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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Program structure

BComm Degree Components

Typical 90-Credit Program
Core courses 48 credits
Business major courses* 24 credits
Electives 18 credits
108-Credit Mature Entry Program
Foundation courses 18 credits
Core courses 48 credits
Business major courses* 24 credits
Electives 18 credits
120-Credit Extended Credit Program
Foundation courses 30 credits
Core courses 48 credits
Business major courses* 24 credits
Electives 18 credits

Business major courses

In addition to the Commerce core, all BComm students will follow 24 credits toward their major. See the courses offered for each major below:

Elective courses

John Molson students are encouraged to round out their business education by taking electives in faculties outside the business school. Expanding one’s general knowledge provides value that will serve our graduates well, regardless of what country, industry, or area of business they end up working in. For example, history or language courses would be of particular benefit to international students; Anthropology and Psychology courses would provide Marketing students with a better understanding of individual markets and cultures.

Business electives & non-business electives

business elective is a course offered by the John Molson School of Business that is above and beyond one’s Core and Major requirements. For example, if a student is Majoring in Management Information Systems and they take an Accounting course, this course constitutes a Business Elective.

non-business elective is a course offered by a Faculty outside of John Molson. If, for example, a student takes a Philosophy course or an Acting course, this is considered a non-business elective. Electives can be chosen from the Faculties of Arts and ScienceFine Arts, and the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.

BComm students

Students in the BComm are required to complete 12 elective credits outside of John Molson. The remaining 12 elective credits may be business or non-business.

BAdmin students (Please be informed that the BAdmin program is currently suspended.)

Students in the BAdmin will complete 18 business elective credits as part of their program, as well as 30 non-business elective credits. Out of these 30 credits, 15 must be above the introductory (200) level.

We encourage you to select your non-business electives from among the many courses offered by Concordia’s other faculties that may interest you, particularly 200-level courses offered by the faculties of:


  • 300-level courses may require prerequisites and may be more challenging than 200-level courses.
  • Placement test for language courses may be required. Please contact the department.
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