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Miao Song, PhD

Part-time Faculty, Design and Computation Arts
Part-time faculty, Computer Science and Software Engineering
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering


Dr. Miao Song completed her first Bachelor’s degree in Performance Arts and Direction in China, where she also worked as a director and journalist for CCTV (China Central Television Station). She received a Master's degree in Computer Science at Concordia, focusing on interactive real-time soft body simulation. She went on to complete her PhD in the SIP program, where she began researched interactive environments; combining her interest documentary cinema, 3D computer graphics, realistic physical simulation, and haptic responsive environments. Miao has received numerous scholarships, awards, and research grants. She teaches in Design and Computation Arts and Computer Science at Concordia.

Her research involves a mix of interactive environments, cinema and documentaries, 3D computer graphics and realistic physical based simulation, and haptic responsive environments.

Her short documentary film I Still Remember received a best short documentary award at 1st BJIFF (Beijing International Film Festival) "See the World through Films" short documentary film contest. It also has been selected as one of the top ten videos and screened at HTMlles 2010 festival in Montreal, Canada. In March 2012, the same film has been selected to screen to public at VWIFF (Vancouver Women in Film Festival) 2012. The coproduction feature film Snowflake, based on my personal experience was selected in the final list of 20 best film production projects at project pitching at 2nd BJIFF. The paper related to interactive documentary project Tangible Memories has been published at ICEC (The International Conference on Entertainment Computing) 2011.

Illimitable Space System (ISS), a development prototype originating from her doctoral thesis, has been expanded and field-tested beyond lab environment: Concordia Open House; Stewart Hall ExpoScience events in 2012 and 2013; Montreal Eureka! Festival; and onto the stage inside the Ascension dance performed by a MCCCA dance troupe in January 2014 in DB Clarke theatre; as well as a theatre production Like Shadows at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing.

Like Shadows at Central Academy of Drama in Beijing
Photo credit: Miao Song
Dance performed by MCCCA
Photo credit: Miao Song
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