Dr. Rustam Vahidov, PhD
- Professor, Supply Chain and Business Technology Management
- RBC Professorship in Interorganizational Governance of Information Technology
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Software agent negotiations, Agent-based systems, Design science research, Decision support systems, E-commerce buyer support, Genetic algorithms, Electronic negotiations, Neural networks
Contact information
With the Faculty since 2000, Dr. Vahidov received his PhD from Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA (2000). He teaches various courses in Business Technology Management. His research focuses on Software Agent Negotiations, Decision Support Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Electronic Negotiations, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, and others.
PhD (Georgia State University)
Areas of expertise
- Software agent negotiations
- Agent-based systems
- Decision support systems
- E-commerce buyer support
- Genetic algorithms
- Electronic negotiations
- Neural networks
Teaching activities
Intelligent Applications for Business
Concordia University
The course for graduate MIS students was proposed and developed by me.
Agent-Based Technologies
Concordia University
The course for graduate MIS students was proposed and developed by me.
System Development Methodology for E-Business
Concordia University
Computer Skills for Empirical Research
Georgia State University, Doctoral level
Undergraduate level
Introduction to Business Application development
Concordia University
Information Systems Design and Implementation
Concordia University
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming for Business
Concordia University
Introduction to Business Computer Programming
Concordia University
Object-Oriented System Development
Concordia University
E-Business Implementation
Concordia University
Software Application Development
Concordia University
Introduction into Management Information Systems
Concordia University
Fundamentals of Information Technology
Concordia University
Introduction into Decision Support Systems
Concordia University and Georgia State University,Undergraduate & Graduate levels
Introduction to Business Statistics
Concordia University
Generalized Modeling Techniques
Georgia State University
End-User Application Development
Georgia State University
Introduction into Computer-Based Information Systems
Georgia State University
Corporate Finance
Khazar university, Baku, Azerbaijan
Operating Systems
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
Artificial Intelligence Systems
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
Journal Papers
“Applying Social Interaction Theory to NegotiationModeling: Design of E-negotiation System”, BoYu and R. Vahidov, Information SystemsFrontiers, 21 (3), 2019, 703-718.
“A Study of the Effects of Interplay betweenNegotiation Tactics and Task Complexity in Software Agent to Human Negotiations”, Rustam Vahidov, RaafatSaade, Bo Yu, Electronic Commerce Researchand Applications, 26, 2017, 50-61.
“AMulti-attribute bidding strategy for a single-attribute auction marketplace”, Carbonneau,R and R. Vahidov, ExpertSystems with Applications, 43, 2016, 42-50.
“Traders'Subjective Appraisals: Comparison of Negotiations and Auctions”, Yu,B., Kersten, G., & Vahidov, R., Journalof Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 25 (3), 2015, 233-261.
"ModelingNegotiation as Social Interaction for ENS Design: the Prosper Approach”, Yu,B. & Vahidov, R., GroupDecision & Negotiation: A Process-Oriented View. Lecture Notes in BusinessInformation Processing (180), Springer, 2014, pp. 168-175.
“Quantitativeconcession behavior analysis and prediction for decision support in electronicnegotiations”, Carbonneau, R., Vahidov, R. & Kersten, G., InternationalJournal of Decision Support System Technology, 6 (4), 2014, 16-30.
“InformingPhysicians Using a Situated Decision Support System”, Saade,R., Vahidov, R., Tsoukas, G., & Tsoukas, A., KnowledgeManagement & E-Learning: An International Journal, 6 (4), 2014, 472-492.
“Anexperimental study of software agent negotiations with humans”, Vahidov,R., Kersten, G., & Saade, R, DecisionSupport Systems, 66, 2014, 135-145.
“Autility concession curve data fitting model for quantitative analysis ofnegotiation styles”, Carbonneau,R and R. Vahidov, ExpertSystems with Applications, 41 (9), 2014, 4035–4042.
“Concession-makingin multi-attribute auctions and multi-bilateral negotiations: Theory andexperiments”, Kersten,G., R. Vahidov and D. Gimon, ElectronicCommerce Research and Applications, 12, 2013, 166-180.
“ExperimentalAssessment of Agent-Supported Electronic Negotiations”, Vahidov,R., Chen, E., & Kersten, G., InternationalJournal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29 (11), 2013, 764-774.
“Value ofRecommendation Systems for Online Investors”, Vahidov,R., Saade, R., & Eldiwany, A., InternationalJournal of Innovation in the Digital Economy, 3 (2), 2012, pp 1-17.
“Situated Service-Oriented Modeling”, Saade,R., & Vahidov, R., International Journal of Service Science, Management,Engineering, and Technology, 2(1), 2011, pp.52-72.
“Pairwise issue modeling for negotiation counteroffer prediction usingneural networks”, Carbonneau, R., Kersten, G., & Vahidov, R., DecisionSupport Systems 50(2), 2011, pp.449-459.
“AFramework for Situated Distributed Decision Support”, Hu, H. & Vahidov, R., Journal of Computer Information Systems(Spring), 2011, pp.29-37.“Arno R. Lodder and John Zeleznikow: EnhancedDispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology”, Kersten,G., & Vahidov, R., GroupDecision & Negotiation 20 (4), 2011, pp.525-530.
“ADiversity-Based Method for Infrequent Purchase Decision Support in E-Commerce”, Vahidov,R. & Ji, F., ElectronicCommerce Research and Applications 4(2), 2005, pp. 143-158.
“Agent-SupportedNegotiations in E-Marketplace”, Chen,E., Vahidov, R., Kersten, G.E., InternationalJournal of Electronic Business 3 (1), 2005, pp. 28-49.
“AMulti-Agent DSS for Supporting E-Commerce Decisions”, Vahidov,R. & Fazlollahi, B., Journalof Computer Information Systems XLIV (2) Winter 2003-2004, pp. 87-94.
“DecisionStation: Situating Decision Support Systems”, Vahidov,R. & Kersten, G.E., DecisionSupport Systems 38(2), 2004, pp.283-303
“PluralisticMulti-Agent Decision Support System: A Framework and an Empirical Test”, Vahidov, R. & Fazlollahi B., Information & Management 41 (7), 2004, pp. 883-398
“GeneticAlgorithms-Based Fuzzy Regression Analysis”, AlievR.A., Fazlollahi B., Vahidov, R., Journalof Soft Computing 6 (6), 2002,pp. 470-475
"Soft ComputingBased Multi-Agent Marketing Decision Support System", Aliev, R.A., Fazlollahi,B, Vahidov, R., Journal of Intelligentand Fuzzy Systems, 9(1-2), 2000, 1-9
"IncorporatingCritique and Argumentation in DSS", Vahidov, R. &Elrod, R.,Decision Support Systems, 26(3), 1999,249-258.Refereed Book Sections
"The Effects of Photographic Images onAgent to Human Negotiations: The Case of the Sicilian Clan” . Vahidov,R., GroupDecision and Negotiation in an Uncertain World. Lecture Notes in BusinessInformation Processing (315), Springer, 2018, pp. 127-135.
"Back-EndBidding for Front-End Negotiation: A Model” Carbonneau,R. & Vahidov, R., Outlooksand Insights on Group Decision and Negotiation. Lecture Notes in BusinessInformation Processing (218), Springer, 2015, pp. 385-393.
"Auctionsand Negotiations in E-procurement: A Comparison of Three Experiments”, Kersten,G.E., P. Pontrandolfo and Vahidov, R., Bidding:Types, Strategies, and Role of Psychology, M.K. Lim (Ed.) Nova Science Pub., 2013pp.225-250.
"Human–SoftwareAgent Negotiations: An Experimental Study”, Vahidov,R., Kersten, G.E., & Saade, R., E-Life:Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. Revised SelectedPapers from Web 2011. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (108),Springer, 2012, pp. 356-367.
"Negotiationand Auction Mechanisms: Two Systems and Two Experiments”, Kersten, G.E., P. Pontrandolfo, R.Vahidov, D. Gimon, E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work,and Social Life. Revised Selected Papers from Web 2011. Lecture Notes inBusiness Information Processing (108), Springer, 2012, pp. 400-412.“Design of SoftwareAgent-Populated Electronic Negotiation System and Evaluation of Human - to -Agent Negotiations”, Vahidov, R. &Kersten, G., Design ScienceResearch in IS: Advances in Theory & Practice. Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 7286, 2012 pp. 411-422.
"OnComparison of Mechanisms of Economic and Social Exchanges: The Times Model”, Kersten,G.E., Chen, E., Neumann, D., Vahidov, R. andWeinhardt, C.,, Negotiationand Market Engineering. Lecture Notes in Business information Processing.Edited by H. Gimpel, N.R. Jennings, G. Kersten, A. Ockenfels & C.Weinhardt, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 16-43.
"OnDesign-type Research in Information Systems: Findings and Practices" , Vahidov, R., IGI Global, 2012, ISBN: 9781466601314.
"ArtificialNeural Networks: Theory and Practice", Aliev R.A., Vahidov, R. & Aliev R.R., Tebriz University,Tebriz, Iran, 1993