The computational resources of the CSFG include a local area network comprised of over three dozen workstations. The majority of the workstations are Core2 Quad-Core, with those in offices typically running Windows 7 SP1, and those used for software development, Linux.
Tools used for software development mainly include Perl, Java, Python, PHP, C/C++, Postgres, and MySQL, although development workstations have a variety of open-source compilers, biology specific code libraries, and development tools installed on them.
The miscellaneous software utilities include programs for DNA and protein analysis, oligo design and analysis, phylogenetic determination, molecular structure drawing and viewing, plasmid construction, genome assembly and programs for analyzing data collected from CSFG equipment. A number of hardware multi-threaded Intel XEON blade servers been installed which run both internal and web-based BLAST servers. The databases maintained on the servers include nt, nr and est-human among others.
Recently, the Fungal Genomics Project has acquired limited access to two Genome Canada 20-machine, dual-processor clusters and other specialized genomic super-computers. Additionally, the CSFG maintains a multi-terabyte disk array with automated mirroring and off-site back-up. A number of the blade servers also provide centralized authentication and web services such as version control, issue tracking and other groupware functions, generally accessible through a convenient wiki based format.