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Brooke Jeffrey’s research is broadly focused on federalism and Canadian public administration. Her current work on Canadian federalism examines the potential impact of the Trudeau government’s approach to federalism and reconciliation on intergovernmental relations and national unity. She also investigates federalism from a comparative perspective, examining the role of federalism in political integration, and its impact on the internal cohesion of political parties, most recently with respect to the United Kingdom and Brexit. Dr. Jeffrey’s current research interest concerning Canadian public administration focuses on public service reform with particular emphasis on accountability,transparency, and the role of oversight mechanisms such as officers of parliament.

A former senior public servant, Dr. Jeffrey worked on numerous policy initiatives involving human rights, official languages, multiculturalism and aboriginal self-government legislation. She has been a consultant to several parliamentary committees and associations, and served on the Prime Minister’s Blue Ribbon Panel for the Outstanding Senior Public Servant Awards. She has also been a policy adviser to Liberal leaders, and is a former Director of the Liberal Caucus Research Bureau. Dr Jeffrey is currently serving a two-year term as president of CAPPA


Research interests

Public Administration and Canadian Politics.

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