Zeynep Arsel
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Professor, Marketing
- Concordia University Research Chair in Consumption, Markets, and Society
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Supervised programs: Marketing (MSc), Business Administration (PhD)
Research areas: My current research explores two separate streams: 1) Taste and its shaping of markets, products, and everyday practices; 2) The intersection of technology and markets and its implications for society.
Contact information
Areas of Expertise
Relational practices
Graduate student supervision
I am interested in supervising MSc and PhD students on topics of branding, social media, aesthetic and taste, and platforms.
Letters of Recommendation
Former and current students: If you would like to ask for a letter of recommendation, I strongly suggest you to check this website before sending me a request.
Edited Books
Taste, Consumption and Markets (2018), eds. Zeynep Arsel and Jonathan Bean, Routledge, NY
Gendering Theory in Marketing and Consumer Research (2017), eds. Zeynep Arsel, Kirsi Eräranta, Johanna Moisander, Routledge, NY (Originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Marketing Management)
Refereed Journal Articles
Arsel, Zeynep and Jonathan Bean (2013) “Taste Regimes and Market-Mediated Practice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (February), 899-917 (lead article).
Arsel, Zeynep and Craig J. Thompson (2011) “Demythologizing Consumption Practices: How Consumers Protect their Field-Dependent Identity Investments From Devaluing Marketplace Myths,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (February), 791-806.
Thompson, Craig J., Aric Rindfleisch and Zeynep Arsel (2006) “Emotional Branding and the Strategic Value of the Doppelgänger Brand Image”, Journal of Marketing, 1(January), 50-64.
Thompson, Craig J. and Zeynep Arsel, (2004) “The Starbucks Brandscape and Consumers’ (Anti-Corporate) Experiences of Glocalization”, Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (December), 631-643.
Invited Publications
Book Chapters
Arsel, Zeynep and Jonathan Bean (2023), “Social Distinction and Practices of Taste (Revised),” in Consumer Culture Theory, eds. Eric Arnould and Craig Thompson, Sage.
Shamayleh, Ghalia* and Zeynep Arsel (2023), “From Blogs to Platforms: Content Landscape and Affordances,” in Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption
Arsel, Zeynep and Jonathan Bean (2018), “Social Distinction and Practices of Taste,” in Consumer Culture Theory, eds. Eric Arnould and Craig Thompson, Sage.
Pomiès Anissa and Zeynep Arsel (2018), “Retracing the History of the Concept of Taste,” in Taste Consumption and Markets: An Interdisciplinary Volume eds. Zeynep Arsel and Jonathan Bean, New York, Routledge.
Arsel, Zeynep (2015), “Assembling Markets and Value,” in Assembling Consumption: The Handbook of Assemblage Theories in Marketing and Consumer Research , eds. Robin Canniford and Domen Bajde, New York, Routledge.
Arsel, Zeynep and Scott Stewart (2015), “Identity Degrading Brands,” in Strong Brands, Strong Relationships, eds. Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery, New York, Routledge
Arsel, Zeynep and Xin Zhao (2013), “Blogs,” in The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption, eds. Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas, New York: Routledge.Teaching activities
Introduction to Marketing, Undergraduate
Consumer Behavior, Undergraduate
Strategic Brand Management, MBA
Qualitative Research Methods, MSc and PhD
Foundations of Business Research, PhD
Participation activities
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Aboelenien, Aya* and Zeynep Arsel (2020), “Building a Bridge How Immigrant Parents Strategically Build Dual-Habitus for Their Children,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Paris, Oct 2020
Shamayleh, Ghalia* and Zeynep Arsel (2020), “Orchestrating Pet Influencers: Rhetorical and Visual Strategies in Creating Mediated Platform Content,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Paris, Oct 2020
Aboelenien, Aya and Zeynep Arsel (2019), " My Vegan Journey: How My New Morality Shaped My Relationship with my Family, Friends and the Market,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Atlanta, Oct 2019
Pomiès Anissa and Zeynep Arsel (2016), “There is Disputing about Taste: Genealogy of a Contested Concept”, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, July 2016, Lille, France (Winner, Best Special Session Award)
Linnet, Jeppe Trolle and Zeynep Arsel (2014) “"The Moment of Entry: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experience of Social Buzz," Consumer Culture Theory Conference, June 2014, Helsinki, Finland
Bean, Jonathan and Zeynep Arsel (2013), “Understanding Mediated Practices: Combining Ethnographic Methods with Blog Data to Develop Insights,” Ethnography in Praxis Conference, Sept 2013, London UK.
Arsel, Zeynep (2013), “Collaborative Redistribution Systems and Value Creation,” European Marketing Academy 2013 Conference, June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey (accepted, however not presented).
Stewart, Scott and Zeynep Arsel (2013), “Degrading Brands and Consumer Brand Relationships,” Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, May 2013, Boston, MA.
Mérigot, Philippe, Alain Debenedetti, and Zeynep Arsel (2013) “The Porous Nature of Places: An Economies of Worth Perspective," 7th Workshop On Interpretive Consumer Research, April 2013, Brussels, Belgium.
Arsel, Zeynep, Alain Debenedetti and Philippe Mérigot (2012), “The Dynamics and Continuity of Place Attachment: Cues from a Parisian Wine Bar,” Association for Consumer Research 2012 Conference, October 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
Martineau, Eric and Zeynep Arsel (2012) “A Typology of Crowdsourcing Participation Styles”, Association for Consumer Research 2012 Conference, October 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
Debenedetti, Alain, Philippe Mérigot and Zeynep Arsel (2012) “Continuity and Transfer of Place Attachment: An Ethnographic Exploration, "European Marketing Academy 2012 Conference, May 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
Arsel, Zeynep and Susan Dobscha (2011), “Hybrid Pro-social Exchange Systems: The Case of Freecycle,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2011, St Louis, MO, USA.
Zhao, Xin and Zeynep Arsel (2011) “Food Blogs and Consumer Culture," 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of Association for Consumer Research Conference, June 2011, Beijing, China.
Debenedetti, Alain, Philippe Mérigot and Zeynep Arsel (2011) “The Continuation of Place Attachment Experience Through Time and Space: The “Coin De Verre” Case," 6th Workshop On Interpretive Consumer Research, May 2011, Odense, Denmark.
Arsel, Zeynep and Jonathan Bean (2010) “Networked Styles and Normalizing Taste Narratives,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2010, Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Arsel, Zeynep and Xin Zhao (2010) “Personal Blogging, Performance and the Quest for Fame,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2010, Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Arsel, Zeynep and Susan Dobscha (2010) “Local Acts, Global Impacts?: Examining the Pro-Social, Non-Reciprocal Nature of Freecyclers, ” European Association for Consumer Research Conference, July 2010, London, UK.
Arsel, Zeynep and Jonathan Bean (2010) “Collective Taste Making: Analyzing Apartment Therapy Narrative,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, June 2010, Madison, WI, USA.
Arsel, Zeynep (2009) “Exploring the Social Dynamics of Online Bartering,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2009, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Arsel, Zeynep and Craig J. Thompson (2008) “I Might Consume Like a Hipster, but I am not a Hipster: Myth Markets and Consumer Reflexivity,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, June 2008, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA.
Arsel, Zeynep and Craig J. Thompson (2005) “Consuming It Cool: Status Multiplicity and Contextualized Cultural Capital,” European Association for Consumer Research Conference, June 2005, Göteborg, Sweden.
Thompson, Craig J and Zeynep Arsel (2003) “Consumers’ Experiences of Glocalization in a Hegemonic Brandscape: The Case of Starbucks and Local Coffee Shop Culture,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2003, Toronto, Canada.
Arsel, Zeynep (2002), “Consuming ‘by’ taste or consuming taste: A Revisit to Bourdieu’s Distinction,“ Association for Consumer Research Conference, Oct 2002, Atlanta, GA.
Invited Colloquiums and Workshops
“Mid-Career Workshop: Mid-career Personas and Pathways,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Oct 2022
“How to Get Published: Peer Reviews,” Panelist, GradProSkills, Concordia University, (Feb, 2021)
“Early Career Mentoring Workshop,” Panelist, Association for Consumer Research Conference, (Oct, 2020)“Reflexive Interviewing,” Presenter, EPIC Webinar (June 2020)
“How to Make a Contribution,” Presenter, Doctoral Seminar on Consumption Markets Culture Theorization, Turkey (2019)
“How to Make a Contribution,” Presenter, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium, San Diego, Oct 2017
“Work-life Balance,” Keynote, ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Brisbane, Dec 2014
“Coding,” Presenter, Consumer Culture Theory Qualitative Data Analysis Workshop, June 2015
Invited Talks
Research activities
External Grants
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant (with Aya Aboelenien) - 61,630
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant (2014-2019) - $106,884
Editorial Review Board Memberships
Honours and Awards
News & Press releases
CBC Tapestry interview with Mary Hynes
Click on the link for the interview "We can't solve an unethical economy with personal boycotts"
Consumption Tales Podcast
Interview (alongside Ghalia Shamayleh) on Companion Species Consumption
Concordia news
Who is responsible for protecting communities facing the impacts of COVID-19?
It's not just big business — crowdsourcing creates a ‘win-win situation’
The boy in the Barbie commercial breaks down stereotypes … or does he?