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Prof. Luis Rodrigues, PhD

  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research areas: aerospace systems, control systems, optimization

Contact information



Ph.D. Stanford University


control systems; avionics; aerospace


Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada (6/2016-present)
Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada (6/2010-5/2016)
Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada (6/2008-5/2010)
Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada (1/2003-5/2008)
Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

Ydreams, Lisboa, Portugal, EU (9/2002-12/2002)
Project Manager for the development of a virtual reality GIS flight simulation over large terrains.

Eliza Corporation , Beverly, MA, USA (2/2002-8/2002)
Consultant for a project of automatic speech recognition.

PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University , June 2002. During my PhD, I was a visiting student at MIT from June 2000 to January 2002. 

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computers, September 1997 from Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. 

"Licenciatura" Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers, September 1995 from Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST/UTL)

Teaching activities

Classes 2018-2019

AERO482/ENGR6461: Avionics Navigation Systems 
ELEC482/ENCS6181: System Optimization/Optimization Techniques

Not teaching in winter 

Research activities


All of these research interests fit into my three primary focus areas within the theory and practice of automatic control systems: (1) the development and validation of mathematical models of complex dynamic systems; (2) the analysis of the stability and performance properties of these systems and (3) the synthesis and the validation of automatic controllers that can improve stability and performance of these systems. My main research interest, besides increasing knowledge and understanding, is the development of technology leading to novel automatic controllers that can be used in industry to enhance performance of engineering systems while saving energy and being sustainable. To synthesize such novel controllers, it is essential to understand the physical principles behind the particular engineering system to be controlled to be able to develop an accurate mathematical model that can then be used for controller design. Knowledge of optimization techniques is important so that energy can be minimized for such systems making them more sustainable.


Note: Most journal pre-prints are at the Concordia's Spectrum Repository. In case of difficulty finding a paper please email me.

Journal Publications

  • M. Di Perna, L. Rodrigues, "UAV Software Flight Management System Using ARINC Communication Protocols", 2018, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, in press.
  • M. El-Jiz, L. Rodrigues, "Trajectory Planning and control of a quadrotor choreography for real-time artist-in-the-loop performances", 2018, Unmanned Systems, 6 (1), pp. 1-13.
  • L. Rodrigues, "A Unified Optimal Control Approach for Maximum Endurance and Maximum Range", 2018, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54 (1), pp. 385-391.
  • M Kaptsov, L. Rodrigues, "Electric Aircraft Flight Managemebt Systems: Economy Mode and Maximum Endurance", 2018, AIAA Journal on Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 41 (1), pp. 288-293.
  • L. Rodrigues, "Optimal Control of a Class of Pseudo Euler-Lagrange Systems", 2017, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 38 (2), pp. 266-278.
  • J. Almeida, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha, L. Rodrigues, "Controller Design for Neuromuscular Blockade Level Tracking Based on Optimal Control", 2017, Control Engineering Practice, 59, pp. 151-158.
  • R. Rocha, L. Rodrigues, "Photovoltaic Panels as Attitude Sensors for Artificial Satellites", 2016, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 31 (11), pp. 14-23.
  • J. Villarroel, and L. Rodrigues, "An Optimal Control Framework for the Climb and Descent Economy Modes of Flight Management Systems", 2016, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52 (3), pp. 1227-1240.
  • L. Rodrigues, D. Henrion, and B. Cantwell, "Symmetries and Analytical Solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for a Class of Optimal Control Problems", 2016, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 37 (4), pp. 749-764.
  • M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, "Piecewise Affine Networked Control Systems", 2016, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 3 (2), pp. 173-181.
  • J. Villarroel, and L. Rodrigues, "An Optimal Control Framework for the Cruise Economy Mode of Flight Management Systems", 2016, AIAA Journal on Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 39 (5), pp. 1022-1033.
  • M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, "Sensor Allocation with Guaranteed Exponential Stability for Linear Multi-rate Sampled-data Systems", 2016, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 26 (7), pp. 1512-1529.
  • M. Moarref, C. Ossa-Gomez, and L. Rodrigues, "Multi-loop Controller Design for a Fly-by-wireless UAV Quadrotor", 2015, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 51 (3), pp.2319-2331.
  • M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, "Sampled-data Piecewise Affine Differential Inclusions", 2015, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (3), pp.850-856.
  • J. Raouf and L. Rodrigues, “Stability and Stabilization of Piecewise-affine Slab Systems Subject to Wiener Process Noise”, 2015, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25 (7), pp.949-960.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, “A Sum of Squares Approach to Backstepping Controller Synthesis for Piecewise Polynomial and Piecewise Affine Systems”, 2014, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 24 (16), pp.2365-2387.
  • M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, "Stability and Stabilization of Linear Sampled-data Systems with Multi-rate Samplers and Time Driven Zero Order Holds", 2014, Automatica, 50 (10), pp.2685-2691.
  • M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, "On Exponential Stability of Linear Networked Control Systems, 2014, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 24 (7), pp.1221-1240.
  • N. Dadkhah and L. Rodrigues, "Non-Fragile State Feedback Control of Uncertain Piecewise-Affine Slab Systems with Input Constraints: A Convex Optimization Approach”, 2014, IET Control Theory and Applications Journal, 8 (8), pp.626-632.
  • M. Moarref and L. Rodrigues,”On Exponential Stability of Linear Networked Control Systems”, 2013, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, in press.
  • N. Nayebpanah, L. Rodrigues, Y. Zhang, “Fault Tolerant Control for Partial Loss of Control Authority in Aircraft Using Piecewise Affine Slab Models”, 2013, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 350 (9), pp.2494-2508..
  • M. Moarref and L. Rodrigues,”Asymptotic Stability of Sampled-data Piecewise Affine Slab Systems”, 2012, Automatica, 48 (11), pp.2874-2881.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues,"A Unified Dissipativity Approach for Stability Analysis of Piecewise Smooth Systems", 2011, Automatica, 47 (12), pp.2735-2742.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues,"Stability of Sampled-Data Piecewise Affine Systems: A Time-Delay Approach", 2009, Automatica, 45 (9), pp.1995-2001.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, "Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Slab Differential Inclusions: a Duality-Based Approach", 2009, Automatica, 45 (7), pp.812-816.
  • K. Moezzi, L. Rodrigues and A. Aghdam, "Stability of Uncertain Piecewise Affine Systems with Time Delay: Delay Dependent Lyapunov Approach", 2009, International Journal of Control, 82 (8), pp. 1423-1434.
  • S. LeBel and L. Rodrigues, "PWL and PWA H infinity controller synthesis for uncertain PWA slab systems: LMI approach", 2009, International Journal of Control, 82 (3), pp.482-492.
  • H. M. Paiva, R. K. H. Galvão, L. Rodrigues, "A wavelet-based multivariable approach for fault detection in dynamic systems", 2009, Controlo e Automação, Journal of the Brazilian Automatic Society 20 (4), pp.455-464.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, "Extension of local linear controllers to global piecewise-affine controllers for uncertain nonlinear systems", 2008, International Journal of Systems Science, (39) 9, pp. 867-879.
  • L. Rodrigues, "Stability of sampled-data piecewise-affine systems under state feedback", 2007, Automatica, (43) 7, pp.1249-1256.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, “Toward Unified Analysis and Controller Synthesis for a Class of Hybrid Systems”, 2006, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems and Applications, (65) 12, pp.2216-2235.
  • L. Rodrigues and E. K. Boukas, “Piecewise-linear H-infinity controller synthesis with applications to inventory control of switched production systems”, 2006, Automatica, (42) 8, pp.1245-1254.
  • L. Rodrigues and S.P. Boyd, "Piecewise-affine state feedback for piecewise-affine slab systems using convex optimization", 2005, Systems & Control Letters, 54 (9), pp.835-853.
  • L. Rodrigues, “Stability analysis of piecewise-affine systems using controlled invariant sets”, 2004, Systems & Control Letters, 53 (2), pp.157-169.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, “Observer-based control of piecewise-affine systems”, 2003, International Journal of Control, 76 (5), pp.459-477.

Book Chapters

  • E. K. Boukas, and L. Rodrigues, "Inventory Control of Switched Production Systems: LMI Approach", Analysis, Control and Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems, E.-K. Boukas and R. P. Malhamé editors, pp.25-42, Springer, 2005.

Conference Publications

  • E. Oelberg, L. Rodrigues, "Maximum Endurance of a Turbofan in Cruise with Head or Tail-Wind", American Control Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 27-29, 2018, pp. 2270-2275.
  • A. Botros, K. Walker, L. Rodrigues, "A Toolbox for Optimal Control Based on Symmetry Analysis with Applications to Aircraft Maximum Endurance and Maximum Range", 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Zadar, Croatia, June 19-22, 2018, pp. 204-209.
  • B. Carvalho, M. Di Perna, L. Rodrigues, "Real Time Optimal Trajectory Generation for a Quadrotor UAV on the Longitudinal Plane", European Control Conference, June 12-15, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 3132-3136.
  • E. Oelberg, L. Rodrigues, "Maximum Endurance of a Turboprop in Cruise with Head and Tail Wind", 31st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, May 13-16, 2018.
  • A. Botros, L. Rodrigues, "State Feedback Optimal Solution for the ECON Mode Velocity for a Cruising Turbojet", 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017, pp. 1590-1595.
  • L. Rodrigues, A. Trofino, "A Note on Optimal Control of a Class of Single Input Nonlinear Systems", American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 2015, pp.5343-5346.
  • M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, "An Optimal Control Approach to Decentralized Energy-Efficient Coverage Problems", IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014, pp. 6038-6043.
  • T. Dezuo, L. Rodrigues, A. Trofino, "Stability Analysis of Piecewise Affine Systems with Sliding Modes", American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2014, pp. 2005-2010.
  • A. Malek, L. Rodrigues, "A Piecewise-Affine Approach to Observer Design for A Class of Nonlinear Systems Linear in the Input with a Sampled Output", American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2014, pp.5706-5711.
  • M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, "Observer Design for Linear Multi-rate Sampled-data Systems", American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2014, pp. 5319-5324.
  • M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, "A Convex Approach to Stabilization of Sampled-data Piecewise Affine Slab Systems", 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, December 2013, pp.4748-4753.
  • M. R.-H. Abdalmoaty, D. Henrion, L. Rodrigues, "Measures and LMIs for Optimal Control of Piecewise-Affine Systems", European Control Conference, July 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 3173-3178.
  • M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, “Exponential Stability and Stabilization of Uncertain Linear Multi-rate Sampled-data Systems”, 2013 American Control Conference, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 158-163.
  • S. Kaynama, M. Moarref, and L. Rodrigues, “Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Time-Delay Slab Systems Based on Invariant Sets: An LMI Approach”, 2013 American Control Conference, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 37-42.
  • A. Zavieh, and L. Rodrigues, “Intersection-based Piecewise Affine Approximation of Nonlinear Systems”, 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2013, Crete, Greece, pp. 640-645.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. Kroeker, “Articulatory-based Speaker Recognition”, 21st International Congress on Acoustics, 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, 2013.
  • S. Kaynama, B. Samadi, and L. Rodrigues, "A Convex Formulation of Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Slab Systems Based on Invariant Sets", 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.7738-7743, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 2012.
  • L. Rodrigues, “Lyapunov Stability of Pseudo Euler-Lagrange Systems”, 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 416-420, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, 2012.
  • Mohsen Zamani Fekri, Behzad Samadi, L. Rodrigues, “PWATOOLS: A MATLAB Toolbox For Piecewise-Affine Controller Synthesis”, American Control Conference 2012, pp. 4484-4489, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2012.
  • C. Ossa-Gomez, L. Rodrigues, “Multi-Rate Sampled-Data Control of a Fly-by-wireless Autonomous Quadrotor Helicopter”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, Canada, May 2012.
  • M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, “Asymptotic Stability of Piecewise Affine Systems with Sampled-data Piecewise Linear Controllers”, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference 2011, pp.8315-8320, Orlando, FL, USA, December 2011.
  • M. A. Fallah, L. Rodrigues, “Optimal Control of a Third Order Nonlinear System Based on an Inverse Optimality Method”, American Control Conference 2011, pp.900-904, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • C. Ossa-Gomez, M. Moarref, L. Rodrigues, “Design, Construction and Fly-By-Wireless Control of an Autonomous Quadrotor Helicopter”, CANEUS/IEEE Fly-by-Wireless Workshop 2011, Montreal, QC, Canada.
  • W. Denman, H. Zaki, S. Tahar, L. Rodrigues, “Towards Flight Control Verification Using Automated Theorem Proving”, 3rd NASA Formal Methods Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. Bobaru et. al. (Eds.), Springer, pp. 89-100, Pasadena, CA, USA, 18-20 April 2011.
  • P. Demers-Stoddart, L. Rodrigues, “Inverse Optimal Nonlinear Control of a UAV on a Longitudinal Plane”, Euro GNC 2011, Munich, Germany, 13-15 April, 2011.
  • B. G. Omrani, C. A. Rabbath, L. Rodrigues, “An Inverse Optimality Method to Solve a Class of Third Order Optimal Control Problems”, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.4845-4850, Atlanta, Georgia, December 2010.
  • G. Kenneally, L. Rodrigues, “Biologically-Inspired Telescoping Active Suspension Arm Vehicle: Preliminary Results”, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1380-1384, Montréal, Canada, July 2010.
  • L. Rodrigues, “An Inverse Optimality Method to Solve a Class of Second Order Optimal Control Problems”, 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp.407-412, Marrakech, Morocco, June 2010.
  • S. Casselman, L. Rodrigues, "A New Methodology for Obtaining Piecewise Affine Models Using Voronoi Partitions", 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.3920-3925, Shanghai, China, December 2009.
  • S. Casselman, L. Rodrigues, “Piecewise-Affine Modeling of a Micro Air Vehicle Using Voronoi Partitions”, European Control Conference, pp. 3857-3862, Budapest , Hungary, August 2009.
  • N. Nayebpanah, L. Rodrigues, Y. Zhang, “Fault Identification and Reconfigurable Control for Bimodal Piecewise Affine Systems”, European Control Conference, pp. 2694-2699, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
  • N. Nayebpanah, L. Rodrigues, Y. Zhang, “Fault-Tolerant Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Systems”, IEEE American Control Conference 2009, pp.222-226, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  • N. Nayebpanah, L. Rodrigues, Y. Zhang, “Fault Detection and Identification for Bimodal Piecewise Affine Systems”, IEEE American Control Conference 2009, pp.2362-2366, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  • K. M. Madani, L. Rodrigues, A. G. Aghdam, “Stability of Uncertain Piecewise Affine Systems with Time-Delay”, IEEE American Control Conference 2009, pp. 2373-2376, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, “Backstepping Controller Synthesis for Piecewise Polynomial Systems: A Sum of Squares Approach”, IEEE American Control Conference 2009, pp. 3500-3505, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  • S. LeBel and L. Rodrigues, "PWA H Infinity Controller Synthesis for Uncertain PWA Slab Systems", 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.4158-4163, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008.
  • S. LeBel and L. Rodrigues, "Piecewise-Affine Parameter-Varying Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots", IEEE American Control Conference 2008, pp.195-200, Seattle, WA, June 2008.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, "Sampled Data Piecewise Affine Slab Systems: a Time-Delay Approach", IEEE American Control Conference 2008, pp.1558-1563, Seattle, WA, June 2008.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, "Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Slab Differential Inclusions: a Duality-Based Convex Optimization Approach", 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4999-5004, New Orleans, USA, December 2007.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, "Backstepping Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Systems: a Sum of Squares Approach", IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 58-63, Montreal, Canada, October 2007.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. Kroeker, "Articulatory State Estimation From Incomplete Speech Measurements", Canadian Conference on Acoustics, pp.102-103, Montreal, Canada, October 2007.
  • J. Smalridge, L. Rodrigues, and L. Lorenzino, "Preliminary Results on String Instrument Recognition", Canadian Conference on Acoustics, pp.50-51, Montreal, Canada, October 2007.
  • S. Shehab and L. Rodrigues, "UAV Path Following Using a Mixed Piecewise-Affine and Backstepping Control Approach", European Control Conference, pp.301-306, Kos, Greece, July 2007.
  • N. Dadkhah and L. Rodrigues, "Guaranteed Cost Dynamic Output Feedback Control of Satellite Formation Flying: Centralized versus Decentralized Control", European Control Conference, pp.3414-3421, Kos, Greece, July 2007.
  • N. Dadkhah, L. Rodrigues, and A. G. Aghdam, "Satellite Formation Flying Controller Design Using an Optimal Decentralized Approach", IEEE American Control Conference 2007, pp. 3162-3167, New York, USA, July 2007.
  • S. LeBel and L. Rodrigues, "Path Following of a Wheeled Mobile Robot Combining Piecewise-Affine Synthesis and Backstepping Approaches", IEEE American Control Conference 2007, pp. 4518-4523, New York, USA, July 2007.
  • N. Gollu and L. Rodrigues, "Control of Large Angle Attitude Maneuvers for Rigid Bodies Using Sum of Squares", IEEE American Control Conference 2007, pp. 3156-3161, New York, USA, July 2007.
  • L. Rodrigues and E. K. Boukas, "Piecewise-Linear H-Infinity Inventory Control of Switched Production Systems", 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2006, pp.1215-1220, San Diego, USA, December 2006.
  • B. Samadi and L. Rodrigues, “Extension of a local linear controller to a stabilizing semi-global piecewise-affine controller”, 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2006.
  • H. Fazelinia, L. Rodrigues and A. Akgunduz, “A Mixed –Integer Programming Approach for Pushing a Convex Object”, 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2006.
  • L. Rodrigues and N. Gollu, “Analysis and State Feedback Control for PWA Systems with Additive Noise”, IEEE American Control Conference 2006, pp.5438-5443, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 2006.
  • Y. Wei, L. Rodrigues, B. Gordon, “Piecewise-Affine Control of a Three DOF Aerobatic Helicopter”, IEEE American Control Conference 2006, pp. 3924-3929, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 2006.
  • L. Rodrigues, “Sampled-Data State Feedback Control of Piecewise-Affine Systems”, Joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference 2005, pp. 4487-4492, Seville, Spain, December 2005.
  • S. Shehab and L. Rodrigues, “Preliminary Results on UAV Path Following Using Piecewise-Affine Control”, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pp. 358-363, Toronto, Canada, August 2005.
  • S. LeBel, L. Rodrigues, A. Ng., “Piecewise-Affine Controller Synthesis for a Model of 2D Orbital Path Following”, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pp.571-576, Toronto, Canada, August 2005.
  • Md. F. Khandaker, H. Hong and L. Rodrigues, “Modeling and Controller Design for a Voice Coil Actuated Engine Valve”, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pp.1234-1239, Toronto, Canada, August 2005.
  • L. Rodrigues, “State Feedback Control of Piecewise-Affine Systems with Norm Bounded Noise”, IEEE American Control Conference, pp.1793-1798, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2005.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. Kroeker, “Is Speech Lazy or Just Efficient: A Control Theoretic Analysis”, 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, joint meeting with the Canadian Acoustical Association, (poster), Vancouver, Canada, May 2005.
  • B. Gholami and L. Rodrigues, “Stabilization of Piecewise-Affine Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation”, in Book of Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Advances in Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, Nanjing, China, August 2004, editors C. Y. Su, S. Rakheja, E. Wang and R. Bhat, pp. 48-58, World Scientific.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, “Towards Unified Controller Synthesis for Hybrid Systems: State Feedback of Sequential Systems”, in Book of Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Advances in Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, Nanjing, China, August 2004, editors C. Y. Su, S. Rakheja, E. Wang and R. Bhat, pp. 298-311, World Scientific.
  • L. Rodrigues and S. P. Boyd, “Piecewise-Affine State Feedback Using Convex Optimization”, IEEE American Control Conference, pp.5164-5169, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 30-July 2, 2004.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, “Synthesis of Piecewise-Affine Controllers for Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems”, 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.2071-2076, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 2003.
  • L. Rodrigues, “Stability Analysis Using Controlled Invariant Sets for Piecewise-Affine Systems”, The Fourth International Conference on Control and Automation, pp.198-202, Montréal, Canada, June 2003.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, "Observer-Based Control of Piecewise-Affine Systems”, 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.1366-1371, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2001.
  • L. Rodrigues and J. P. How, "Automated Control Design for a Piecewise-Affine Approximation of a Class of Nonlinear Systems," IEEE American Control Conference, pp.3189-3194, Arlington, Virginia, USA, June 2001.
  • L. Rodrigues, A. Hassibi and J. P. How, "Output Feedback Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Systems with Multiple Equilibria," IEEE American Control Conference, pp.1784-1789, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 2000.
  • L. Rodrigues, P. Tavares, M. Prado, “Sliding Mode Control of an AUV in the Diving and Steering Planes”, Oceans 1996, MTS/IEEE, pp.576-583, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, September 1996.
  • L. Rodrigues, M. Prado, P. Tavares, “Sliding Mode Control of an AUV in the Diving Plane”, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pp.757-762, Porto, Portugal, September 1996.
  • L. Rodrigues, M. Prado, P. Tavares, K. da Silva, P. Lima, A. Rosa, “Neural Network Based Control of Biped Locomotion – Genetic Algorithm Optimization”, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pp.815-820, Porto, Portugal, September 1996.
  • L. Rodrigues, M. Prado, P. Tavares, K. da Silva, A. Rosa, “Simulation and Control of Biped Locomotion - GA Optimization”, IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp.390-395, Nagoya, Japan, May 1996.


  • "Dynamic Output Feedback Controller Synthesis for Piecewise-Affine Systems", PhD Thesis, 2002, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
  • "Hybrid Control of an Underactuated Underwater Shuttle for the Deployment of Benthic Laboratories", Master's Thesis, 1997, Department of Electrical Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • "Nonlinear Control of Autonomous Vehicles", Final Capstone Project Thesis, 1995, Department of Electrical Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal. Co-authors: Miguel Prado, Paulo Tavares.

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