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Amruthur S. Ramamurthy, PhD

Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

Amruthur S. Ramamurthy, PhD

Amruthur S. Ramamurthy obtained the M.Sc.Engg degree in Hydraulics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1960. He got the Ph.D. degree in Fluid Mechanics from Purdue University in 1966. He served the Indian Institute of Science as an Assistant professor of Civil Engineering during 1966-1968. Later, he joined Purdue University as a visiting assistant professor (1968-1970). In 1970, he became an assistant professor at Concordia University. Since 1975, he is a professor of Civil Engineering at Concordia University. His research topics are related to Fluids Engineering and Environmental Engineering. He has completed the research supervision of 60 graduate students including 15 doctoral students. He has published 90 journal papers including 58 in ASME and ASCE journals. He is a member of the graduate studies appraisal committee for Civil Engineering at Windsor University. He is a fellow of CSCE, ASCE and ASME. He is an associate editor of the CJCE. In 2010, he was awarded the Camille Dejenais award of CSCE for contributions to development of Hydrotechnical engineering in Canada.

Teaching activities

Undergraduate courses

Statics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics I, Fluid Mechanics II, Engineering Drawing, Numerical Methods, Probability and Random processes in Engineering, Environmental engineering, Air Pollution, Water Quality, Water supply and Wastewater system design, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Urban Sanitation, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydraulic Structures.

Graduate courses

Numerical Methods II, Probabilistic Methods in Engineering Design, Boundary Layer Theory, Turbulence, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines, Environmental Engineering, Air Pollution, Water Quality, Hydraulic engineering, Water resource systems, Ground water Flow.

Research activities

Environmental Engg: Water quality, Site remediation, Ground water and surface water decontamination Hydraulic Engg: CFD modeling, Flow measurement, Hydraulics and Water resources engineering

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