Dr. Hang Xu, Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
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Contact information
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, McGill University (Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2018)
MSc., Aircraft Design, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Sep. 2011 - Dec. 2013)
B.S., Aircraft Design and Engineering, Shenyang Aerospace University (Sep. 2007 - Aug. 2011)
Work experience
Research Associate, Department of Materials, Imperial College London (Jan. 2020 - May. 2022)
Industrial Post-doc, Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Team, Siemens Power & Gas & McGill University (Jul. 2019 - Jan. 2020)
Post-doc, Mechanical Engineering, McGill University (Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2019)
Teaching activities
ENGR 244 Mechanics of Materials (3.75 credits)
Description: Mechanical behaviour of materials; stress;strain; shear and bending moment diagrams; introduction to inelastic action.Analysis and design of structural and machine elements subjected to axial,torsional, and flexural loadings. Combined stresses and stress transformation.Deflections. Introduction to elastic stability.
AERO 290 Introduction to Aircraft Design (3 credits)
Description: Students taking this course will work as partof a multidisciplinary team to solve an assigned aerospace conceptual designproblem. The course provides introductory, design‑related knowledge on aerospace design topicsincluding structural layout, powerplant integration, integrated systemsrequirements (such as avionics, electrical, flight controls, hydraulic, fuel,air, pressurization) and preliminary performance predictions. Lectures instructstudents on the conceptual design process; aircraft sizing including take‑offweight, empty weight and fuel‑fraction estimates; mission analysis and tradestudies; airfoil selection; constraint diagrams for thrust‑to‑weightand wing loading estimation; fuselage layout, engines and control surfacesizing; structural and systems layout; introductory stability, control andperformance; and cost analysis methods.
Research activities
Current research project
Develop multi-stable structures and metamaterials for 1) programmable morphing, 2) phase transformation induced plasticity, 3) soft robots with contour recognition via artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, and 4) medical balloon catheters for Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) treatment.