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Anne-Marie Croteau, PhD

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Dean
  • Professor, Supply Chain and Business Technology Management

Thesis supervision details

Supervised program: Business Analytics and Technology Management (MSc)

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A university administrator for more than 20 years, Anne-Marie Croteau is the first woman Dean of the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal.

Full professor and researcher specializing in strategic management of information technology, she has more than 30 years of experience in teaching and research. Her highly cited work has been published in renowned international scientific journals and has been the recipient of numerous awards. For seven consecutive years, she was named one of Concordia's most popular professors by Maclean magazine.

A certified corporate director, Dr. Croteau has been a member of several Boards of Directors for nearly 20 years. She sits on Hydro-Québec's Board of Directors and is Chair of the Digital Technology Committee and a member of the Human Resources Committee. She serves on the Board of Directors of Autorité des marchés financiers. She is Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of Collège André-Grasset and Chair of the Governance Committee. She participates in the Cabinet of Centraide of Greater Montreal for its fundraising campaign. She is a godmother for the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montreal and a mentor for Women in Governance.

She is the only Canadian to be a member of the Board of Directors and Innovation Committee of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, an international accrediting body for business schools. She is the Chair of its By-Laws and Articles committee. She is the Past-Chair of the Business Schools Association of Canada. She was an independent director on the Board of Directors of the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, and sat on the Boards of Directors of Finance Montréal and the Institute on Governance of Private and Public Organizations.

Her research focuses on governance of information technology, adoption of information technology by small and medium enterprises, impact of the gig-economy. She supervises MSc and PhD theses on a regular basis. Her research is highly cited and has been published in various scientific journals such as Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Computers in Human Behavior, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, IEEE-Transactions on Engineering Management, International Business Research, Information Systems Frontiers, as well as in various national and international conference proceedings. She is a recipient of the JMSB Dean’s mid-career award for distinguished scholarship. 

She is the first woman to obtain her PhD in Management Information Systems at Laval University (Quebec City). She holds an MSc and BComm in MIS from HEC Montréal, and a BSc in Actuarial Mathematics from Concordia University. 


PhD in business administration, specialized in management of information technology (Université Laval)
MSc, specialized in management of information technology (HEC Montréal)
BComm, specialized in management of information technology (HEC Montréal)
BSc, specialized in actuarial mathematics (Concordia University)

Areas of expertise

Governance of Information Technology
Strategic Management of Information Technology
Impact of the Gig-Economy


Refereed Journal Articles

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., Marsan, J. (2025). Do algorithms play fair? Analysing the Perceived Fairness of HR-Decisions Made by Algorithms and their Impacts on Gig-Workers”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management (36:2), pp. 235-274. 

Pelletier, C., Croteau, A.-M., Raymond, L, and Vieru, D. (2021). “Achieving Social IT Alignment through the Orchestration of IT Assets: An Interpretive Case Study”,
Information Systems Management (38:1), pp. 42-61.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., Bergeron, F. and de Guinea A.O. (2020). “Information Technology-Enabled Explorative Learning and Competitive Performance in Industrial Service SMEs: A Configurational Analysis” Journal of Knowledge Management (24:7), pp. 1625-1651.

Raymond, L, Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M., and Uwizeyemungu S. (2019)
“Determinants and Outcomes of IT Governance in Manufacturing SMEs: A Strategic IT Management Perspective” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, (35), pp. 1-15.

Jabagi , N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., and Marsan, J (2019) “Gig-Workers' Motivation: Thinking Beyond Carrots and Sticks”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, (34:4), pp. 192-213.

Tabach, A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2017). “Configurations of Information Technology Governance Practices and Business Unit Performance” International Journal on IT/Business Alignment and Governance, (18:2), pp. 1-27.

Marsan, J., Audebrand, L.K., Croteau, A.-M., and Magnin, G. (2017). “Healthcare Service Innovation Based On Information Technology: The Role of Social Values Alignment” Systèmes d'information et Management, (22:1), pp. 39-69.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., Bergeron, L., and St-Pierre, J. (2016) “IT-enabled Knowledge Management for the Competitive Performance of Manufacturing SMEs: An Absorptive Capacity-based View,” Knowledge and Process Management (23:2), pp. 110-123.

Raymond, L., Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M., and St-Pierre, J. (2015) “Developing Absorptive Capacity through E-Business: The Case of International SMEs”, Journal of Small Business Management (53:S1), 75-94.

Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Raymond, L. (2015) “IT Governance Framework Applied to SMEs”, International Journal on IT/Business Alignment and Governance (6:1), 32-48.

Croteau, A.-M., Bergeron, F., and Dubsky, J. (2013) “Contractual and Consensual Profiles for an Interorganizational Governance of Information Technology,” International Business Research (6:9), 30-43.

Raymond, L., Bergeron, F., and Croteau, A.-M. (2013) “Innovation Capability and Performance of Manufacturing SMEs: The Paradoxical Effect of IT Integration”, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (23:3), 249-272.

Rivard, S., Pinsonneault, A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2012) “Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil: Looking Back, Moving Forward?” International Journal of Case Studies in Management (10:4) distributed by Harvard Business Publishing.

Rivard, S., Croteau, A.-M., and Pinsonneault, A. (2012) “Teaching Note: Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil: Looking Back, Moving Forward?” International Journal of Case Studies in Management (10:4), distributed by Harvard Business Publishing.

Ayouby, R, Croteau, A.-M., and Raymond, L. (2012) “Acculturation to the Global Culture and Internet Adoption,” DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems (43:4), pp. 33-54.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2011) “The Strategic Role of IT as an Antecedent to the IT Sophistication and IT Performance of Manufacturing SMEs,” International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements (4:3&4), pp. 203-211.

Croteau, A.-M., Rivard, S., and Talbot, J. (2011) “Visioning Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil,” International Journal of Case Studies in Management (9:3), 7 pages, distributed by Harvard Business Publishing.

Rivard, S., Croteau, A.-M., and Talbot, J. (2011) “Teaching Note: Visioning Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil,” International Journal of Case Studies in Management (9:3), 13 pages, distributed by Harvard Business Publishing.

Saleem, H., Beaudry, A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2011) “Antecedents of Computer Self-Efficacy: A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Gender,” Computers in Human Behavior (27), pp. 1922-1936.

Croteau, A.-M., Dyer, L. and Miguel , M. (2010) "Employee reactions to paper and electronic surveys: An experimental comparison", IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (53:3), pp. 1-11.

Raymond, L., and A.-M. Croteau (2009) "Manufacturing Strategy and Business Strategy in Medium-Sized Enterprises: Performance Effects of Strategic Alignment", IEEE-Transactions on Engineering Management (56:2), 192-202.

Croteau, A.-M., P.-M. Léger, and L. Cassivi (2008) "The Role of Life Cycle Concepts in the Assessment of Interorganizational Alignment," Industrial Management & Data Systems (108:2), 145-161.

Aubert, B.A., Beauregard, G., Croteau, A.-M., and Rivard, S. (2008) “Firms Strategic Profile and IT Outsourcing,” Information Systems Frontiers (10:2), pp. 129-143.

Laframboise, K., Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Manovas, M. (2007) “Interdepartmental Knowledge Transfer Success during Information Technology Projects,” International Journal of Knowledge Management (3:2), pp. 47-67.

Raymond, L., and A.-M. Croteau (2006) "Enabling the Strategic Development of SMEs through Advanced Manufacturing Systems: A Configurational Perspective," Industrial Management & Data Systems, (106:7), 1012-1032.

Rondeau, A., Croteau, A.-M., and Luc, D. (2005) “Appréciation empirique d’enjeux technologiques liés à la transformation organisationnelle dans le cadre du déploiement de l’administration électronique,” Systèmes d’information et Management (10:1), pp. 63-76.

Croteau, A.-M., and Raymond, L. (2004) “Performance Outcomes of Strategic and IT Competencies Alignment,” Journal of Information Technology (19:3), pp. 178-190.

Croteau, A.-M., and Li, P. (2003) “Critical Success Factors of CRM Technological Initiatives,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (20:1), pp. 21-34.

Croteau, A.-M., L. Raymond, and F. Bergeron (2001), "Comportements stratégiques, choix et gestion des systèmes d'information : Contribution à la performance", Systèmes d'Information et Management, (6 :4), 5-26.

Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2001) “An Information Technology Trilogy: Business Strategy, Technological Deployment and Organizational Performance,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems (10:2), pp. 77-99.

Croteau, A.-M., Raymond, L., and Bergeron, F. (1999) “Measuring Business Strategy: Miles and Snow’s Typology Revisited,” Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (2: 2), pp. 1-7.


Barbara, M., Croteau, A.-M., and Laframboise, K. (2008) Strategies for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Critical Success Factors in a Post 9-11 World, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Ed., ISBN: 978-3-8364-3561-1.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Croteau, A.-M., Jabagi, N., Ayouby, R. (2025). "Swipe, Like, Repeat. Towards a Fit-Based Theory of Implicit Motives in Social Media Addiction", (pp. 5700-5709). Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., Marsan, J. (2024). "Fairness in Algorithmic Management: Bringing Platform-Workers into the Fold", (pp. 187-196). Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS).

Croteau, A.-M., Jabagi, N., Audebrand, L. K., Marsan, J. (2024). "Fair Dealings With Algorithms?. Analyzing the Perceived Procedural Fairness of Managerial Algorithms and their Impacts on Gig-Workers", (pp. 4194-4203). Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., Marsan, J. (2021). "Unlocking Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support: Scale Development and Validation", Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., and Marsan, J. (2021) "Who’s the Boss? Measuring Gig-Workers’ Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support”, International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, Texas, United States.

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., Audebrand, L. K., and Marsan, J. (2021) “Unlocking Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support: Scale Development and Validation” Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, United States (virtual). Nominated for the best paper of the Internet and the Digital Economy

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., and Audebrand, L. K. (2020) “Perceived Organizational Support in the Face of Algorithmic Management: A Conceptual Model” Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, United States.

Raymond, L., Uwizeyemungu, S., Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M. and Ortiz de Guinea, A. (2019) “Investigating the digital ecosystem of explorative learning in industrial service enterprises: a configurational approach” Proceedings of the 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, University of Basilicata, Matera, Italy, pp. 2146-2157.

Ayouby, R., and Croteau, A.-M. (2019). “Socialification: Social Software Elements Analysis and Design” Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, United States

Jabagi, N., Audebrand, L. K., Croteau, A.-M., and Marsan, J. (2018). “Connecting with gig-workers: An organizational identification perspective” Proceedings of the 34th European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia. 

Jabagi, N., and Croteau, A.-M. (2017) “Boon or Bane? Understandingthe Varied Impacts of Bring-Your-Own-Device on Work-Life Conflict” Proceedingsof the 45th Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Bergeron,F., Croteau, A.-M, Raymond, L., and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2017) “Les capacités TI desPME et leur effet sur la performance : Une analyse qualitative comparative avecfs\QCA,” 85ème Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal, Canada.

Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M, Raymond, L., and Uwizeyemungu,S. (2017) “Paths to IT Performance: A Configurational Analysis of IT Capabilities,” 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal.

Pelletier, C., Vieru, D., and Croteau, A.-M. (2017) “The Interorganizational Relationships Process: An Asset Orchestration Mechanisms Perspective in an SME Context,” Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, United States

Vieru, D., Pelletier, C., and Croteau, A.-M. (2015) “Peering below the Surface: Social Mechanisms for Analyzing Interorganizational Information Systems Integration”, Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico.

Ayouby, R., and Croteau, A.-M. (2015) “Problematic Use of Social Media and Implicit Motives”, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Halifax.

Jabagi, N., Croteau, A.-M., and Dostaler, I. (2015) “Getting on the Same Page: Co-evolutionary Lens Applied to Business-IT Alignment”, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Halifax.

Bergeron,F., Croteau, A.-M., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Raymond, L. (2015) “IT Governance Theories and the Reality of SMEs: Bridging the Gap”, Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, United States, pp. 4544-4553.

Croteau,A.-M., Venkatesh, V., Beaudry, A. and Rabah, J. (2015) “The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in University Students’ Learning Experience: The Instructors’ Perspective”, Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, United States, pp. 111-120.

Croteau, A.M., Bergeron, F., Raymond, L., and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2014) “IT Governance in SMEs: Theories versus Realities”, Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the International Academy of Management and Business, Rome, Italy.

Venkatesh, V., Croteau, A.-M., and Rabah, J. (2014) “Perceptions of Effectiveness of Instructional Uses of Technology in Higher Education in an Era of Web 2.0”, Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, United States.

Ayouby, R., Croteau, A.-M., and Raymond, L. (2013) “Cultural Influences on Internet Adoption” Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, United States.

Tamim, H., Croteau, A.-M., and Aubert, B.A. (2012) “An Empirical Investigation of Information Systems Departments’ Profiles,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando.

Rivard, S., Pinsonneault, A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2011) “Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil: Looking Back, Moving Forward?” Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai.

Rivard, S., Croteau, A.-M., and Pinsonneault, A. (2011) “Teaching Note: Information Technology at Cirque Du Soleil: Looking Back, Moving Forward?” Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai.

Tamim, H., Croteau, A.-M., and Aubert, B.A. (2011) “Contemporary IS Department Characteristics: Exploratory Case Studies”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Montreal, Canada. Best paper of the Information Systems division.

Ayouby, R. and Croteau, A.-M. (2011) “Cultural Identification and Internet Adoption,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Montreal, Canada.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2011) “The Strategic Role of IT: An Empirical Study of its Impact on IT Performance in Manufacturing SMEs", Sixth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles. Best paper award.

Croteau, A.-M., and Dubsky, J (2011) “Uncovering Modes of Interorganizational Governance of IT”, Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, United States.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2010) “La performance des TI expliquée par leur rôle stratégique, leur gestion et leur utilisation,” 15ème colloque de l’Association Information et Management, La Rochelle, France.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2009) “When Information Technology is Counterproductive: Revising the Innovation Paradigm in Manufacturing SMEs,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Niagara Falls, Canada.

Raymond, L., Croteau, A.-M., and Bergeron, F. (2009) “The Integrative Role of IT in Product and Process Innovation: Growth and Productivity Outcomes for Manufacturing SMEs,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Milan, Italy, pp. 27-50.

Ayouby, R. and Croteau, A.-M. (2009) “The Adoption of IS Standards in the Canadian Healthcare Industry: An Industry Level Analysis,” Proceedings of the 11th International Business Information Management Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

Ayouby, R. and Croteau, A.-M. (2009) “Acculturation to the Global Culture as Moderator to Subjective Norm and Internet Adoption,” Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, United States.

Ayouby, R. and Croteau, A.-M. (2008) “Acculturation to the Global Culture, Ethnic Identification and the Adoption of Social Computing,” 14th America’s Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada.

Ayouby, R. and Croteau, A.-M. (2008) “Acculturation to the Global Culture and Internet Adoption,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Halifax, Canada.

Aubert, B.A., Beaurivage, G., Croteau, A.-M., and Rivard S. (2007) “Patterns of IT Outsourcing Associated With Strategic Profiles of Organizations,” 3rd International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services (ICOIS) Heidelberg, Germany.

Croteau, A.-M., Léger, P.-M., Cassivi, L., Le Hens, G., and Lasserye S. (2006) “Incorporating the Life Cycle Concepts within the Interorganizational Relationships,” XVème conférence de management stratégique - AIMS, Annecy, France.

Addas, S. and Croteau, A.-M. (2006) “The Role of Power in Determining the Mode of IT Governance,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, IS division, Banff, Canada, pp. 284-298.

Miguel, M., Dyer, L., and Croteau A.-M. (2006) “Employee Reactions to Paper vs. Electronic Surveys: An Experimental Approach, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, HR division, Banff, Canada, pp. 88-101.

Croteau, A.-M., Léger, P.-M., and Le Hens, G. (2005) “Multilevel Interorganizational Fit,” North American Technology & Business Conference, Montréal, Canada.

Manovas, M., Laframboise, K., Croteau, A.-M., and Beaudry, A. (2005) “Relationship between Knowledge Management Capability and Knowledge Transfer Success,” North American Technology & Business Conference, Montréal, Canada.

Saleem, H., Beaudry, A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2005) “Antecedents of Computer Self-Efficacy: An Investigation of the Role of Personality Traits,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Toronto, Canada, pp. 143-157.

Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Holm, J. (2005) “Assessment of e-Strategy,” Proceedings of the 2005 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, San Diego, United States, pp. 675-678.

Chambon, M. and Croteau, A.-M. (2004) “Facteurs des succès pour les intégrateurs dans les projets d’automatisation de la force de ventes,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Quebec, Canada.

Kappos, A. and Croteau, A.-M. (2002) “Organizational Change and Culture: Insights on BPR Projects,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, United States.

Vieru, D. and Croteau, A.-M. (2002) “Telemedicine Adoption by Different Groups of Physicians,” Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 7-10, Big Island, United States.

Li, P. and Croteau, A.-M. (2001) “Insights into the Critical Success Factors of Customer Relationships Marketing Technological Initiatives: An Outlook of Current Practices in Canada,” The 9th International Colloquium in Relationships Marketing, Montreal, Canada, pp. 51-58.

Croteau, A.-M. and Vieru, D. (2001) “Telemedicine Adoption Studied From Physicians' Perspective,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, London, Canada, pp. 48-59.

Croteau, A.-M., Solomon, S., Bergeron, F., and Raymond, L. (2001) “Organizational and Technological Infrastructures Alignment,” Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, United States.

Croteau, A.-M., Bergeron, F., and Raymond, L. (2000) “Stratégie d'affaires et Déploiement des technologies de l'information: Alignement et performance,” Cinquième colloque de l’Association Information et Management, Montpellier, France.

Croteau, A.- M., Raymond, L. and Bergeron, F. (1999) “Testing the Validity of Miles and Snow's Typology,” Allied Academies International Conference, Las Vegas (3:2) pp. 1-8.

Croteau, A.- M., and Bergeron, F. (1999) “La trilogie de l'harmonisation technologique: Stratégie d'entreprise, déploiement technologique et performance organisationnelle,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, St-John, Canada, pp. 57-67.

Book Chapters

Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Raymond, L. (2016) "A Framework for Research on Information Technology Governance in SMEs,” in Strategic IT Governance and Alignment in Business Settings, S. DeHaes and W. Van Grembergen (Eds.), IGI Publishing.

Laframboise, K., Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Manovas, M. (2010) “Interdepartmental Knowledge Transfer Success during Information Technology Projects” Chapter 21 in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on E-Collaboration: Emerging Trends and Applications, by Kock, N., IGI Global, 1-472, pp. 366-386.

Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Holm, J. (2010) “Assessing Relational e-Strategies Supporting Business Relationships,” Chapter 28 in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy by In Lee., IGI Global Series, pp. 284-295.

Laframboise, K., Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Manovas, M. (2009) “Interdepartmental Knowledge Transfer Success during Information Technology Projects,” Chapter 12 in Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Transformation Behavior: Global Approcaches and Advancements by Jennex, M.E., IGI Global Series, pp. 189-210.

Aubert, B.A., and Croteau, A.-M. (2008) “Strategic Profiles and Information Technology Outsourcing,” Chapter 3 in Advances in IS Outsourcing by Rivard, S. and Aubert, B.A., E.M. Sharpe publisher, pp. 36-49.

Croteau, A.-M., and Dfouni, M. (2007) “Knowledge Management Leaders’ Top Issues,” Chapter 3 in Knowledge Management and Business Strategies: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research by Abou Zeid, E.S., Idea Group Publishing, pp. 47-68.

Magazine Articles

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2023). "L’avancementdes femmes dans les entreprises stagne. Comment décoller du plancher collantpour aller au-delà du plafond de verre?" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2023). "The Progress of Women in the Workplace is at a Standstill. How Can we Break through the Glass Ceiling" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2023). "Direction d'entreprise : Les femmes perdent du terrain. Elles doivent être stratégiques, mais la culture doit aussi changerThe Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2022). "Du Québec à l’Europe, une enquête révèle les défis auxquels font face les femmes dirigeantes" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2022). "From Canada to Europe, Survey Reveals the Challenges facing Women Leaders" The Conversation. 

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2020). "Pandémie: les femmes font-elles de meilleures leaders" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M. (2020). "Why Women Leaders are Excelling During the Coronavirus Pandemic." The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M., Appelbaum, S. H. (2020). "Le mythe du leadership féminin" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M., Appelbaum, S. H. (2020). "The World Needs More Women Leaders - During COVID-19 and Beyond" The Conversation.

Champoux-Paillé, L., Croteau, A.-M., Appelbaum, S. H. (2020). "Le leadership est-il sexiste?" L’Actualité.


Marsan, J. (PI), Croteau, A.-M., Denford. J. S., and Audebrand, L. K. (2018-2023) Understanding and facilitating digital transformation: an organizational identity perspective, SSHRC Insight Grant, $201,974.

Croteau, A.-M. (PI), Bergeron, F., Raymond, L., and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2015-2020) Developing an IT-Based Dynamic Learning Capability for the Competitive Performance of Manufacturing SMEs, SSHRC Insight Grant, $174,804.

Croteau, A.-M. (PI), Raymond, L., and Bergeron, F. (2010-2015) Trade-off between Integration and Flexibility when Innovating with Information Technologies, SSHRC Regular Grant, $122,000.

Aubert, B.A. (PI), and Croteau, A.-M. (2008-2011) Governing Information Technology Activities from an Internal Perspective, SSHRC Regular Grant, $45,690.

Aubert, B.A. (PI), and Croteau, A.-M. (2004-2007) Information Technology Outsourcing and Business Strategy, SSHRC Regular Grant, $106,500.

Aubert, B.A. (PI), and Croteau, A.-M. (2008-2011) Explaining the Impact of IT Offshoring on Canadian Firms, SSHRC Special Grant on Management, Business and Finance, $114,000.

St-Pierre,J. (PI) et al. (2011-2014) Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les PME et l'entrepreneuriat (CRIPMEE), FQRSC – Regroupements stratégiques, $225,000.

Rivard, S.(PI) Aubert, B.A., Bahli, B., Bergeron, F., and Croteau, A.-M. (2006-2010) Gestion stratégique des technologies de l’information: alignement, gouvernance et innovation, FQRSC – Programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche, $422,400.

Croteau, A.-M. (PI) (2002-2005) Alignement stratégique des technologies de l’information dans un contexte d’affaires électroniques, FQRSC – nouveaux chercheurs, $45,000.


Competitive Advantage through IT(MSc)
Corporate IT Management (MBA)
Creating Business Value with IT (Executive MBA)
Fundamentals of e-Business (B.Comm.)
Fundamentals of e-Business (Graduate Certificate in e-Business)
Fundamentals of e-Commerce (B.Comm.)
Fundamentals of Information Systems (MSc)
Management Information Systems (B.Comm.)
Management Information Systems (Executive MBA)
Management Information Systems (MBA)
Management of Information Systems (B.Comm.)
Strategic Management of IT (PhD)

Mentions and Awards


Top 20 of Diversity, 7th Edition (2019) Distinction awarded for Croteau's contribution to the advancement of Quebec and Canada.

One of the most influential alumni, Université Laval (2017). Selected among 285 000 alumni.

Méritic – Carrière en TI (2017) Offered by Réseau Action TI in recognition of Croteau's contribution to the IT industry at the provincial level.

Dean’s mid-career award for distinguished scholarship (2012) John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.


Nominatedfor the best paper of the Organizational Systems and Technology track -Unlocking perceived algorithmic autonomy-support: Scale development andvalidation (2021) Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii InternationalConference on System Sciences, United States. (Jabagi, Croteau, Audebrand, and Marsan)

Best paper award of the Information Systems Division (2015) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Ayouby and Croteau)

Best paper award of the Knowledge Systems Track (2015) Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, United States. (Raymond, Croteau, Bergeron, and St-Pierre)

Best paper award of the Information Systems Division (2011) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Tamim, Croteau, and Aubert)

Best paper award (2011) Sixth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, The Netherlands Antilles. (Raymond, Croteau, and Bergeron)

Best paper award of the Information Systems Division (2009) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Raymond, Croteau, and Bergeron)

Best paper award of the Information Systems Division (2001) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Croteau and Vieru)

Finalist of the dissertation award competition (2000) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Croteau)

Best paper award of the Information Systems Division (1999) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Canada. (Croteau and Bergeron)

Research award of the Academy of Information and Management Sciences (1999) Allied Academies International Conference, United States. (Croteau, Raymond, and Bergeron).


One of the Most Popular Professors at Concordia University for seven consecutive years (2000-2006) The Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities

Nominee for the Best Teacher in Management Information Systems for two consecutive years (1997 and 1996) Faculty of Business Administration at Université Laval (Quebec City).

Boards of Directors

Autorité des marchés financiers

Member of the Board (2023-on)

Member of the Audit Committee (2023-on)


Member of the Board (2016-on)

Chair of the Digital Technology Committee (2022-on)

Member of the Human Resources Committee (2021-on)

Vice-chair of the Finance, Project and Information Technology Committee (2018-2022)

Member of the Security, Environment and Social Responsibility Committee (2017-2020)

Chair of the Information Technology Committee (2017-2018)

AACSB International

Member of the Board (2022-on)

Chair of the By-Laws and Articles Committee (2023-on)

Member of the Innovation Committee (2019-on)

Business Schools Association of Canada (previously CFBSD)

Past-Chair (2022-on)

Chair (2020-2022)

Collège André-Grasset

Vice-Chair of the Board (2021-on)

Chair of the Governance Committee (2021-on)

Member of the Governance Committee (2020-on)

Member of the Finance Committee (2019-2020)

Member of the Board (2019-on)

Canadian Federation of Business School Deans

Vice-chair (2018-2020)

Regional chair (Quebec) (2017-2018)

International Women's Forum

Member of the Governance committee (2019-2020)

Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec

Member of the Board (2009-2019)

Member of the Information Technology Steering Committee (2009-2019)

Chair of the Information Technology Steering Committee (2010-2019)

Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee (2014-2018)

Finance Montréal

Member of the Board (2017-2019)

Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations

Member of the Board (2015-2018)

Member of the Human Resources Committee (2016-2018)

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