Mount Mansfield, Vermont - July 1 - 2016
Radu Grigore Zmeureanu, ing., Ph.D., FCAE, FIBPSA, Life Member ASHRAE
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Professor, ing., PhD., Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
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Supervised programs: Building Engineering (MASc), Building Engineering (PhD)
Research areas: Energy Efficiency, Design and analysis of energy-efficient buildings, Sustainable development concept applied to buildings, Second law analysis of HVAC systems, Optimization of life cycle performance of buildings and HVAC systems, Computer modelling of energy performance of buildings and HVAC systems, Computer modelling of refrigeration systems for ice rinks, Net zero energy houses,
Contact information
Dr. Radu G. Zmeureanu received his Engineering Diploma from the Faculty of Building Service Systems of the Civil Engineering Institute of Bucharest (Technical University of Construction of Bucharest, after 1990), Romania. He completed the International Post-graduate Programme in Informatics and Mathematics for Research organized by UNESCO at the University of Bucharest. He obtained in 1987 his Ph.D. in Building Studies in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of Concordia University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and joined the university as an Assistant Professor that year. In 1990 he became an Associate Professor, and then in 1999 he was promoted to Professor.
Member of professional societies
- Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)
- Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE)
- Life Member, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
- Fellow, International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)
- International Building Performance Simulation Association, Canadian branch, (IBPSA-Canada)
- Réseau Energie et Bâtiments (Québec)
Research topics
- Design and analysis of energy-efficient buildings
- Optimization of life cycle performance of buildings and HVAC systems
- Ongoing commissioning of commercial/institutional buildings
- Fault Detection and Diagnosis for HVAC systems
- Computer modeling of energy performance of buildings and HVAC systems
- Calibration and validation of building energy analysis programs
- Sustainable development concept applied to buildings
- Zero energy buildings
- Second law analysis of HVAC systems
- Impact of building design and control strategies on thermal comfort
Teaching activities
Undergraduate courses
- ENGR 202: Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship
- ENGR 251: Thermodynamics
composed of pure substances and their homogeneous non‑reactive mixtures. Simple power production and utilization cycles.
- BLDG 341: Building Engineering Systems
- ENGR/EMAT 391: Numerical Methods
- BLDG 472: Building Energy Conservation Technologies
Energy audit: evaluation of energy performance of existing buildings, weather normalization methods, measurements, disaggregation of total energy consumption, use of computer models, impact of people behaviour. Energy efficiency measures in buildings: approaches, materials and equipments, operating strategies, evaluation methods of energy savings. Renewable energy sources: passive or active solar systems, geothermal systems, free‑cooling. Optimum selection of energy sources. Impact of emerging technologies.
- BLDG 479: Commissioning of HVAC systems in buildings
Introduction. Scope of commissioning of Heating, Ventilation, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning systems.
Commissioning, retro-commissioning,recommissioning, continuous commissioning, and ongoing commissioning. Process versus technical commissioning. Instrumentation for the monitoring of HVAC operation and performance. Uncertainty analysis of experimental data. Mathematical models of different classes of virtual sensors. Data mining techniques applied to measurements from HVAC systems. Development of benchmarking models of the normal HVAC operation: correlation-based models, Artificial Neural Networks, and calibrated models. Methods for the automated faults detection and diagnostic (FDD). Forecasting models of the energy demand in buildings. Recommissioning measures for HVAC systems. Methods of estimation of energy and cost savings due to the commissioning of HVAC systems.
- BLDG 490: Capstone Building Engineering Design Project
Graduate courses
- BLDG 6701: Building Environment
- BLDG 6781: Energy Management in Buildings
Participation activities
Selected refereed conference proceedings (since year 2000)
Dou, H,Zmeureanu, R. (2024) Grey-box models supported by transfer learning for improvingthe prediction of ongoing commissioning of water-cooled electric chillers. eSIM 2024 Conference, Edmonton, June 5-7.
Rayegan, S., Wang, L.,Zmeureanu, R. (2024) Transient simulation of rooftop PV panel operation in theurban area of Montreal: assessing emissions reduction potential. InternationalConference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment, ZCBE-1; 3 - 5 July 2024,University of Nottingham, UK.
Li, J., Baril, D., Ye, K., Ge, H., Athienitis, A., Zmeureanu, R. (2023)Experimental study of a heat recovery ventilator preheated by a BuildingIntegrated Photovoltaic system in a cold climate. 13th Nordic Symposium onBuilding Physics, Aalborg, Denmark, June 11-14.
Baba, F., Ge,H., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., Qi, D., (2023) Passive adaptation strategies tomitigate the overheating risk in an existing Canadian school. BuildingSimulation conference, September 4-6, China.
Shu, C., Xie, Z., Ji, L., Baril, D., Wang, L., Bai, X., Yang, S., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R.,Lacasse, M., Laouadi, A., Gaur, A., Wang, L. {Leon}., (2022) Comparing Multiple Overheating Assessment Metrics Using Measured Data. COBEE 2022 Conference,Montreal, July.
Bezyan, B., Zmeureanu, R., (2022) Application of a hybrid machine learning model for the detection and diagnosis of multiple dependent faults in an air handling unit. COBEE 2022 Conference, Montreal, July.
Ji, L., Shu, C., Laouadi, A., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Gaur, A., Lacasse, M., Wang, L., (2022) Evaluating and mapping indoor thermal risk on older people in long-term care buildings under urban microclimate impacts. COBEE 2022 Conference, Montreal,July.
Ji, Lili; Shu, Chang; Laouadi, Abdelaziz; Ge, Hua; Zmeureanu, Radu;Lacasse, Michael; Wang, Liangzhu {Leon}., (2022) Quantification of building thermal resilience against heatwaves. COBEE 2022 Conference, Montreal, July.
Xie, Z., Shu, C., Zegen Reich, B., Baril, D.,Ji, L., Yang, S., Bai, X., Zmeureanu, R.,Lacasse, M., Wang, L., Ge, H., (2021). Afield study on summertime overheating of six schools in Montreal Canada. IBPC 2021. IBPC 2021, Copenhagen, Demark, 25-27 August.
Da Silva, P.G.,Zmeureanu, R., (2021) Impact of changes in design/operation guidelines against the COVID-19 on the energy performance of an institutional building: A case study. Building Simulation BS 2021Conference, Bruges, Belgium, September.
Li, J., Zmeureanu, R., Ge, H. (2021) Simulation of energy impact of an energy recovery ventilator in Northern housing. HVAC2021 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy, Tallinn, Estonia,April 20-2. E3S Web of Conferences 246, 10005. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124610005.
Da Silva, P.G.,Zmeureanu, R., (2021) Running a large number of energy simulations using the batch processing feature of DOE-2 eQUEST. MERCOFRIO 2020 - 12º CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE AR CONDICIONADO,REFRIGERAÇÃO, AQUECIMENTO E VENTILAÇÃO, March 2-4. (Best paper award,category HVAC Systems and Equipment).
Shamim, Md. A., Zmeureanu, R., Candanedo, J.,(2021) Potential of deep learning-based models for predicting the supply air temperature from air-handling units. eSim 2021 conference, Vancouver, June14-16.
Runge, J., Zmeureanu, R., (2020) Forecasting the electric demand of an HVAC system with deep learning-based techniques. eSim2020 conference, Vancouver, June 14-16.
Da Silva, P.G. ,Zmeureanu, R., (2021) Method of sensitivity analysis applied to a NECB-2017reference institutional building. eSim 2021 conference, Vancouver, June 14-16.
Bezyan, B., Zmeureanu,R., (2020) Fault detection and diagnosis in an air handling unit using machine learning techniques. eSim 2020 conference, Vancouver, June 14-16.
Sormin, S., Athienitis, A.K., Zmeureanu, R., (2019)Improving Energy Efficiency in a Library Building through Mixed Mode Hybrid Ventilation. Proceedings 23(1), 3; doi:10.3390/proceedings2019023003. Cancam Conference, Sherbrooke, May.
Zmeureanu, R., (2019) Virtual Measurements of the Air Properties in AHUs or Virtual Re-Calibration of Sensors. ASHRAE Conference,Kansas City, June (Invited speaker).
Zmeureanu, R., (2019) Use of eQuest in the teaching of design and analysis of HVAC systems: lessons from Building Engineering courses.Proceedings of BS2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, Rome, September.ISBN: 978-1-7750520-1-2.
Lopes, F.S.D., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Labaki, LC., (2019)Optimization of an energy efficient office building in subtropical Brazil. XI ELACAC Encontro Lationo-Americano deConforto no Ambiente Costruido, Joao Pessaa, September.
Rey, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2019) A Methodology for Optimizing Solar Thermal Combisystems: From Data Collection to Multi-Objective Optimization. Proceedings of BS2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, Rome, September.ISBN: 978-1-7750520-1-2.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M.,Zmeureanu, R., (2018) Multi-Objective Optimization of a Solar Heat Pump System Using PVT and Ice-Based Latent Storage. EuroSun 2018, Rapperswil, Switzerland.
Runge, J., Zmeureanu, R., Le Cam, L., (2018) Comparison of Iterative-Multistep-Ahead Models for Forecasting the Supply Air Flow Rate of a HVAC system. eSim 2018 Conference, ETS, Montreal, May.
Bezyan,B., Zmeureanu, R., (2018) Principal Component Analysis for the ongoing commissioning of northern houses. eSim 2018Conference, ETS, Montreal, May.
Le Cam, M., Zmeureanu, R., Daoud, A., Athienitis, A.K., (2017) Forecasting of Cooling Coil Load using On-Site Forecasts of Outdoor Air Conditions versus Forecasts from Closest Airport. Building Simulation 2017 Conference, San Francisco, August.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Kegel, M., Sunye, R., McDonald,E., (2016) The Potential of Liquid-Based BIPV/T Systems and Ice Storage for High Performance Housing in Canada. High Performance Buildings Conference, Purdue, July.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Kegel, M., Sunye, R., (2016) Development of an integrated solar heat pump concept using ice slurry as a latent storage material. International Conference on Sustainable Synergies from Buildings to the Urban Scale. SBE16, Thessaloniki, Greece, July.
Zibin, N., Zmeureanu, R., Love, J.A., (2016) A Bottom-up Method to Calibrate Building Energy Models Using Building Automation System (BAS) Trend Data. CLIMA2016 conference, Aarlborg, Denmark, May.
Rey, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Model validation of a residential solar thermal combisystem. eSim 2016 conference, Hamilton, ON, May.
Le Cam, M.,Zmeureanu, R., Daoud, A., (2016) Short term forecasting of the electric demand of HVAC system. eSim 2016 conference, Hamilton, ON, May.
Cotrufo,N., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) A new algorithm for sensors verification and correction in air handling units. eSim 2016 conference, Hamilton, ON, May.
Goubran,S., Qi, D., Saleh W.F. E., Wang, L (Leon), Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Validation of Numerical Modeling of Airflow Infiltration through Building Entrance Door. eSim 2016 conference, Hamilton, ON, May.
Cotrufo, N., Natale, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Virtual outdoor air flow meter for the ongoing commissioning of HVAC systems: lessons from a case study building. ASHRAE Transaction 122 (1).
Cotrufo, N., Zmeureanu, R., (2015) A Principal Component Analysis-based Approach for the Ongoing Commissioning of Centrifugal Chillers. CISBAT2015 conference, September, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Qi, D., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2015) Modeling Smoke Movement in Shafts during High-rise Fires by a Multizone Airflow and Energy Network Program. ASHRAE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, June, TRNS-00020-2015.
Zmeureanu, R., Vandenbroucke, H., (2015) Use of trend data from BEMS for the ongoing commissioning of HVAC systems. International Building Physics Conference,Torino, Italy, June.
McDonald, E., Zmeureanu, R., (2015) Development and Testing of a Virtual Flow Meter Tool to Monitor the Performance of Cooling Plants. International Building Physics Conference, Torino, Italy, June.
Beaty, C., Fazio, P., Zmeureanu, R.,Rao, J., (2015) A preliminary study of the performance of sensible and latent heat exchanger cores at the frosting limit for use in Arctic housing. International Building Physics Conference, Torino, Italy, June.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M.,Zmeureanu, R., Kegel, M., Sunye, R., (2014) Annual Performance of a Solar Assisted Heat Pump Using Ice Slurry as a Latent Storage Material. The 3rd International High Performance Buildings Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, July.
Mihai, A., and Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Impact of the Representation of Interior Loads on the Calibration of an eQuest Energy Model for a Case Study.eSim 2014 conference, Ottawa, May.
McDonald, E., Zmeureanu, R., and Giguère, D., (2014) Virtual Flow Meter for Chilled Water Loops in Existing Buildings. eSim 2014 conference,Ottawa, May.
Térache, C., Zmeureanu, R., and Laurencelle, F., (2014) Modélisation sur TRNSYS d’un réservoir d’eau chaude sanitaire et comparaison avec des mesures expérimentales. eSim 2014 conference, Ottawa, May.
Wen, X-N., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Solar Combisystem using Engineering Equation Solver (EES). eSim 2014conference, Ottawa, May.
Le Cam, M., Zmeureanu, R., and Daoud, A., (2014) Application of data mining techniques for energy modeling of HVAC sub-systems. eSim 2014conference, Ottawa, May.
Zibin, N., Zmeureanu, R., and Love, J., (2014) Bottom-up simulation calibration of zone and system level models using building automation system (BAS) trend data. eSim 2014 conference, Ottawa, May.
Qi, D., Wang, L., and Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Verification of a Multizone Airflow and Energy Network Model by Analytical Solutions to Stack-driven Flows in Buildings. eSim 2014 conference, Ottawa, May.
Qi, D., Wang, L., and Zmeureanu, R., (2014) A Hand Calculation Method of Smoke Movement through High-Rise Building Shaft. ASHRAE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, June.
Mihai, A., and Zmeureanu, R.,(2013) Calibration of a building energy model with hourly measured data using Quest. ICEBO 2013 conference, Montreal, October.
Zibin, N., Zmeureanu, R., and Love, J.A, (2013) Use of building automation system trend data for parameter identification in bottom-up simulation calibration. ICEBO 2013 conference, Montreal, October.
Qi, D., Wang, L., and Zmeureanu, R., (2013) Large Eddy Simulation of Thermal Comfort and Energy Utilization Indices for Indoor Airflows. ASHRAE Annual Conference, Denver, CO, June.
Monfet, D., and Zmeureanu, R.,(2013) Calibration of an EnergyPlus central cooling plant model with measurements and inter-program comparison. Building Simulation 2013 conference, Chambery, France, August.
Le Cam, M., Zmeureanu, R., and Daoud, A., (2013) Comparison of inverse models used for the forecast of the electric demand of central cooling plant. Building Simulation 2013 conference, Chambery, France, August.
Mihai, A., and Zmeureanu, R., (2013) Calibration of an energy model of a new research center building. Building Simulation 2013 conference,Chambery, France, August.
Bucking, S., Athienitis, A., and Zmeureanu, R., (2013) An optimization methodology to evaluate the effect size of incentives on energy-cost optimal curves. Building Simulation 2013 conference, Chambery, France, August.
Hamelin, M-C., and Zmeureanu,R., (2013) Life cycle cost and energy use analysis of eight residential space conditioning and domestic hot water systems in Quebec. CLIMA 2013 conference,Prague, June.
Tremblay, V., and Zmeureanu, R., (2013) Ongoing commissioning of heat exchangers in a central cooling and heating plant of a university campus.CLIMA 2013 conference,Prague, June.
Ng Cheng Hin, J., Zmeureanu, R., and Rosen, M.A., (2013) Exergy Analysis of a Residential Thermal Storage System. EIC Climate Change Technology Conference, Montreal, May.
Hugo, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2012) Residential solar-based seasonal thermal storage system in cold climate:building envelope and thermal storage. ECOS 2012 conference, Perugia, Italy.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Sunyé, R., (2012)Development of a mathematical model for the simulation of a non-agitated ice slurry storage tank. eSim Conference, Halifax, May.
Hamelin, M-C.,Zmeureanu, R., (2012) Multi-objective life cycle optimization of a single-family house envelope. eSim Conference, Halifax, May.
Ng Hin Chen, J., Zmeureanu, R., (2012) Optimization of a residential solar combisystem for minimum life cycle energy and cost. eSim Conference,Halifax, May.
El-Shenawy, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2011) Exergy-based index of building sustainability: definition and case studies. World Sustainable Building Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Wu, X.Y., Zmeureanu, R., (2011) Exergy analysis of residential heating systems: performance of whole system vs performance of major equipment. Building Simulation 2011, Syndey, November.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R., (2011) Identification of the electric chiller model for the EnergyPlus program using monitored data in an existing cooling plant. Building Simulation 2011, Syndey, November.
Bucking, S.,Athienitis, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2011) Optimization of Net-zero Energy Solar Communities: Effect of Uncertainty due to Occupant Factors. ISES Conference,Germany, August.
Magnier, L., Zmeureanu, R. and Derome, D., (2011) Experimental study of the temperature and velocity fields produced by a displacement ventilation diffuser. ASHRAE Conference, Montreal, June.
Magnier, L., Zmeureanu, R. and Derome, D., (2011) Étude expérimentale du jet d’air provenant d’un diffuseur de ventilation par déplacement. Xe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Chicoutimi, Juin.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M.,Zmeureanu, R. and Sunyé, R., (2011) Concept and performance of a solar assisted heat pump using ice slurry as a storage medium. Climamed Conference,Madrid, June.
Zmeureanu, R., Menhert, J., Julien, C., Renaud, G.,(2011) Energy performance of solar domestic hot water systems in a changing climate: 2050 vs2007. Climamed Conference, Madrid, June.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M.,Zmeureanu, R. and Sunyé, R., (2011) Simulated performance of a solar assisted heat pump using ice slurry as a latent storage material. ISPC 2011, Padua, Italy,April.
Bucking,S., Athienitis, A., Zmeureanu, R.,O’Brien, W., Doiron, M., (2010) Design Optimization Methodology for a Near Net Zero Energy Demonstration Home. EuroSun International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings, September, Graz, Austria.
Le Bail, Y., Zmeureanu, R., and Bédard, C., (2010) Système d’optimisation pour la conception d’un bâtiment avec une installation photovoltaïque. eSim 2010, Winnipeg, May.
Patil,R., Zmeureanu, R. and Giguere, D., (2010) Computer modeling of cold storage under the concrete slab in ice skating rinks. CLIMA 2010, Turkey, May. CD ISBN978-975-6907-14-6.
Magnier, L., Zmeureanu, R., Rimmer, J.and Derome, D., (2010) Experimental models for the determination of the Length of the Adjacent Zone for Displacement Ventilation diffusers. CLIMA 2010, Turkey, May. CD ISBN 978-975-6907-14-6.
Zmeureanu, R., Renaud, G., Julien, C., and Brau, J., (2009) Estimation of heating energy use of existing houses in a future climate: 2050 vs 2007. Building Simulation 2009, Glasgow, July.
Monfet, D.,and Zmeureanu, R., (2009) Simulation of a large central cooling and heating plant using TRNSYS and calibration with monitored data. Building Simulation 2009, Glasgow, July.
K.Kapsis, A. Tzempelikos, A. K. Athienitis, R. Zmeureanu, (2009) A control algorithm for bottom-up roller shades, Proceedings of 4th Solar Buildings Research Network conference, Toronto, June.
Julien, C.and Zmeureanu, R., (2009) Comparison de la performance énergétique de plusieurs types de panneaux solaires thermiques dans un climat en changement. IXe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Lille, 18-20 mai.
Monfet, D.and Zmeureanu, R., (2009) Évaluation de la performance d’une centrale thermique d’un campus universitaire à Montréal. IXe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Lille, 18-20 mai.
Hugo,A., Zmeureanu, R. and Rivard, H., (2008) Modelling of a seasonal thermal storage system in a residential system. 3rd Canadian Solar Buildings Conference,Fredericton.
Zmeureanu,R. and Zheng, X., (2008) Second law analysis of the water loop heat pump system for office buildings. World Renewable Energy Congress X, Glasgow.
Bérubé Dufour, M.,Derome, M., Tardif, M. and Zmeureanu, R., (2008) Measurement of air temperature using infrared thermography in rooms equipped with UFAD systems in cold climate. Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Copenhagen, June.
Teyssedou, G., Zmeureanu, R. and Giguere, D., (2008) Computer model of the refrigeration system of an ice rink. ESim 2008 conference, Quebec City, May 20-22.
Leckner, M. and Zmeureanu, R., (2008) Simulating a NZEH with a solar combi-system and radiant floor heating. ESim2008 conference, Quebec City, May 20-22.
Zmeureanu,R. and Brau, J., (2007) Hydronic radiant floor for heating and cooling coupled with an underground heat exchanger: modeling approach and results. Building Simulation 2007 Conference, Beijing.
Monfet, D.,Zmeureanu, R., Charneux, R. and Lemire, N., (2007). Computer model of a university building using the EnergyPlus program. Building Simulation 2007 Conference, Beijing.
M. Bessoudo, A. Tzempelikos, A.K.Athienitis, R. Zmeureanu, (2007) The impact of shading on thermal comfort conditions in perimeter zones with glass facades," keynote speaker,Proceedings of 2nd PALENC and 28th AIVC conference: Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st century, Crete, Greece, September.
Tzempelikos,A., Bessoudo, M., Zmeureanu, R. and Athienitis, A., (2007) Simulation of thermal comfort conditions in highly-glazed perimeter zones with shading devices. 2nd Canadian Solar Buildings Conference, Calgary.
Bessoudo, M., Tzempelikos, A.,Candanedo, L., Karava, P., Athienitis, A., Zmeureanu, R. and Handfield, L.,(2007) Thermal comfort conditions in highly-glazed perimeter zones with shading devices. 2ndCanadian Solar Buildings Conference, Calgary.
Bessoudo, M., Tzempelikos, A.,Athienitis, A. and Zmeureanu, R., (2007). The impact of shading on thermal comfort conditions in perimeter zones with glass facades. AIVC International Conference: Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21stcentury, Greece.
Teyssedou, G.,Zmeureanu, R. and Giguère, D., (2007) Développement d’un modèle pour un système de réfrigération d’un aréna. VIIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Montréal.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R., Charneux, R. and Lemire, N., (2007). Évaluation de la performance d’un bâtiment universitaire : Monitoring and simulation avec EnergyPlus. VIIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Montréal.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R., Lemire, N.and Charneux, R., (2006). Inter-program comparison of a virtual model of an university building. ESim 2006 conference, Toronto, May 4-5.
Wang, W., Rivard, H. and Zmeureanu,R.,(2006) A comparative study of representation and encondings for building shape optimization with genetic algorithms. International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal.
Athienitis,A.K., Kesik, T., Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Noguchi, N., Tzempelikos, A., Charron, R., Karava, P., Zmeureanu, R., Love,J., Harrison, S., and Poissant, Y., (2006) Development of Requirements for a Solar Building Conceptual Design Tool, Proc. 1st SBRN & SESCI 31stJoint Conference, 2006, 8 pages.
Lin, Y. and Zmeureanu, R., (2006)Mathematical model of thermal performance of a dome-covered house. Third International Building Physics Conference, Montreal.
Wei, Z. and Zmeureanu, R., (2006)Second law analysis of HVAC systems for commercial buildings. Third International Building Physics Conference, Montreal.
Wei,Z. and Zmeureanu, R., (2006). Analysis of energy, exergy and GHG emissions applied to VAV systems in an office building. ESim 2006 conference, Toronto,May 4-5.
Mottillo,M., Zmeureanu, R. and Beausoleil-Morrison, I., (2006). Modelling an adsorption system for the seasonal storage of heat in residential buildings. ESim 2006conference, Toronto, May 4-5.
Nassif,N. and Zmeureanu, R., (2006). Dynamic data-driven gray-box models of components of HVAC systems. ESim 2006 conference, Toronto, May 4-5.
Wang,W., Zmeureanu, R. and Rivard, H., (2006). Sensitivity study in finding the optimal shape of a green office building. ESim 2006 conference, Toronto, May4-5.
Zmeureanu, R., (2006) Bâtiments soutenables : entre rêve et réalité. IBPSA France 2006, Institut National de l’Energie Solaire –INES, Université de Savoie, Chambéry. March 21.
Zmeureanu, R., Cherqui, F., Dupe,E., Wurtz, E. and Allard, F., (2005). Simulation of the environmental impact of a Canadian house. Sustainable Buildings Conference, Tokyo, September26-29.
Bérubé-Dufour, M.,Derome, D., and Zmeureanu, R., (2005).Quantification of air leaks through building envelopes using infrared thermography laboratory measurements, Proc. of the 10th Conf.on Building Science and Technology, Ottawa, 2005, Vol. 1, 85, 91.
Wang,W., Rivard, H., and Zmeureanu, R., (2005) A Framework for Simulation-Based Optimization with Application to Green Building Design, Proceedings of the 2005ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, L. Soibelman and F. Pena-Mora (Editors), Cancun, 8 pages.
Ndiaye,D., Bernier, M. and Zmeureanu, R., (2005) Evaluation of the embodied energy inbuilding materials and related carbon dioxide emissions in Senegal. Sustainable Buildings Conference,Tokyo, September 26-29.
Weimin,W., Zmeureanu, R. and Rivard, H., (2005). Two-phase application of multi-objective genetic algorithms in green building design. Building Simulation 2005, Montreal.
Yang,J., Rivard, H., and Zmeureanu, R., (2005) Building Energy Prediction with Adaptive Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the Ninth IBPSA Conference,I. Beausoleil-Morrison and M. Bernier (Editors), Montreal, 1401, 1408.
Zmeureanu, R., Dupé, E., Cherqui,F., Wurtz, E. et Allard, F. (2005) Analyse du cycle de vie du niveau d’isolation thermique d’une maison type dans plusieurs villes au Canada. VIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, St-Malo, 23-25 mai.
Gicquel, R., Riviere, P. and Zmeureanu, R., (2005) Enseignement de la thermodynamique appliquée :Problématique d’une nouvelle approche pédagogique par simulation et essais de machines frigorifiques ou pompe à chaleur. VIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, St-Malo, 23-25 mai.
Chebil, S., Galanis, N. and Zmeureanu, R. (2005) Modélisation des effets des infiltrations sur les performances thermiques des murs multicouches. VIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, St-Malo, 23-25 mai.
Bérubé-Dufour, M., Derome, D. et Zmeureanu, R. (2005) Quantification des défauts d’étanchéité à l’air de l’enveloppe du bâtiment par thermographie infrarouge. VIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, St-Malo, 23-25 mai.
Zmeureanu, R., Cherqui, F., Wurtz,E. and Allard, F., (2004) Outils de simulation de l’impact environnemental : cas d’une maison au Canada. IBPSA-France Conference,Toulouse.
Caunesil,C., Callies, M., Zmeureanu, R. and Roux J-J. (2004) Comparison of two building energy-related standards : MNECCB (Canada) and RT-2000 (France). CIB World Congress, Toronto.
Wang,W., Zmeureanu, R. and Rivard, H. (2004) Investigation of the impact of electricity rate and mix on optimum green building design. ESIM 2004 conference, Vancouver.
Wu,X.Y. and Zmeureanu, R. (2004) Exergy analysis of HVAC systems for a house in Montreal. ESIM 2004 conference, Vancouver.
Baouendi, R., Zmeureanu, R. and Bradley, B. (2003) Life cycle analysis of exterior walls using the Energy and Emissions Estimator prototype tool. XXXth IAHS World Congress, Montreal, June 23-27.
Wang,W., Rivard, H. and Zmeureanu, R. (2003) Optimizing building design with respect to life-cycle environmental impacts. Building Simulation 2003, Eindhoven,Netherlands, August 11-14.
Chebil,S., Galanis, N. and Zmeureanu, R. (2003) Computer simulation of thermal impact of air infiltration through multilayered exterior walls. Building Simulation 2003, Eindhoven,Netherlands, August 11-14, p.155-162.
Schijndel,H., Zmeureanu, R. and Stathopoulos, T. (2003) Simulation of air infiltration through revolving doors. Building Simulation 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands,August 11-14.
Chebil, S., Galanis, N. and Zmeureanu, R. (2003) Simulation numérique de l’effet des infiltrations d’air sur le transfert de chaleur dans un mur multicouche. VIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Québec, 26-28 mai.
Baouendi,R., Zmeureanu, R., Bradley, B., Friedman, A. (2002) EEE: A prototype tool for the evaluation of embodied energy and greenhouse gases emissions of exterior envelope of Canadian houses.ESIM 2002 Conference, Montreal, September 11-13.
Zmeureanu, R., Zelaya, E.M., Giguere, D. (2002). Simulation de la consommation d’énergie d’un aréna à l’aide du logiciel DOE-2.1E. ESIM 2002 Conference, Montreal, September 11-13.
Chebil, S., Galanis, N., Zmeureanu, R. (2002)Computer simulation of air infiltration effects on heat transfer in multilayered walls. ESIM 2002 Conference, Montreal, September 11-13.
Neuhann, V., Zmeureanu, R., Solati, B., Paris,J., and Haghighat, F., (2002) Life-cycle analysis of refrigeration systems for air-conditioning an office building. WREC 2002, Koln, June 29-July 5.
Kassab, M., Zmeureanu, R., and Derome, D.,(2002) Multi-attribute life-cycle analysis of a sustainable house in Montreal. WREC 2002, Koln, June 29-July 5.
Ndiaye, D., Zmeureanu, R., and Bernier, M.,(2002) Decision Support System for the Design of Office Buildings in Senegal.Sustainable Building Conference, Oslo, October.
Kassab, M., Derome, D., and Zmeureanu, R.,(2002) Searching for the improvement of an energy-efficient house in Montreal.Sustainable Building Conference, Oslo, October.
Zmeureanu, R., (2001) Short-term detailed monitoring and long-term minimum monitoring for evaluating the performance of rooftop units. CLIMA 2000 Conference, Naples, September 15-19.
Baouendi, R., Rivard, H., and Zmeureanu, R.,(2001) Use of life cycle assessment tools during the design of green buildings. Canadian Society of Ecological Economists Conference, McGill University,Montreal, August 23-25.
Zmeureanu, R., Stathopoulos, T., andSchopmeijer, M.E.D., (2001) Air leakage through the building envelope via revolving doors. ICBEST 2001, Ottawa, June 26-29.
Zmeureanu, R. and Farinaccio, L., (2001) Use of soft computing techniques for the evaluation of energy performance of equipments in buildings. Esim 2001, Ottawa, 13-14 June.
Zmeureanu, R. and Siret, F., (2001) Évaluation des économies d’énergie avec des modèles basés sur des réseaux à neurones. Ve Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Lyon (France), 28-30 mai.
Baouendi,R. Zmeureanu, R. and Brau, J., (2001) L’énergie intrinsèque dans les matériaux utilisés dans les bâtiments. Ve Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois,Lyon (France), 28-30 mai.
Labidi,J., Zmeureanu, R., Solati, B., Haghighat, F., and Paris, J., (2001) Évaluationtechnico-économique de l’utilisation des pompes à chaleur à absorption au Canada - phase I. Ve Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Lyon(France), 28-30 mai.
Rivard,H. and Zmeureanu, R., (2001) Outil d'optimisation basé sur l'algorithme génétique pour la thermique du bâtiment. Ve Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Lyon (France), 28-30 mai.
Zmeureanu,R. and Rivard, H., (2000) Optimisation d’un système de chauffage avec des pompes à chaleur eau-air. Conférence IBPSA France 2000, Sophie Antipolis,France, pp.109-115.
Zmeureanu, R. and Le Priol, M., (2000) Optimum thermal insulation of houses in Montreal. World Renewable Energy Congress VI, Brighton, U.K., part III, pp. 1846-1849.
Zmeureanu, R. and Rivard, H., (2000)Optimization of a geothermal heating and cooling system for a large commercial building in Montreal. World Renewable Energy Congress VI, Brighton, U.K.,part I, pp. 322-325.
Zmeureanu, R., Dou, H., Ge, H., Wang, L., Xie, Z., (2025) Thermal time constant estimation of unoccupied school buildings from field measurements over summer. Journal of Building Engineering, 104,112311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2025.112311.
Hou,D.,Zmeureanu, R., (2024). Transfer learning for the prediction of energy performance of water-cooled electric chillers: grey-box models versus deep neural network (DNN) models. Topical collection: Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy. Energies 2024, 17, 5981. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17235981.
Rayegan, S., Katal, A., Wang, L.,Tahmasebi, S., Zmeureanu, R., Eicker, U., Mortezazadeh, M., (2024) Modeling building energy self-sufficiency of using rooftop photovoltaics on an urbanscale. Energy and Buildings, 324, 114863.
Grossi, F., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., (2024) Assessing the Effectiveness of Building Retrofits in Reducing GHG Emissions: A Canadian School Case Study. Journal of Building Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109622.
Rayegan, S., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., Katal, A., Mortezazadeh, M., Moore, T., Ge, H., Lacasse, M., (2024) Achieving Carbon Neutrality at Building and Community Levels – A Review. Energy & Buildings, 314, 2024, 14263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114263.
Baba, FM., Cheong, KCT., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Wang, L., Qi, D. (2023) Comparing overheating risk and mitigation strategies for two Canadian schools by using building simulation calibrated with measured data. Journal of Building Performance Simulation (TBPS),https://10.1080/19401493.2023.2290103.
Dou, H., Zmeureanu, R. (2023) Transfer learning prediction performance of chillers for neural network models. Energies,16, 7149. Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applied to Energy Systems”, section F5: Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16207149/.
Grossi, F., Ge, F., Zmeureanu, R. (2023) Life Cycle Assessment of the Environmental Benefits of using Wood Products and Planting Trees at an All-Electric University Laboratory. Buildings, 2023,13, 1584. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13071584.
Xiao, Z., Ge, H., Lacasse, MA., Wang,L., Zmeureanu, R. (2023) Nature-based Solutions for Carbon-neutral Climate Resilient Buildings and Communities: A Review of Technical Evidence, Design Guidelines, and Policies. Buildings, 13(6), 1389. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13061389.
Baba, FM., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Wang,L. (Leon). (2023) Optimizing Overheating, Lighting, and Heating Energy Performances in Canadian School for Climate Change Adaptation: Sensitivity Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization Methodology. Building and Environment, 237, 110336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110336.
Dou, H., Zmeureanu, R., (2023) Detection and diagnosis of multiple-dependent faults (MDFDD) of water-cooled centrifugal chillers using grey-box model-based method. Energies, Special Issue “Energy and Artificial Intelligence”, 16(1), 210. doi.org/10.3390/en16010210.
Grossi, F., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Baba,F.M., (2022) Feasibility of planting trees around buildings as a nature-based solution of carbon sequestration – An LCA approach using two case studies. Buildings,13(1), 41. doi.org/10.3390/buildings13010041.
Baba, F.M., Ge, H., Wang, L., Zmeureanu,R., (2023) Assessing and mitigating overheating risk in existing Canadian school buildings under extreme current and future climates. Energy and Buildings, 279, 112710.
Li, J., Ye, K., Baril, D.,Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Athienitis, AK. (2023) Experimental study of a heat recovery ventilator preheated by a Building Integrated Photovoltaic systemin a cold climate. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2654 01210, December.
Runge, J., Zmeureanu, R., (2022) Forecasting the electric demand of a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system using deep learning techniques. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 53,101674.
Baba, F.M., Ge, H.,Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2022) Do high energy-efficient buildings increase overheating risk in cold climates? Causes and mitigation measures required under recent and future climates. Building and Environment, 219, 109230.
Bezyan, B., Zmeureanu,R., (2022) Detection and Diagnosis of Dependent Faults That Trigger False Symptoms of Heating and Mechanical Ventilation Systems Using Combined Machine Learning and Rule‐Based Techniques. Energies, 2022, 15, 1691. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en15051691.
Li, J., Zmeureanu, R., Ge, H., (2021) Modeling the effect of dual-core energy recovery ventilator unit on the energy use of houses in northern Canada. Applied Thermal Engineering, 204(2):117971, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117971.
Xie, Z., Shu, C., Zegen Reich, B., Wang, L., Baril, D., Ji, L., Yang, S., Bai, X., Zmeureanu, R., Lacasse, M., Wang, L., Ge, H. (2021) A field study on summertime overheating of six schools in Montreal Canada. Journal of Physics Conference Series 2069(1):012168. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2069/1/012168.
Baba, F., Ge, H., Zmeureanu, R., Wang, L.,(2021) Calibration of building model based on indoor temperature for overheating assessment using genetic algorithm: Methodology, evaluation criteria, and case study. Building and Environment, 207(2):108518, DOI:10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108518.
Dou, H., and Zmeureanu, R., (2021) Evidence-based assessment of energy performance of two large centrifugal chillers over nine cooling seasons. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 27:9, 1243-1255, DOI:10.1080/23744731.2021.1931437.
Runge, J., Zmeureanu,R., (2021) A review of deep learning techniques for forecasting energy use in buildings. Energies, 14:3, 608. Special Issue: Machine Learning Prediction Models in Energy Systems. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030608.
Shamim, Md A., Zmeureanu, R.,Cotrufo, N., Candanedo, J., (2020) Gray- box virtual sensor of the supply air temperature of air handling units (AHUs). Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 26:8, 151- 1162 Bezian, B., Zmeureanu, R., (2020) Machine learning for benchmarking models of heating energy demand of houses in Northern Canada. Energies 2020, 13(5), 1158. Special Issue: Energy Efficiency, Savings and Storage in Buildings Combined with Advanced Energy Systems and Materials
Runge, J., Zmeureanu, R., LeCam, M., (2020) Hybrid short-term forecasting of the electric demand of supply fans using machine learning. Journal of Building Engineering 29, 101144
Runge, J., Zmeureanu, R., (2019) Forecasting energy use in buildings using artificial neural networks: A review. Energies 12(17), 3254Cotrufo,N., Zmeureanu, R., Athienitis, A., (2019) Virtual measurement of the air properties in AHUs or virtual re-calibration of sensors. Science and Technology for Built Environment 25: 21-33.
Cotrufo, N., Zmeureanu, R., (2018) Virtual outdoor air flow meter for an existing HVAC system in heating mode. Automation in Construction, 92:166-172
Battie, C, Fazio, P., Zmeureanu, R., Rao, J., (2018) Experimental study of the air-to-air heat exchangers for use in Arctic housing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 129:1281-1291.
Qi, D., Goubran, S., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2018) Parametric study of air curtain door performance based on experiments and numerical simulation. Building and Environment, 129: 65-73.
Rey, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2017) Micro-Time Variant Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (micro-TVMOPSO) of solar thermal combisystems. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 36:76-90.
Magnier-Bergeron, L., Zmeureanu, R., Derome, D., (2017) Three- dimensional model of air speed in the secondary zone of displacement ventilation jet. Building and Environment, 114:483-494.
Le Cam, M., Zmeureanu, R., Daoud, A., (2017) Cascade-based short- term forecasting method of the electric demand of HVAC system. Energy, 119: 1098-1107.
Mihai, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2017) Bottom-up evidence-based calibration of a building energy model. International Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 10(1): 105-123.
Tamasauskas,J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Kegel, M., Sunye, R., (2017) Development of an integrated solar heat pump concept using ice slurry as a latent storage material. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 38: 44-51.
Le Cam, M., Daoud,A., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Forecasting electric demand of supply fan using data mining techniques Energy, 101: 541- 557.
Goubran, S., Qi, D., Saleh WF., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Experimental Study on the Flow Characteristics of Air Curtains at Building Entrances. Building and Environment, 105: 225-235.
Cotrufo, N., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) PCA-base method of soft fault detection and identification for the ongoing commissioning of chillers. Energy and Buildings, 130: 443–452.
Qi, D., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) The Effects of Non-uniform Temperature Distribution on Neutral Plane Level in Non-adiabatic High- rise Shafts during Fires. Fire Technology, DOI: 0.1007/s10694-015- 0554-2.
Rey, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2016) Multi-objective optimization of a residential solar thermal combisystem. Solar Energy, 139: 622-632.
McDonald, E., Zmeureanu, R., (2015) Development and Testing of a Virtual Flow Meter Tool to Monitor the Performance of Cooling Plants. Energy Procedia, 78: 1129-1134.
Beaty, C., Fazio, P., Zmeureanu, R., Rao, J., (2015) A preliminary study of the performance of sensible and latent heat exchanger cores at the frosting limit for use in Arctic housing. Energy Procedia, 78: 2596-2601.
Zmeureanu, R., Vandenbroucke, H., (2015) Use of trend data from BEMS for the ongoing commissioning of HVAC systems. Energy Procedia, 78:2415-2420.
Zibin, N., Zmeureanu, R., Love, J.A., (2016) Automatic assisted calibration tool for coupling building automation system trend data with commissioning. Automation in Construction, 61: 124–133.
McDonald, E., Zmeureanu, R., (2015) Virtual Flow Meter for chilled and condenser water for chillers: estimates versus measurements. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 1- 11, DOI:10.1080/23744731.2015.1085279.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Kegel, M., Sunye, R., (2015) Development and Validation of a Solar Assisted Heat Pump Using Ice Slurry as a Latent Storage Material. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 21(6): 837-846.
Hamelin, M-C., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Optimum envelope of a single-family house based on life cycle analysis. Buildings, 4:95-112 (doi:10.3390/buildings4020095).
Tremblay, V., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Benchmarking models for the ongoing commissioning of heat recovery process in a central heating and cooling plant. Energy, The International Journal, 70:194-203.
McDonald, E., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Virtual Flow Meter to Estimate the Water Flow Rates in Chillers. ASHRAE Transactions, 120(2): 200- 208.
Dahai, Q., Wang, L., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) An Analytical Model of Heat and Mass Transfer through Non-adiabatic High-rise Shafts during Fires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 72: 585-594.
Bucking, S., Athienitis, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) A multi-objective redesign of a near net-zero energy solar house. ASHRAE Transactions, 120(1): 224-236. (ASHRAE Technical Paper Award).
Ng Cheng Hin, J., Zmeureanu, R., (2014) Optimization of a residential solar combisystem for minimum lifecycle cost, energy use and exergy destroyed. Solar Energy, 100: 102-113.
Du, L., Zmeureanu, R.,Stathopoulos, T., (2014) Air Infiltration through Revolving Doors. Energy and Buildings, 70: 127-134.
Bucking, S., Zmeureanu, R., Athienitis, A., (2013) Methodology for identifying the influence of design variations on building energy performance. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 7(6): 411- 426 (Among the 10 most downloaded papers from Building & Construction journals, Taylor & Francis, in 2014).
Bucking, S., Zmeureanu, R., Athienitis, A., (2013) An information driven hybrid evolutionary algorithm for optimal design of a Net Zero Energy House. Solar Energy, 96: 128-139.
Teyssedou, G., Zmeureanu, R., Giguère, D., (2013) Benchmarking model for the ongoing commissioning of the refrigeration system of an indoor ice rink. Automation in Construction, 35: 229–237.
El Shenawy, A., Zmeureanu, R., (2013) Exergy-based index for assessing the building sustainability. Building and Environment, 60: 202-210.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R., (2013) Calibration of a central cooling plant model using manufacturer's data and measured input parameters and comparison with measured performance. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 6(2):141-155.
Hugo, A., Zmeureanu, R.,(2012) Residential solar-based seasonal thermal storage system in cold climate: building envelope and thermal storage. Energies, 5(10): 3972-3985.
Tamasauskas, J., Poirier, M., Zmeureanu, R., Sunyé, R., (2012) Modeling and Optimization of a Solar Assisted Heat Pump Using Ice Slurry as a Latent Storage Material. Solar Energy, 86: 3316-3325.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R., (2012) Ongoing commissioning of water- cooled electric chillers using benchmarking models. Applied Energy,92: 99-108.
Magnier, L., Zmeureanu, R., Derome, D., (2012) Experimental assessment of the velocity and temperature distributions in an indoor displacement ventilation jet. Building and Environment, 47: 150-160.
Monfet, D., Zmeureanu, R. (2011) Ongoing Commissioning Approach for a Central Cooling and Heating Plant. ASHRAE Transactions, 117(1).
Leckner, M., Zmeureanu, R., (2011) Life Cycle Cost and Energy Analysis of a Net Zero Energy House with Solar Combisystem. Applied Energy, 88: 232-241.
Kapsis, K., Tzempelikos,A., Athienitis, A.K., Zmeureanu, R., (2010) Daylighting performance evaluation of a “bottom-up” motorized roller shade. Solar Energy, 84(12):2120-2131.
Bessoudo, M., Tzempelikos,A., Athienitis, A.K., Zmeureanu., R., (2010) Indoor thermal environmental conditions near glazed facades with shading devices - Part I: Experiments and building thermal model. Building and Environment, 45: 2506-2515.
Tzempelikos, A., Bessoudo,M., Athienitis, A.K., Zmeureanu., (2010) Indoor thermal environmental conditions near glazed facades with shading devices - Part II: Thermal comfort simulation and the impact of glazing and shading properties. Building and Environment Journal, 45: 2517-2525.
Hugo, A., Zmeureanu,R., Rivard, H., (2010) Solar Combisystem with Seasonal Thermal Storage. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 3(4): 255-268.
Berubé-Dufour, M.,Derome, D., Zmeureanu, R., (2009) Analysis of thermograms for the estimation of dimensions of cracks in building envelope. Infrared Physics and Technology,52: 70-78.
Berube-Dufour, M.,Derome, D., Ouazia, B., Tardif, M., Zmeureanu, R., Potvin, A., Celis-Mercier, S., (2009) In-situ Performance of Stratified Air Distribution Systems in Two Canadian Buildings. ASHRAE Transactions, 115(2).
Yang, L., Zmeureanu, R., Rivard, H., (2009) Use of decision models under uncertainty for the estimation of the environmental impacts of a hot water boiler. ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 135(2): 27-32.
Teyssedou, G.,Zmeureanu, R., Giguère, D., (2009) Thermal Response of the Concrete Slab of an Indoor Ice Rink, HVAC&R Research, 15(3): 509-523.
Zhentao, W., Zmeureanu, R., (2009) Exergy Analysis of Variable Air Volume Systems for an Office Building. Energy Conversion and Management, 50: 387-392.
Monfet, D.,Zmeureanu, R., Charneux, R., Lemire, N., (2009) Calibration of a building energy model using measured data. ASHRAE Transactions, 115(1): 348-359.
Lin, Y., Zmeureanu,R., (2008) Computer model of the airflow and thermal phenomena inside a large dome. Energy and Buildings, 40: 1287- 1296.
Zmeureanu, R., Renaud, G., (2008) Estimation of potential impact of climate change on the heating energy use of existing houses. Energy Policy, 36: 303-310.
Lin, Y., Zmeureanu, R., (2008) Three-dimensional thermal and airflow (3D-TAF) model of a dome-covered house in Canada. Renewable Energy, 33: 22-34.
Yang, L., Zmeureanu,R., Rivard, H., (2008) Comparison of environmental impacts of two residential heating systems. Building and Environment, 43(6): 1072-1081.
Wang, W., Rivard, H, Zmeureanu, R., (2006) Floor Shape Optimization for Green Building Design. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 20: 363-378.
Ouzanne, M., Zmeureanu, R., Scott, J., Sunyé, R., Giguère,D., (2006) Cooling load and environmental measurements in a Canadian indoor ice rink. ASHRAE Transactions, 112(2): 38-545.
Zmeureanu, R, Wu, X.Y., (2006) Energy and exergy performance of residential heating systems with separate mechanical ventilation system. Energy, The International Journal, 32(3): 187-195.
Yang, J., Rivard, H., Zmeureanu, R., (2005) On-Line Building Energy Prediction Using Adaptive Artificial Neural Networks. Energy and Buildings, 37: 1250-1259.
Wang, W., Zmeureanu, R, Rivard, H., (2005) Applying multi-objective genetic algorithms in green building design optimization. Building and Environment, 40: 1512-1525 (award for most cited articles 2005- 2008 by the publisher of Civil and Engineering Journals, Elsevier).
Wang, W., Rivard, H., Zmeureanu, R., (2004) An object-oriented framework for simulation-based green building design optimization with genetic algorithms. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 19:5-23.
Baouendi, R., Zmeureanu, R., Bradley, B., (2004) Energy & Emissions Estimator: A Prototype Tool for Designing Canadian Houses. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 11(2): 50-59.
Kassab, M., Zmeureanu, R., Derome, D., (2003) Life-cycle analysis of improvements to an existing energy-efficient house in Montreal. Architectural Science Review, 46(4): 341-352.
Solati, B., Zmeureanu, R., Haghighat, F., (2003) Correlation-based models for the simulation of energy performance of screw hillers. Energy Conversion and Management, 44: 1903-1920.
Zmeureanu, R., Iliescu, S., Dauce, D., Jacob, Y., (2003) Radiation from cold or warm windows: computer model development and experimental validation. Building and Environment, 38(3): 427-434.
Zmeureanu, R., (2002) Using artificial neural networks and minimum number of sensors to predict the COP of rooftop units. Energy, The International Journal, 27(9): 889-904.
Zmeureanu, R., Stathopoulos, T., Schopmeijer, M.E.D., Siret F., Payer, J., (2001) Measurements of air leakage of revolving doors of an institutional building. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 7(4): 131-137.
Zmeureanu, R., (2000) Cost-effectiveness of increasing the airtightness of existing houses. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering,6(3): 87-90.
Marceau, M., Zmeureanu, R., (2000) Nonintrusive load disaggregation computer program to estimate the energy consumption of major end-uses in residential buildings. Energy Conversion and Management Journal,41(13): 1389-1403.
Zmeureanu, R, Pasqualetto, L., (2000) Selection of energy conservation measures in a large office building using decision models under uncertainty. Architectural Science Review, 43: 63-69.