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In addition to hosting large-scale research projects and providing technical resources and scientific expertise to support the research projects of its members and the scientific community at large, the members of the Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics are actively participating in our community.

Our members have been the topic of many news articles and have collectively published over 200 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. We participate in Concordia's vibrant scientific life through workshops and seminars, we are involved in teaching multiple courses and launched a 30-credit graduate Diploma Program in Biotechnology and Genomics.

Recently Published

Translational control of entrainment and synchrony of the suprachiasmatic circadian clock by mTOR/4E-BP1 signaling.
Cao R, Robinson B, Xu H, Gkogkas C, Khoutorsky A, Alain T, Yanagiya A, Nevarko T, Liu AC, Amir S, Sonenberg N (2013) 
Neuron 79:712-724. [PubMed] [Full]

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