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Dr. Julia Skelly

  • Assistant Professor (LTA), Histories of Photography, Art History

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Dr.Julia Skelly is a specialist in nineteenth-century British art, queer/feministart, ethics and photography, global contemporary art, craft, textiles, excess,decadence, and addiction. Her publications include Wasted Looks: Addictionand British Visual Culture, 1751-1919 (Ashgate, 2014), The Uses of Excess in Visual and Material Culture, 1600–2010 (Ashgate, 2014), Radical Decadence: Excess in Contemporary Feminist Textiles and Craft (Bloomsbury, 2017), and Skin Crafts: Affect, Violence andMateriality in Global Contemporary Art (Bloomsbury, 2022). Skelly’s next book, Intersecting Threads: Cloth in Contemporary Queer, Feminist and Anti-RacistArt, is under advance contractwith Bloomsbury Academic. Skelly is Assistant Professor (LTA) in the Departmentof Art History at Concordia University.

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