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Please consult our FAQs for researchers, staff & faculty on the intranet (Carrefour).

Students FAQ

Please refer to the Contact us section.

 For student services visit:


Please visit the Tuition and Fees website.

Please visit the Financial Aid and Awards website.

Financial Services forms for Students are available under Forms & guides. A complete list of University Cashier related forms are available on the intranet (Carrefour) for staff and faculty.

External Parties FAQ

Please refer to the Contact us section.

You will find the Concordia University Inter-Generational Fund financial statements in the Treasury and Investments section.

Please refer to the Financial statements section.

Funding Agency FAQ

Please contact the Research and Restricted Financial Management manager:

Please contact Office of Research.

Researchers FAQ

  • April 1st: installment dates for Tri-Council &FQRNT/FQRSC/FRSC.
  • March 31st: last day for expenses for Tri-Council & FQRNT/FQRSC/FRSC.
  • June 30th: last day for statement approval for Tri-Council & FQRNT/FQRSC/FRSC.

Once you have received a notice of award from Office of Research, an email from Financial Services will soon follow providing you with your account number. Please contact Research and Restricted Financial Management.

To request an extension for a grant, the request needs to be sent out by Office of Research. Therefore you must first make your request to office of research who will then ask the funding agency

If the request is for a non research account then the request must be made directly to the Project Account Manager in Research and Restricted Financial Management.

For multi-year accounts the installment date is usually the month & day of your start date.

  • For the majority of Tri-Council and provincial grants (FQRSC/FQRNT/FRSQ): April 1st
  • FRDP: May 1st
  • Concordia Chairs: May 1st
  • Research contracts: every anniversary of start date of contract

Please refer to the External agencies links section under Departments - Research and Restricted Financial Management.

  1. RSB (document) - Brigitte Girard
  2. RSC (document) - Carmen Taranto
  3. RSQ (document) - Amanda Christensen
  4. RSS (document) - Nancy Sardella
  5. RSZ (document) - Alison Parsons

I hold a Tri-Agency/Provincial grant. How do I transfer funds to my co-investigator?

All transfers of funds on Tri-Agency/Provincial grants must be initiated with a signed transfer of funds agreement. This agreement is created by the Office of Research. A cheque requisition will not be processed without the attachment of a transfer of funds agreement.

For more information on the transfer of funds agreement, please contact Andrea Rodney at the Office of Research.

Note: Transfer of funds cannot be done for collaborators. Transfer of funds can only be initiated by co-investigators.

For cheque deposits, please refer to the University Cashiers section under forms and Guides as cash deposits must be hand-delivered to the University Cashier's Office (H - 541).

  1. Before hiring, you must determine if the person can work in Canada? Does the individual(s) have all the required documentation to be an employee of Concordia?
  2. Before filling out a payroll form, the type of work being performed must be eligible as per the funding agencies rules.
  3. Are there sufficient funds in your project to support the salary and benefit rate that will be charged for the work performed?
  4. Does the start and end date of the employee contract fall within the time frames of the project?
  5. Please note: Currently our Financial Information system will not show encumbrances past the University's fiscal year-end. If an employee is on a three year contract, only the expense until the University’s fiscal year will be encumbered in Millennium.
    Example:  An employee contract is from December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2017. Once Payroll processes the contact, the only amount encumbered will be until April 30, 2016 only. On May 1st, 2016 when a new University fiscal year opens, the project will have the expense encumbered from May 1, 2016 until April 30, 2017. On May 1, 2017, the project will have the expense encumbered from May 1, 2017 until November 30, 2017.

All Payroll documents can be found on the Human Resources page on Carrefour.

Please see presentation for instructions.

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