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Master of Science in Management (MSc)

Alumni profiles

Read these profiles to learn the varied paths a recent graduate of the John Molson Master of Science program can take.

Sandra Petosa

Michael Ogoms (MSc Management '22)

PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow studying neurodiversity in the workplace (Alumni of PwC Management Consulting: Workforce of the Future)

I chose the MSc in Management program because of its flexibility for entering industry or research, its excellent reputation and its location in a large, vibrant city. The program helped me grow my interests in neurodiversity research, with its wide variety of courses allowing me to tie all research papers into new intersections related to my overall interests. In addition, the program taught me essential skills like assessing peer-reviewed articles, data analysis, and critical thinking, which I directly used in my previous position as a consultant. As I am someone who has used my MSc in both industry and research - I can advocate the flexibility it has given me to pivot my career. 

Shushu Feng

Shushu Feng (MSc Management '16)

Investor Relations Specialist at Perimeter Medical Imaging AI

The John Molson MSc in Management not only helped me grow academically, but also provided me with an opportunity to observe and adapt to western culture and behaviors – both at an individual and organizational level. The learning environment in the program and the school has helped refine my career interests and developed my confidence in investor relations, paving the foundation for my career in the communications and finance industries in North America. Not only has the John Molson School of Business taught me how to conduct business research and understand organizations, it has also shown me how to apply my academic strengths in an industry setting.

Sandra Petosa

Sandra Petosa (MSc Management '00)

Senior Vice President of Talent, Culture and Diversity at Groupe CH (Montreal Canadiens, evenko, Spectra and Rocket)

My MSc in Management degree has led me to gain more than 20 years of experience in the Human Resources and Organizational Development field across various businesses and industries. I am thrilled to continue being involved in my Alma Mater by serving on the external advisory board for the John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition Committee.


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