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Arman Sadreddin, PhD

Assistant Professor, Supply Chain and Business Technology Management

Arman Sadreddin, PhD


Arman Sadreddin is an Assistant Professor of Business Technology Management at the John Molson School of Business. His research interests focus on digital entrepreneurship, digital innovation, technology-enabled organizational capabilities, and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Arman has published his research in international journals, including the International Journal of Information Management, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), Technovation, and the Journal of Community Informatics, among others. He has also presented his work at various academic conferences, including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), and others. Arman received several research grants from different agencies, including the Insight Development Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada and others. He is also the recipient of the 2022 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Academic Service at John Molson School of Business. Arman holds a PhD. and an MSc in Management (Management Information Systems) from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Canada, MASc in Quality Systems Engineering from Concordia University, and a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.


COMM 226 - Business Technology Management

BTM 481 - Information Systems Analysis

ADMI 820-C - Digital Innovation: Conceptualization and Impact 

MSCA 680 - Foundations of Business Technology Management 

MSCA 693 - Digital Innovation: Theory and Practice


Selected Journal Publications

Sadreddin A. & Chan Y.E. (2023), "Pathways to Developing Information Technology-Enabled Capabilities in Born-Digital New Ventures", International Journal of Information Management.

Sadreddin A., Boroomand F. & Chan Y.E. (2023), "Digital Product Architecture and Customer Agility: Evidence from New Digital Ventures", Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 

Dang, T. L. P., Sadreddin, A., & Ahuja, S. (2024). Readily available technologies in low-resource communities: a review and synthesis. Information Technology for Development30(1), 132-172.

Chan Y.E., Krishnamurthy R. & Sadreddin A. (2022), "Digitally-Enabled University Incubation Processes", Technovation. (All authors contributed equally to this article and are ordered alphabetically). 

Prospective Students

I am looking for motivated MSc and PhD students who are willing to work on projects related to digital entrepreneurship and digital innovation. Students with strong communication, presentation, and writing skills, and strong analytical and critical thinking skills are encouraged to apply to our program. For more information please check our MSc and PhD program websites. 

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