Topic: generosity

Business jets to net zero: Nick Houseman’s flightpath to success

Setting out and feeling supported

Understanding donor support from outreach to impact

Simon Fraser prof supports Concordia students with $75,000 endowment

Giving back by empowering others

Building a workplace for future engineers

Giving Tuesday 2024 raises $446,000 for students

Great Concordian: Naveed Irshad, president and CEO of Manulife Canada

Thank you: Extra book fair adds $26,494 in student support

Video: Cheers to five decades of giving!

Alumni couple’s seven-figure bequest supports future business students

Concordia’s 50th Centraide campaign is here

Shuffle 2024: 1,026 participants, 73 teams and $225,000 raised for students

Who was Joyce H. Newton and why did she give $316,000 to Concordia?

Paws for a cause: Meet the pets of the Concordia Shuffle

Shuffle preview: Meet 4 teams of phenomenal fundraisers