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Annabelle Brault, MA, MTA

Lecturer, Creative Arts Therapies

Annabelle  Brault, MA, MTA


Annabelle Brault, MA, MTA is a resource-oriented music therapist, musician, researcher and educator. She is an artist member of the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance and an Individualized PhD student at Concordia University. She is the French content editor for the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy. Alongside teaching Concordia’s music therapy graduate programs, she works as a music therapist with youth and caregivers. Her research interests include the role of the creative arts therapies in fostering digital well-being in youth, the use of music technology as a creative medium to instill social change, as well as resource-oriented approaches in clinical and educational contexts. Her participation in the educational initiative Landscape of Hope led by Dr. Vivek Venkatesh as part of Project Someone embodies all of these interests, as unique audio-visual performances are used to explore youth resilience in the digital age. As professional musician using electronic music media, Brault collaborates with artists such as Justin Wright, Cedric Noel, Tambour, Landscape of Hate, as well as with arc.

Professional Affiliations

Association canadienne des musicothérapeutes/Canadian Association of Music Therapists

Association québécoise de musicothérapie

Association for Music and Imagery

Certification Board for Music Therapists


2022 - to present

Individualized PhD in Fine Arts

Primary Supervisor: Dr. Vivek Venkatesh (Art Education)

Committee members: Dr. Cynthia Bruce (Music Therapy), Dr. Erin Barker (Psychology)
Concordia University

2015 - 2017

Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapies - Music Therapy Option

Concordia University


2011 - 2015       

Honours Bachelor in Music therapy 

University of Windsor

Teaching activities

CATS 631/ MTHY301 - Introduction to Music Therapy (3 credits) - Online. 

CATS 691 - Research in the Creative Arts Therapies (3 credits)

MTHY 501 - Music Therapy Skills (3 credits)

MTHY510 - Music Therapy Practicum I (3 credits)

MTHY 511 - Music Therapy Practicum II (3 credits)

MTHY 521 - Clinical Improvisation in Music Therapy (3 credits)

MTHY 600 - Music Therapy Advanced Literature (3 Credits) - Online.

MTHY 624/34 - Advanced Music Therapy Practicum II (3 credits) - Online.

Research activities

Funded Research Projects

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Applicant: Annabelle Brault

Awarded for the completion of Doctoral studies on the role of creative arts therapies in fostering youth digital well-being

Period: 2021-2023

Total Funding: 105 000$

Employment and Social Development Canada

Principal Applicant: Vivek Venkatesh

Role: Co-Applicant

Project Entitled: Project SOMEONE: Innovative Social Pedagogy to Empower Indigenous Communities & Reduce Gender, Racial Biases

Period: 2021-2023

Total Funding: $780 000


Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) - Regroupements stratégiques

Principal Applicant: Vivek Venkatesh

Role: Co-Applicant (Member of the CSLP)

Project entitled: Centre d’études sur l’apprentissage et la performance (CEAP)/Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance

Period: 2020-2027

Total Funding: $1 802 500


Canadian Heritage ­– Multiculturalism program

Principal applicant: Vivek Venkatesh

Role: Co-applicant

Project entitled: Landscape of Hope: Magnifying Marginalised Indigenous and Racialised Youth Voices to Build Digital Resilience Against Racism

Period: 2020-2022

Total Funding: $177 500


Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) – Appui à la recherche-création

Principal Applicant: Owen Chapman

Role: Collaborator

Project entitled: Paysage de l'espoir: l'échantillonnage et le remisage comme moyens de renforcer la résilience face à la cyberpression

Period: 2020-2023

Total Funding: $204 610       


Master's Thesis

Brault, A. (2017). Resource-oriented music therapy in pediatric oncology: A philosophical inquiry. Retrieved from Spectrum Research Repository. (982218)


Brault, A., & Vaillancourt, G. (2022). Group telehealth music therapy with caregivers: A qualitative inquiry. Journal of Patient Experience, 9, 1-9. (PR)

Brault, A. (2021). From the French content editor. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 27(1), 9.


Brault, A. (2021). Mot de la directrice du contenu en français. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 27(1), 8.


Brault, A. (2020). From the French content editor. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 26(1), 8.


Brault, A. (2020). Mot de la directrice du contenu en français. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 26(1), 7.


Brault, A. (2020). Interview with feminist music therapy pioneer, Dr. Sandi Curtis. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 26(1), 9-12.


Brault, A. (2019). Resource-oriented music therapy in pediatric oncology: A philosophical inquiry. Qualitative Inquiries in Music Therapy: A Monograph Series, 15(2), 34-67. (PR)


Hancock, E. & Brault, A. (2015). The fifth co-operative principle in action: Mapping the co-operative educational initiatives of Canadian co-operatives. Centre for the study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan. Retrieved from:,-booklets,-proceedings/Fifth%20Co-op%20Principle%20final.pdf (PR)


Lalonde, M., Venkatesh, V., Castro, J. C., Chapman, O., Brault, A., Chang-Kredl, S., & Montgomery, A. (Sous presse). Médias de haine, messages d’espoir : Contrer le phénomène des chambres d’écho d’Internet et de la cyberviolence chez les jeunes par des performances médiatiques collaboratives. Dans M. Morel, Éduquer aux enjeux sociétaux en arts et littérature. Éditions JFD. (PR).


Oddy, N. & Brault, A. (2020). ‘’How do you write your music therapy goals and objectives?’’: Seeking Canadian perspectives. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 26(1), 30-46. (PR)


Vaillancourt, G., Peyrin, J., Brault, A., Thibeault, C-A., & Gosselin, N. (in press). Personalized Audio Montage: A receptive music therapy method offered in a youth  shelter: A mixed methods research. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. (PR)


Selected Participation Activities

Conference Session

Brault, A. (2021, February 6). Music and wellness with caregivers: A resource-oriented music therapy approach [Conference session]. Online Conference of Music Therapy.


Panel Presentation

Brault, A., Venkatesh, V., Chapman, O., Lalonde, M., Forrest, N., Roy, E., Raskin, L., Poulin, M., & Lyonnais, M. (May-June 2021). Landscape of Hope: The power of pluralistic artistic dialogues against systemic discrimination

47th Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, St-John, NB, Canada. (PR).


Brault, A., Chapman, O., Forrest, N.,  Roy, E., & Venkatesh, V. ( 2020, October 20). Collective Reflection -  Improvisation - Transformation - Social Pedagogy [Panel]. Radiant Power, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Venkatesh, V., Chang-Kredl, S. Chapman, O, Brault, A, & Lalonde, M. (2020, October 13-18). Landscape of Hope: Building resilience against discrimination in marginalised communities. MTL Connect, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Hayes, J. R.,  Mondésir Villefort, E. F., Porsper, W., Venkatesh, V. Brault, A. (July 2019). Panel sur le profilage racial et social [Panel presentation]. Grimposium and Project SOMEONE in collaboration with Heavy Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Paper Presentation

Brault, A., & Vaillancourt, G. (May-June 2021). Resource-oriented online music therapy for informal caregivers: A qualitative exploratory research project. [Paper presentation]. 47th Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, St-John, NB, Canada. (PR).


Brault, A. (May 2019). Resource-oriented music therapy in pediatric oncology [Paper presentation]. 45th Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. (PR).


Vaillancourt, G., Thibeault, C.-A., & Brault, A. (May 2019). Une approche innovatrice auprès de jeunes adultes en situation de grande précarité : la détente psychomusicale en musicothérapie réceptive. [Paper presentation]. 45th Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. (PR).


Brault, A. (July 2017). Resource-Oriented Music Therapy in pediatric oncology. [Paper presentation]. 15th World Congress of Music Therapy, Tsukuba, Japan (PR).


Poster presentations

Brault, A., & Clements-Cortés, A. (July 2017). The use of musical life review in rehabilitation music therapy: A case report. [Poster presentation]. 15th World Congress of Music Therapy, Tsukuba, Japan. (PR).


Brault, A., & Clements-Cortés, A. (May 2016). The use of musical life review in rehabilitation music therapy: A case report [Poster presentation]. 42nd Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Kitchener, ON, Canada. (PR).



Behrens, G. A., Clements-Cortes, A., Gadberry, A. L., Kavaliova-Moussi, A., Milford, J., Heiderscheit, A., Brault, A., Brotons, M., & Zanini, C. (July 2017). Networking with the WFMT: The metaphor of a spin-drum [Roundtable presentation]. 15th World Congress of Music Therapy, Tsukuba, Japan (PR).


Clements-Cortes, A. Brault, A. Behrens G. Gadberry, A.L., Heiderscheit, A., Brotons, M., Mukherjee, B., Kavaliova-Moussi, A. Sundar, S., & Tague, D.B. (February 2016). WFMT 30th anniversary: Celebrating our history, growth and role in expanding horizons. [Roundtable presentation]. Online Conference for Music Therapy. (PR).


Special Topics Presentation for Students

Brault, A. (July 2017). Who wants to be a music therapy researcher? [Student presentation]. 15th World Congress of Music Therapy, Tsukuba, Japan.


Student Poster Presentation

Brault, A. (July 2014). Music therapy students and orchestra musicians join hands in Windsor, Ontario [Student poster presentation]. 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.



Brault, A., Chapman, O., Forrest, N.,  Roy, E., & Venkatesh, V. (2020, October 27). Collective Reflection -  Improvisation - Transformation - Social Pedagogy [Workshop Presentation]. Radiant Power, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Brault, A. & Venkatarangam, S. (October 2019). Using accessible music technology in music making: An experiential workshop [Workshop presentation]. READi and MTAO, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Brault, A. & Venkatarangam, S. (September 2019). Music and mindfulness [Workshop presentation]. Creative Arts Therapies programming for Health Month, 4th space, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Brault, A. & Venkatarangam, S. (May 2019). The use of electronic music technology in music therapy [Workshop presentation]. 45th Annual Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Gatineau, QC, Canada. (PR).


Artistic performances

Performance Instruments: Synthesizers, analog and digital effects, modular synthesis, sampling, voice, piano.


Landscape of Hate (2019 to present)

Style: Experimental, Noise

Description: Landscape of Hate is an improvised multimedia project with the objective of promoting and favouring the public voice in framing pluralistic dialogues about how we negotiate various forms of hate in our society

Selected Performance:

July 26, 2019 – Landscape of Hate w/ Pig Destroyer at Corona Theater, Montreal QC


Landscape of Hope (2019 to present)

Style: Experimental, Sampling, Noise

Description: Landscape of Hope is a youth-led digital art initiative designed to empower marginalized groups with critical digital literacy skills and social media tools to create cutting-edge multimedia performances and installations that describe their experiences with hate, discrimination and bullying.

Selected Performance:

November 19 – 22, 2019 - Landscape of Hope, Remixing MMFA, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal QC

October 31, 2019 - Landscape of Hope, Theology in the City, St Jax Church, Montreal QC

February 20, 2019 - Landscape of Hope Canadian Premiere at Concordia's 4th Space, Montreal QC


Cédric Noel (2019)

Style: Indie Rock, Melodic Pop, Minimalist

Description: Singer-songwriter of intimate, authentic, and colorful musical compositions.

Selected Performance:

September 28, 2019 – Cedric Noel with TORRES and Charlotte Cornfield at Bar Le Ritz, Montreal QC (POP Montréal)


Tambour (2018 to 2019)

Style: Ambient, Film Music, Neoclassical

Description: A cinematographic musical exploration by composer Simon Piché-Castonguay.

Selected Performance:

April 12, 2019 - Tambour at Centre Henri-Lemieux, Montreal QC

November 24, 2018 - Tambour et son ensemble at St-Jax, Montreal QC      

October 18, 2018 - Tambour at Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay, Montreal QC


arc (2018 to present)

Style: Experimental, Improvisation

Description: Arc is an artistic collective exploring the interrelation between improvised electronic music and video synthesis.

Selected Performance:

June 17, 2020 – arc with Qwiet Eye via Facebook Live (Program Nexus Virtual 1; Windsor Arts Council)

February 16, 2020 – Ambiances Electroniques with Axaxaxas MLO et Nutritional Zero at Vices & Versa, Montreal QC


Justin Wright

Style : Electroacoustic, Ambient, Neoclassical

Description: Justin Wright is a cellist, composer, and artist.

Selected Performance:

July 4, 2019 - Justin Wright with Alexandra Streliski, Place-Des-Arts Maisonneuve Theatre, Montreal QC (Montreal Jazz Festival)

June 20, 2019 - Justin Wright w/ Lubomyr Melnyk, Bell Studio, Calgary (Sled Island Festival)

December 12, 2018 - Justin Wright w/ Colin Stetson at Bar Le Ritz, Montreal QC

October 26, 2017 - Justin Wright w/ Hauschka at Le Gesu, Montreal QC

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