Fiona Harrison-Roberts
Fiona was the Vice-President of Finance in the Journalism Student Association from 2018-2020. She contributed to hosting extracurricular workshops for journalism students to learn beyond their courses and gave students a chance to network through social gatherings. Since 2017, she has co-hosted the Moonstruck movie critique radio-show at CJLO. In 2019, she became the editor for CJLO’s online magazine as well. In 2019, ASFA created their Loyola Committee, for which Fiona became co-chair during its first mandate. She designed, organized and executed campus-wide events such as QuadFest, FroshBite and Academic Day. The Loyola Committee was the main source of centralized student life activities on the campus that year.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, though on-campus activities are restricted, Fiona has made it a point to continue fostering student life initiatives for the Loyola community. She has taken it upon herself to be a mentor to this mandate’s ASFA Loyola Committee. This goes well beyond her past co-chair mandate and she has become vital in the success of ASFA events, such as the Loyola Games (Fall orientation), Loyola Zone: Virtual Arcade (Winter orientation) and two Academic Weeks.
Fiona also sits on the CSU’s Loyola Committee. She has become a bridge between the CSU and the ASFA respective Loyola Committees. Thanks to her initiative, both groups are joining forces on multiple events this semester. These include: A discussion on Navigating Implicit Biases at the University Level in honour of Black History Month, an Academic Week and a Career Fair focusing on the fields of study at the Loyola Campus.
Beyond the countless events Fiona has helped organize, she also advocates for change at the academic level in the university. She sits on Senate, through which she has helped ensure that the transition to online schooling takes into account students’ needs and concerns. Her innate devotion to students’ well-being drives her to fight for student interests at the university.