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About the Journal

Adrien Hébert, sans titre, n.d. (Photo: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec) Adrien Hébert, sans titre, n.d. (Photo: Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec)

Founded in 1974, the Journal of Canadian Art History/Annales d’histoire de l’art canadien encourages research and disseminate knowledge of all aspects of the history of Canadian art, architecture, and the decorative arts. Contributions in the form of articles, essays, and reviews are welcomed from Canadian and non-Canadian specialists in art history, cultural theory, and cognate disciplines. Past issues include: examinations of works by significant artists, architects, designers, and craftspersons; close readings of particular art objects, buildings, and other forms of material culture; historical and theoretical investigations of media, movements, institutions, and education. Issues are either compendia of recent scholarship or edited thematic collections. A review section is included in most issues. The material is published in English or French; articles and essays are accompanied by translated summaries.

Back issues of JCAH/AHAC can be ordered from the editorial offices and will be made available online, with three years held back.

subscription to the Journal of Canadian Art History/Annales d'histoire de l'art canadien is one way to ensure the scholarly study of Canadian cultural heritage. We welcome your interest and value your support.

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