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Yu-Ping Chen, PhD

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Associate Professor, Management
  • Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Professorship in Work Motivation
  • Director, International Business (IBUS) Program

Thesis supervision details

Supervised programs: Management (MSc), Business Administration (PhD)

Contact information


Yu-Ping Chen joined the John Molson School of Business in 2012 after completing his PhD degree at  Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He also received his Master degree in Human Resources and Industrial Relations at the University of Minnesota and his BBA degree in International Business at National Taiwan University.

Yu-Ping’s research focuses on global work experiences (e.g., corporate expatriates, self-initiated expatriates, and international business travelers), cross-cultural management, interpersonal relationships at work, work motivation, and work-family issues. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of World Business, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Knowledge Management, Personnel Review, Journal of Global Mobility, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Cross Cultural and Strategic Management and International Journal of Human Resource Management, among others. He is also an associate editor at the Journal of Global Mobility.


PhD in Management Science (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
MA in Human Resource and Industrial Relations  (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities)
BBA in International Business (National Taiwan University)

Areas of Expertise

  • Global work experiences
  • Interpersonal relationships at work
  • Workplace motivation
  • Work-family interface
  • Employees' reactions towards HR algorithmic management

Teaching activities

MANA 443: Compensation and Benefits Management
MSCA 641: Seminar in Staffing and Career Management
MSCA 643: Seminar in Motivation, Evaluation, Compensation, and Rewards
MSCA 652: Seminar in Advanced Topics in Organizational Behaviour
MSCA 656: Seminar in Individual and Group Behaviour in Organization
ADMI 812: Seminar in Current Issues in Organizational Behaviour
COMM 222: Organizational Behaviour and Theory


Refereed Journal Articles

ChenY.-P., Hsu, Y., Panaccio, A. & Wang, H. (2025) Leading the way to a safer workplace: What enables supervisors to be servant leaders and enhance subordinates’ workplace safety behaviors. Journal of Safety Research.

Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. P., Shaffer, M. A. (2024). How do proactive employees reduce work-family conflict? Examining the influence of flexible work arrangements. Personnel Review. 53(9), 2332-2355

Chen, Y. -P., Shaffer, M. A., Joplin, J. R. W., & Posthuma, R. A. (2024). Is more always better?: The influences of guanxi, participative decision-making, and perceived organizational politics on U.S. and Hong Kong nurses’ career satisfaction Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. 31(2), 243-270.


Wang, C. H. & Chen, Y. -P. (2024). The development of expatriate social capital and its impact on expatriate effectiveness. Journal of Global Mobility. 12(2), 333-354.


Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. P, Chiang, F. F. T., & Shaffer, M. A. (2024).Bridging the expatriate and host country national knowledge transfer gap: Managing interaction anxiety and uncertainty. Journal of Knowledge Management


ChenY.-P., Hsu, Y., & Shaffer, M. A. (2024). Self-Initiated Expatriates’ Cultural intelligence, Embeddedness and Career Satisfaction: A Whole-Life Perspective. Journal of Global Mobility. 12(2), 265-287.


Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. -P., Selmer J., & Bastida, M.(2023). Thriving in virtual academic conferences: Fact of Fiction? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. [Impact Factor: 4.70; ABDC: B]


Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. -P., Chiang, F. F. T., & Shaffer, M. A. (2022). It takes two to tango: Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals. Human Resource Management.61(2), 215-238.[Impact Factor: 6.24; ABDC[1]: A*; FT50[2]; 66/228 (Management);15/83 (Psychology, Applied); Cited by: 11]


Thibault-Landry, A., Papachristopoulos, K, Hsu, Y., ChenY.-P. (2022) Better leveraging monetary rewards in the 21stcentury workplace using self-determination theory. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. 17(1), 67-80. [Impact Factor: 1.10; Cited by: 1]


Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. -P., & Shaffer, M. A, &Chiang, F. F. T. (2021). Knowledge exchange between expatriates and host country nationals: An expectancy value perspective. Journal of Global Mobility. 9(4), 499-518. [Impact Factor: 2.20; ABDC: B; Cited by: 1]

Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. -P., & Shaffer, M. A. (2019). Reducing work and home 
         cognitive failures? The role of flextime use and perceived
. Journal of Business and Psychology36, 155-172. [Impact
         Factor: 6.60; ABDC: A; Cited by: 11]

ChenY.-P., & Shaffer, M. A. (2018). Theinfluences of expatriate spouses’ coping strategies on expatriate adjustmentand spouse adjustment: The interdependency perspective. Journal of Global Mobility. 6(1), 20-39.(*Selectedas the highly commented paper at the Journal of Global Mobility for the 2019 Emerald Literati Award forExcellence.)[Impact Factor: 2.20; ABDC: B; Cited by: 35]


ChenY.-P., & Shaffer, M. A. (2017). The influences of perceived organizational support and motivation on self-initiated expatiates' organizational and community embeddedness. Journal of World Business. 52(2), 197-208. [Impact Factor: 8.64; ABDC: A*; Cited by: 99]


Chen, Y.-P., Shaffer, M. A., Chen, S.,Westman, M., Lazarova, M., & Reiche, S. (2014). Family role performance: Scale development and validation. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 63(1), 190-218. (*Selected by the journal editor and is included in the Applied Psychology Virtual Issue ‘The AP:IR Measure Chest –New Scales and Measurements across Cultures). [Impact Factor: 5.61;ABDC: A; 20/83 (Psychology, Applied); Cited by: 73]


Shaffer, M. A., Singh, B., & Chen, Y. -P. (2013). Expatriate pay satisfaction: The role oorganizational inequities, assignment stressors and perceived assignment valueInternational Journal of Human Resource Management. 24(5), 2968-2984.[Impact Factor: 6.03; ABDC: A; Cited by: 20]


Shaffer, M. A., Kraimer, M. L., Chen, Y. -P., & Bolino, M. C. (2012). Choiceschallenges, and career consequences of global work experiences: A review anfuture agendaJournal of Management, 38(4), 1282-1327.[Impact Factor: 13.51; ABDC: A*; FT50; 1/83 (Psychology, Applied); 4/226(Management); Cited by: 623]


ChenY.-P., Hsu, Y., & Yip, F. W. -K. (2011). Friends or rivals: Comparative perspectives of HR and line managers on perceived future firm performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(8), 1703-1722. [Impact Factor: 6.03; ABDC: A; Cited by: 62]

Book Chapter

Chen, Y. -P., & Shaffer, M. A. (2015) Individual and organizational decisions for global mobility. in Collings, D. G.,Wood, G., & Caligiuri, P. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to International Human Resource Management

Participation activities

Refereed Conference Presentations

Chen, Y. -P., Hsu, Y., Panaccio, A., & Wang, H. 2024. What Enables Supervisors to Serve and Enhance Subordinates' Workplace Safety Behaviors?. Presented" at 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Hsu, Y., & Chen, Y. -P., & Chiang, F. F. T. 2023. Bridging the knowledge transfer gap between expatriate and host country national: Managing Interaction Anxiety and Uncertainty. Presented" at 2023 European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.


Chen, Y.-P., Joplin, J. R, W., Chan, S., & Posthuma, R. 2022. The Curvilinear Impacts of Social Challenge Stressors on Hong Kong and US Nurses’ Job Satisfaction. Presented" at 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.


Hsu, Y.,& Chen, Y. -P. 2022. Proactive Personality, Flexible Work Arrangements, and Work- Family Conflict. Presented" at 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.


  Chen, Y. -P., Lirio P., & Pek, S. 2022.Watched by bots: The influences of algorithmic

surveillance on app-work workers’ intrapsychic responses and career sustainability

Presented at the symposium "Managedby Algorithms: How Humans Act, React, and

Interact in the Future of Work"at 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,

Seattle, WA.


Chen, Y. -P.& Hsu, Y. 2021. Strangers in the foreign land: Exploring cultural minority global professionals’ career satisfaction. Presentedat 2021 Academy oManagement Annual Meeting.


Chiovitti, S. & Chen,Y. -P. 2019. Linking employer brand, employee motivation, and employee engagement. Presented "at 2019 European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Meeting, Turin, Italy.


*Hsu, Y. & Chen, Y. -P., Shaffer M. A., Chiang, F. F. T. 2019. What reduces anxiety and uncertainty of cross-cultural dyads’ knowledge transfer? The role of sender’s relationship building and communication patience.  Presented at the showcase symposium "Global Competencies: Resources, Processes, and Consequences "at 2019 Academy oManagement Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

           *Finalist for the Emerald Best International Symposium Award


Hsu, Y. & Chen, Y. -P. 2018. A Social Capital Model of Cross-Cultural Knowledge
Presented" at 2018 Academy oManagement Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.


Chen, Y. -P. 2013. Self-initiated expatriates' experience of establishing global work experience: A self-determination theory perspective. Presented at the showcase symposium "Global Competencies: Resources, Processes, anConsequences" at 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake BuenVista, FL.


Hsu, Y. & Chen, Y. -P. 2013. Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals. Presentedat the showcase symposium "Global Competencies: Resources, Processes, andConsequences"at 2013 Academy ofManagement Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL.


Chen,Y.-P., Lazarova,M., Chen, S., Shaffer, M. A., & Westman, M. 2012. Family taskandcontextual performance: Similarities and differences between United StatesandIsraeli employees. Presented at 2012 Work and Family Researchers NetworkConference, New York, NY.


Chen, Y. -P., Chen,S., Shaffer, M. A., Westman, M., & Lazarova,M. 2012. The Family

Role Performance: Scale Development and Nomological Validation. Presented at

2012Society for Industrial andOccupational Psychology Annual Conference, San

Diego, California.



Chen,Y.-P., Shaffer, M. A., Westman, M., Chen, S. & Lazarova,M. 2011. The family roleperformance: Scale development andvalidation. Presented at 2011 IsraelOrganizational Behavior Conference, Tel Aviv,Israel. (Finalist for the best paper award)


Chen, Y.-P. & Hsu, Y. 2011. Career motivation anddevelopment of self-initiated expatriates: A self-determination perspective. Presented at 2011 Academy ofManagement Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.


Chen, Y. -P. & Hsu, Y. 2011. Am I too emotional at work? Attachment styles, emotionregulation, and employee well-being. Presented at 2011 Academy of ManagementAnnual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.


Shaffer, M. A., Chen, Y. -P., Kraimer, M. L., & Bolino, M. C. 2011.Global employment experiences and careers:A review and future research agenda. Presented at 2011

Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan.


Ren, H., Chen, Y. -P., &Zhang, L. 2011. When you feel lonely at work: Socialloneliness, work strains, andperformance. Presented at 2011 Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, Beijing, China.


Chen,Y.-P., Shaffer, M. A., Joplin, J. R. W., Chan,S., & Posthuma, R. 2011. Eticdemands andemic resources: A cross-national study of nurses. Presented at 2011

Society for Industrial and Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago,



Shaffer, M. A., Chen, Y. -P., Bolino, M. C., & Kraimer, M. L. 2010. Global career success: A review and future research agenda. Presented at showcase symposium"Global Careers: Content, Choices, and Consequences"at 2010 Academy ofManagement Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.


Hsu, Y., & Chen, Y. -P. 2010. P-E Fit andprosocial behaviors across life domains: Aconservation of resources perspective. Presented at 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,Montréal, Canada.


Chen, Y. -P. 2010. Green-eyed monster at work: An integrated model of workplace envy.

Presented at 2010 Society for Industrial and Occupational Psychology Annual

Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.


Chen,Y.-P. 2009. Understanding expatriate psychological withdrawal: The roles oforganizational justice and satisfaction. Presented at 2009 Society for Industrial and Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans,Louisiana.


Singh, B., & Chen, Y. -P. 2009. Expatriate pay satisfaction: Influence of adjustment, justiceand assignment value. Presented at 2009 Society for Industrial andOccupational Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans,Louisiana.


Chen,Y.-P., & Shaffer, M. 2009. Expatriate spouse adjustment: Coping strategies andthe moderating role of expatriate adjustment. Presented at 2009 Academy ofInternational Business Annual Conference, San Diego, California.


Hsu, Y., Chen, Y. -P., & Yip F. 2009. Comparative perspectives of HR and middlemanagers on their relationships and firm performance. Presented at 2009

Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.


Singh, B., & Chen,Y.-P. 2009. Determinants of expatriate pay satisfaction: A job-demands resources perspective. Presented at 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,Chicago, Illinois.


Fu, C, K., & Chen, Y. -P. 2008.Expatriate adjustment and perceived P-E fit ofexpatriates. Presented at 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,Anaheim, California.

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