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Kim McDonough, PhD

Professor, Education

Kim McDonough, PhD

Kim McDonough is Professor in Applied Linguistics who joined the Department of Education at Concordia in 2010. Her research interests include psycholinguistic approaches to second language acquisition, classroom-based research, second language writing development, and task-based language teaching. Her interests also include the development of oral and written communicative tasks to promote peer interaction in foreign language classrooms, the identification of visual cues during face-to-face conversation, and the assessment of disciplinary writing.


PhD Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2001
MA TESOL, Michigan State University, 1998
BA Political Science and Studies in Religion, University of Michigan, 1992

Professional experience

Professor, Applied Linguistics, Concordia University, 2015-present
Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics, Concordia University, 2010-2015
Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona University, 2008-2010
Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona University, 2005-2008
Assistant Professor, DEIL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001-2005

Research activities

Current Projects

Dr. McDonough’s current research projects are exploring the role of visual cues in signalling communication breakdowns during task-based interaction, the occurrence of linguistic and reverse linguistic stereotyping among university students, the contribution of peer interaction to L2 writing development, and the incorporation of online evaluation into ESL secondary classes.

Current Grants

McDonough, K., & Sato, M. (2020-2022). Expectancy violations in diverse English contexts: Exploring the role of intergroup contact. SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($65,672).

Corrigan, J., McDonough, K., & Neumann, H., (2020-2023). Promoting digital literacies for secondary students: A collaborative action research project. Concerted Actions Grant, FRQSC. ($221,082).

McDonough, K., & Trofimovich, P. (2019-2023). Identifying the visual signature of communication breakdowns. SSHRC Insight Grant ($235,651).

McDonough, K., & Ammar, A. (2017-2020). Using collaborative tasks to promote the development ofL2 French writing. Concerted Actions Grant, FQRSC ($149,837).


Forthcoming Publications

Crawford, W., & McDonough, K. (in press). Introduction to the corpus of collaborative oral tasks. In W. Crawford (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on learner interaction:The corpus of collaborative oral tasks. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

McDonough, K., & De Vleeschauwer, J.(accepted). A cross-sectional comparison of first and second year Thai EFL student writing: Syntactic, phrasal, and lexical features. rEFLections.

McDonough, K., & Uludag, P. (in press). Individual and shared assessment of ESL students’ paired oral test performance: Examining rater judgments and lexico-grammatical features. In W. Crawford (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on learner interaction: The corpus of collaborative oral tasks. Berlin: Mouton DeGruyter.

McDonough, K., Uludag, P., & Neumann, H.(accepted). Instructor evaluation of business student writing: Does language play a role? Business and Professional Communications Quarterly.

Uludag, P., Crawford, W., & McDonough,K.(accepted). EAP students’ use of reporting verbs in argumentative and cause-and-effect essay exams. BC TEAL Journal.

Uludag, P., McDonough, K., & Payant, C.(accepted). Does prewriting planning positively impact English L2 students’ integrated writing performance? Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Recent Publications

Han, Y., & McDonough, K. (2021). Motivation as individual differences and as task conditions: Their effects on L2 Korean complexity, accuracy, fluency and lexical dysfluency. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 15(1), 1-12.

Neumann, H., Leu, S., McDonough, K., Gil, L., & Crawford, B. (2020).  Does the quality of source notes matter? An exploratory study of source-based academic writing. TESL Canada Journal, 37(1), 1-21.

Neumann, H., Leu, S., McDonough, K., & Crawford, B. (2020). Improving students’ source integration skills: Does a focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary development work? Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 48, Article 100909.

McDonough, K., & Uludag,P., & Neumann, H. (2020). Morphological development in EAP student writing.TESOL Quarterly, 54(4),1065-1076.

Sato, M., & McDonough, K. (2020). Predicting L2 learners’ noticing of L2 errors: Proficiency, language analytical ability, and interaction mindset. System, 93, Article 102301.

McDonough, K., & Hernández González, T. (2020). Collaboration before writing: Exploring how student talk contributes to English L2 written narratives. rEFLections, 27(1), 62-80.

McDonough, K., Trofimovich, P., Lu, L., & Abashidze, D. (2020). Visual cues during interaction: Are recasts different from noncorrective repetition? Second Language Research, 36(3), 359-370.

McDonough, K., & Crawford, W. (2020). Identifying effective writing tasks for use in EFL write to learn language contexts. The Language Learning Journal, 48(4), 469-480.

Teaching activities

Graduate Courses

Research methods (Concordia, APLI 660)
Second language acquisition (Concordia, APLI 621)
Pragmatics (Concordia, APLI 643)
Quantitative Research Methods (Concordia, EDUC 806)
Doctoral Seminar in Education (Concordia, EDUC 800)
Fundamentals of second language learning and teaching
Cross cultural aspects of language learning
Topics in ESL: Task-based language teaching
PhD seminar: Interaction in SLA

Undergraduate Courses

Language acquisition (Concordia, TESL 341)

Modern English grammar (Concordia, TESL 232)
English grammar (Concordia, TESL 231)
Language in the US
English grammar and usage
Introduction to linguistics
Introduction to English grammar
Senior seminar: Language acquisition

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