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Rahul Ravi, PhD

  • Professor, Finance
  • Director, Goodman Institute in Investment Management
  • Director, Executive MBA

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Rahul Ravi joined the Department of Finance in June 2007, after earning his PhD fromthe University of Alberta in August the same year. In addition to hisdoctorate, he holds a BSc (Honors) degree in Mathematical Statistics from DelhiUniversity, India, and an MBA from the University of Alberta.

From 2017 to 2020,Professor Ravi served as the chair of the Department of Finance and currentlyhe is serving as the director of the John Molson Executive MBA program and theGoodman Institute of Investment Management. His area of research includesdiverse areas such as market microstructure and initial public offerings(IPOs). His interests extend to studying the role and impact of CorporateSocial Responsibility, the intricacies of family firms, and the dynamics ofgender and power in business settings.


PhD (University of Alberta)
MBA (University of Alberta)

Teaching activities

Comm 308 --Introduction to Finance

Fina 385 -- Theory of Finance – I (Investments)

MSCA 632 N --Empirical Market Microstructure

GDBA 615 -- Finance

MBA 614/646 -- Financial Management

EMBA 613 -- Capital Markets and Financial Management

GIIM 618 -- Corporate Finance

MBA 695 -- Financial modeling using Excel

List of selected publications

Income Trusts and the great conversion (with Aguerrevere, Felipe, Pazzaglia, Federica, University of Alberta); Canadian Investment Review, Winter 2005, Vol. 18.

Opacity of a firm and information asymmetry in the financial market (With Youna Hong, M.Sc. Student, Finance, JMSB); Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 25, January 2014.

(How) has the market become more efficient? (With Imants Paeglis, John Molson School of Business; and Stephen Bertone, Laurentian Bank Securities); Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume54, May 2015.

Uninformed trading and information uncertainty in the post IPO market; Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2015.

Asymmetry around S&P 500 Index Changes (With Youna Hong, M.Sc. Student, Finance, JMSB); Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2015.

The Anatomy of a Socially Responsible Corporation (With Rubin Zhao, M.Sc. Student, Finance, JMSB, and Rajshree Prakash, assistant professor, Management department, JMSB); Financial Management, Spring 2017.

More bang for their buck: Why (and when) Family firms better leverage corporate social responsibility (With Peter Jaskiewicz, University of Ottawa, James Combs, University of Central Florida, and Judith L. Walls, University of St. Gallen); Journal of Management (forthcoming, 2022),

Earnings Management: Are Men from Mars and Women from Venus? (With Sonal Kumar, Bryant University); Managerial Finance, Vol. 49 No. 6, 2023.

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