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Emilio Boulianne, PhD, FCPA, ICD.D

Professor, Accountancy
Director, KPMG Entrepreneurial Research Studies

Emilio  Boulianne, PhD, FCPA, ICD.D

Professor Boulianne published in refereed journals such as Contemporary Accounting Research, Management Accounting Research and Journal of Information Systems. His works has been presented in various conferences. His research interests cover FinTech, Blockchains, Strategic Performance Management Systems, Sustainability Accounting, Family Business, and Accounting Education. He teaches Accounting and Information Technology and Strategic Management Accounting  in the B.Comm, MBA, Executive MBA, and PhD programs. He is a Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA Canada). In recognition of his service to the accounting profession, he was granted the Fellowship Award FCPA. Prior to his academic career, Professor Boulianne worked in Commercial Credit at Scotiabank.


PhD in Accounting (HEC Montreal)
MBA in Management Information Systems (Laval)
CITP - Certified Information Technology Professional
ICD.D - Institute-Certified Director

Areas of expertise

Cryptoassets - Initial Coin Offerings
Strategic Performance Management Systems
Family Business
Sustainability Accounting
Accounting Education

Teaching activities

BComm, MBA, Executive MBA, and PhD

Selected Publications

Moschella,J., Boulianne, E., Magnan, M. 2023. RiskManagement in Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses and How Accountants Contribute,Contemporary Accounting Research, 40, 1, p. 668-703.

Boulianne, E., Fortin, M.,Lecompte, A., 2023. Technology, Ethicsand the Pandemic: Responses from Key Accounting Actors, Accounting and the Public Interest, 23, 1, p. 1-18. 

Boulianne, E., Fortin, M.,and A. Lecompte, 2023. Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: Ethical Implications forAccountants, in M. Brivot and C.H. Cho (dir.), Research Handbook on Accounting and Ethics, Edward ElgarPublishing Ltd, p. 168-179.

Pimentel, E., Boulianne, E., 2022. Competency Map Development as an Identity Movement: A Canadian Perspective, Accounting Education, 31, 5, p. 453-481

Pimentel, E.,Boulianne, E., Eskandari, S., Clark. J. 2021. Systemizing the Challenges of Auditing Blockchain-Based Assets,Journal of Information Systems, 35, 2, p. 61-75.

Boulianne, E., Fortin, M. 2020. Risks and Benefits of Initial Coin Offerings: Evidence from Impak Finance, a Regulated ICO, Accounting Perspectives, vol. 19, no. 4, p.413-437.

Pimentel, E. Boulianne, E., 2020. Blockchain in Accounting Research and Practice: Current Trends and Future Opportunities, Accounting Perspectives,vol. 19, no. 4, p. 325-361.

Boulianne, E.,Keddie, L., Postaire, M. 2018. (Non)Coverage of Sustainability Within the French Professional Accounting Education Program, Sustainability Accounting,Management and Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 313-335.

Boulianne, E., Keddie, L., 2018. Where is Sustainability Within the Canadian CPA Education Program? Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, vol. 7, p. 71-112.

El Masri, T., Tekathen, M., Magnan, M., Boulianne, E.,2017. Calibrating Management Control Technologies and the Dual Identity of Family Firms, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 157-188.

Rodrigue,M., Magnan, M., Boulianne, E., 2013. Stakeholders’ Influence on Environmental Strategy and Performance Indicators: A Managerial Perspective, Management Accounting Research,vol. 24, p. 301-316.

Participation activities

Board of directors

Member of the Board of Directors, IQPF (Institut Quebecois de Planification Financiere)

Former member of the CPA Canada Board of Directors and CPA Quebec Board

Director, KPMG Entrepreneurial Research Studies

Research entrepreneurial activities of firms; Examine entrepreneurs through strategies taken, risk management, and KPIs utilized for decision-making; Study startups in the crypto space; Examine the roles play by accountants to support entrepreneurs.

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