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Dr. Chun Wang, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering

  • Director and Professor, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering

Research areas: Mobility is not just about moving people and goods—it is about enhancing the well-being of communities, minimizing environmental impact, and fostering a resilient ecosystem. At the Sustainable, Smart, and Socially-Oriented Mobility Systems Lab, Our interdisciplinary team develops intelligent and eco-friendly mobility systems solutions that prioritize social impact

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Research interests

  • Sustainable, Smart, and Socially-Oriented Mobility Systems

  • Computational Social Simulation for Electrification and Decarbonization

  • Scheduling, Two-sided Matching, e-Supply Chain, Community Health Management 
  • Mechanism design, Game Theory, Multiagent Systems

Mobility is not just about moving people and goods—it is about enhancing the well-being of communities, minimizing environmental impact, and fostering a resilient ecosystem. At the Sustainable, Smart, and Socially Oriented Mobility Systems Lab, Our interdisciplinary team develops intelligent and eco-friendly mobility systems solutions that prioritize social impact.


Recent Publications

1.  Shixuan Hou*, Jie Gao*, Chun Wang, (2023). Optimization Framework for Crowd-Sourced Delivery Services with the Consideration of Shippers’ Acceptance Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1), 684–693. 

2.  Luyang Hou*, Yuanliang Li, Jun Yan, Chun Wang, Li Wang, Biao Wang, Multi-agent reinforcement mechanism design for dynamic pricing-based demand response in charging network, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 147, 2023,

3.  Seyedan, Mahya and Mafakheri, Fereshteh and Wang, Chun, Order-up-to-level inventory optimization model using time-series demand forecasting with ensemble deep learning. Supply Chain Analytics. Vol. 3, 100024, 2023.  

4.  Shayan Nejadshamsi, Ursula Eicker, Chun Wang, Jamal Bentahar. Data sources and approaches for building occupancy profiles at the urban scale – A review. Building and Environment, Volume 238, 2023, 110375,

5.  Jie Gao*, Xiaoming Li*, Chun Wang, Xiao Huang. (2022). BM-DDPG: An Integrated Dispatching Framework for Ride-Hailing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23(8): 11666-11676. 

6.  Luyang Hou*, Jun Yan, Chun Wang, Lei Jiao Ge. (2022). A Simultaneous Multi-Round Auction Design for Scheduling Multiple Charges of Battery Electric Vehicles on Highways. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23(7): 8024-8036. 

7.  Jie Gao*, Wong*, Terrence; Selim, Bassant; Wang, Chun. (2022). VOMA: A Privacy-Preserving Matching Mechanism Design for Community Ridesharing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Press.  DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.31. 

8.  Xiaoming Li*, Chun Wang, Xiao Huang. (2022). A Data-Driven Approach for Vehicle Relocation in Car-Sharing Services with Balanced Supply-Demand Ratios. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research. 20(1): 75-89.

9.  Jie Gao*, Xiaoming Li*, Chun Wang Xiao Huang. (2022). A pricing mechanism for ride-hailing systems in the presence of driver acceptance uncertainty. IEEE Access, Vol.10, 83017-83028. 

10. Li*, Xiaoming, Jie Gao*, Chun Wang, Xiao Huang, and Yimin Nie. "Ride-Sharing Matching Under Travel Time Uncertainty Through Data-Driven Robust Optimization." IEEE Access 10 (2022): 116931-116941.

11. Li*, Xiaoming, Jie Gao*, Chun Wang, Xiao Huang, and Yimin Nie. “Mixture Density Network-Enabled Stochastic Optimization for Vehicle Proactive Guidance in Ride-Hailing Systems.” IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, In press. 

12. Lu Liu*, Chun Wang, Jian-Jun Wang, Antonio Marcio Ferreira Crespo*. (2022). An iterative auction for resource-constrained surgical scheduling. Journal of the Operational Research Society,

13. Shixuan Hou*, Jie Gao*, Chun Wang. (2022). Design for Supply Chain, Design for Mass Customization and Design for Manufacturing: A Review of the Literature. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 4(1): 1-16.

14. Seyedan*, Mahya Fereshteh Mafakheri Chun Wang. (2022). Cluster-based demand forecasting using Bayesian model averaging: An ensemble learning approach. Decision Analytics Journal. 3: 100033.

15. Jie Gao*, Chun Wang, Jiayang Yu, Terrence Wong*. (2021). A Price-Based Iterative Double Auction for Charger Sharing Markets. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/ TITS.2020.3047984. 23(6): 5116-5127

16. Jie Gao*, Chun Wang, Terrence Wong*. (2021). Social welfare maximizing taxi fleet charging scheduling through voting-based negotiation. Transportation Research Part C, 130: 103304. 

17. Antonio M.F. Crespo*, Chun Wang, Thiago M. F. Crespo, Li Weigang, Alexandre Barreto. (2021). Learning Framework for Carbon Emissions Predictions Incorporating a RReliefF Driven Features Selection and an Iterative Neural Network Architecture Improvement. SN Applied Sciences, 3(4): 1-18.

18. Guodong Fan, Ming Zhu, Jing Li, Chun Wang, Lei Zhao. (2020). A Graph Database-based Approach Utilizing FAHP and Directed Bipartite Graph for Service Composition. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 14(4): 269-281.

19. Luyang Hou*, Jun Yan, Chun Wang. (2020). An Incentive-Compatible Combinatorial Auction Design for Charging Network Scheduling of Battery Electric Vehicles. Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science. 24(2): 75-92.

20. Luyang Hou*, Chun Wang, Jun Yan. (2019). Bidding for Preferred Timing: An Auction Design for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 21(8): 3332-3343.

21. Lu Liu*, Chun Wang, Jianjun Wang. (2019). A combinatorial auction mechanism for surgical scheduling considering surgeon's private availability information. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 37(1): 405-417.

22. Jie Gao*, Terrence Wong*, Chun Wang. (2019). Coordinating Patient Preferences through Automated Negotiation: A Multiagent Systems Model for Diagnostic Services Scheduling. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 42: 100934.

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