S., Shaffer, M. A., & Ren,H. (2017). A longitudinal investigation of self-initiated expatriateorganizational socialization. Personnel Review, 46(2), 182-204. (ABDC Ranking: A)


Shaffer, M. A., Joplin, J. R. W., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2011).Expanding the boundaries of work-family research: A review and agenda for future research. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. 11(2), 221-268. (ABDC Ranking: B)

Chen, Y.-P.*, Hsu, Y.-S.*, & Yip,F. W.-K*. (2011). Friends or rivals: Comparative perspectives of human resource and middle managers on perceived future firm performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(8), 1703-1722. (ABDC Ranking: A) (*All authors contributed equally to the manuscript)


Fu,C. K., Hsu, Y.-S., & Shaffer, M.A. (2008). Socialization tactics, fit, and expatriate outcomes. Best Paper Proceedings of 2008 Academy of Management.

Other publications

Hsu,Y.-S. (2013). Training of older workers: A Review. In C Cooper, R. Burke, & J.Field (Eds.), Sage Handbook on Aging,Work and Society (pp 283-300). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Lau,V. P., Hsu, Y.-S., & Shaffer, M.A. (2013). Global careers in China. In Y. Baruch& C. Reis (Eds.), CriticalPerspectives on Global Careers (pp247-266). Routledge:New York, NY.
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