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Mahdi S. Hosseini, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) at Concordia University

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Assistant Professor

Mahdi S. Hosseini, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) at Concordia University


I am an assistant professor of computer science in department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) at Concordia University and a faculty member of Applied AI Institute at Concordia. I received my PhD from The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Toronto (UofT) in 2016 from Multimedia Lab under the supervision of Professor Konstantinos N. Plataniotis. I continued as a postdoctoral research fellow at UofT in collaboration with Huron Digital Pathology Inc at Waterloo Ontario. During my postdoctoral study at UofT, I received two fellowship awards of MITACS-Elevate and NSERC research funding.

My research is primarily advanced in foundational developments of deep learning and computer vision algorithms with focused applications in computational pathology and healthcare technologies. I am currently supervising several graduate students on related topics and my vision is to develop, in collaboration with hospitals and pathologists, meaningful computer aided diagnosis systems as assistive tools in clinical pathology for cancer diagnosis.I have published more than 30 papers and two patent applications in related fields. My reviewing services cover well-known venues in CVF foundation, ML Conferences and IEEE SPS. Currently I am serving as Area Chair (AC) for NeurIPS2023 and CVPR2023. I was a previous AC for CVPR2022.

Teaching activities


Tumbleweed, stories. 
Vehicule Press, Montreal, 2017

Heritage of Smoke,  stories, Ann Arbor: Dzanc Press, 2017
Croatian translation, Zagreb: Profil, 2016

Ex-YU: stories, Montreal: Esplenade Books, 2015

Shopping for a Better Country, narrative essays. Ann Arbor: Dzanc, 2012

Three Deaths, novella in three forms (tale, story, essay). Snare, 2010
Published in French, Boreal Editions, 2016

Infidelities: Stories of War and Lust. New York: Harper Perennial, paperback, Sept., 2005. In French, Boreal Editions, 2015. Croatian and Bulgarian translations, 2016. 

April Fool’s Day, a novel. New York: Harper Collins, hard cover, September 2004. Reprint, Harper Perennial, paper, March 2006; published also in England, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria, Quebec (Boreal Editions) and Japan.

Plum Brandy: Croatian Journeys, nonfiction. White Pine Press. 5/2003

Grob u Clevelandu, stories in Croatian, Zagreb, Croatia: Meandar Press, 2003

Stepmother Tongue: Stories in English as a Second Language, edited with Robert Shapard. White Pine Press, 2002

Salvation and Other Disasters, stories. St. Paul: Graywolf Press, paperback, 5/1998. Appeared in Croatia and Bulgaria. 

Writing Fiction Step by Step, textbook. Cincinnati: Story Press, 1997.

Yolk, stories. St. Paul: Graywolf Press, original paperback1995.

Apricots from Chernobyl, narrative essays. St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 1995

Fiction Writer’s Workshop, textbook. Cincinnati: Story Press, F&W . 4/1993. Second Edition, expanded, Story Press, February 2008  Appeared also in Indonisian, Croatian, and Bulgarian translations.

STORIES AND ESSAYS: approximately 200 pieces published in the Paris Review, Ploughshares, New York Times Magazine, New York Times Travel Section, L.A. Times, Cleveland Plain Dealer, European Magazine, Jutarnji list, Threepenny, Exile Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, Witness, The Southern Review, Hungry  Mind Review, Pushcart Prize, O.Henry Awards Stories, Powder, Tennis Magazine, ACM, Boulevard, TriQuarterly, etc. 

Professional Services

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