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Sandra Betton, PhD CFA

  • Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs, Finance

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Dr. Betton joined Concordia University in 1994 after completing her PhD at the University of British Columbia. She obtained the CFA designation in 2000. Her research interests include mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and gambling markets. Her work has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics and the Journal of Finance.

In 2001, Dr. Betton and her co-author, Dr. Espen Eckbo, received the Barclays Global Investors/Michael Brennan Award for the best paper published in Volume 13 of the Review of Financial Studies. Dr. Betton teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (MBA and MSc). The thesis topics of MSc students she recently supervised include the impact of ownership structure and corporate governance on LBO gains in Europe, market microstructure and risk arbitrage, the impact of the board of directors on bidder gains, the value of corporate governance and the impact of the financing choice on bidder gains in mergers and acquisitions.


PhD (University of British Columbia)

Areas of expertise

  • Empirical finance
  • Mergers and acquisition

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