Unveiling Equity
The Unveiling Equity workshop series launched in 2023-2024, with a second round ongoing in 2025. Through thought-provoking discussions and reflective activities, the series challenges conventional views, encourages deeper self-awareness, and promotes meaningful action toward equity and justice. These workshops and presentations are designed to inspire participants to critically examine their roles and responsibilities in fostering inclusive and transformative change within their communities and professional spaces.
Sessions have been recorded and the videos made available as critical teaching aids.
Initally supported by the Canadian Heritage Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives program in 2024, and since then offered in partnership with the Canadian Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Extremist Violence (CPN-PREV) and Concordia University's Indigenous Healing Knowledges Chair, the Unveiling Equity series aims to:
- Support communities in addressing racism and discrimination, fostering intercultural and interfaith understanding, and providing equitable opportunities for full participation in Canadian society.
- Promote and engage in discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism, and religious discrimination at both domestic and international levels.
- Strengthen research and evidence to develop an understanding of the disparities and challenges faced by racialized and religious minority communities, as well as Indigenous Peoples.
Within this context, a series of online workshops have been organized to address some aspects of racism.
It is the violence not pathology that is the problem!
Original date: October 29, 2024 | More information
« dis » a webinar on the unreliability of representation
Original date: March 28, 2024 | More information