Course sequences
Engineering students must follow the approved course sequence for their program to ensure graduation after four years (8 terms) of study. Registering for the sections for your program means no time conflicts or problems with your courses.
All students in engineering programs must complete all 200-level courses in their programs prior to commencing courses at the 400-level.
Students must choose technical electives from the approved list in the Undergraduate Calendar. Topics offered in these courses change overtime to ensure your program curriculum remains relevant. Some technical electives may not be offered in a given academic year.
Capstone Design Project course (SOEN 490 or COEN 490) extend over two academic terms.
The COMP and SOEN Options have been removed from the program. Students admitted for Fall 2021 should follow the General Program course sequence.
Course sequences by program
Course sequence
Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. The recommended course sequences do not take into account any deficiencies or advanced standing you’ve received, since these vary from one student to another.
Extended Credit Program (ECP)
Most students entering Concordia from a secondary school outside Quebec are admitted to the ECP. This requires the completion of 30 credits in addition to the regular 90- or 120-credit degree programs.
Mature Entry Program (MEP)
Canadians and Permanent Residents who are 21 years of age or older and who lack the normal pre-university schooling may be considered for admission to the MEP, which requires successful completion of a minimum of 18 additional credits.
Please refer to your offer of admission to know if you are required to follow the ECP/MEP course sequence.

Computer Science
5. Options available before 2021