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Banner for the David R. Garcia Speaker Series event

CSLP Speaker Series: David R. Garcia on Teaching Truth to Power: How to Engage in Education Policy

In this politically charged environment academics may exercising their voice to “speak truth to power,” but even a cursory view of research use in policymaking reveals that few are listening. This talk provides a unique perspective of research and policymaking that addresses the problems with research for policy use, the opportune time to build relationships with politicians, how to enlist allies, writing for policy audiences, and what to do once you get in the door. The talk is filled with concrete insights from David R. Garcia (Arizona State University) based on his book (Teach Truth to Power) and policy experiences working as a legislative analyst, top public education official, and 2018 Democratic Party gubernatorial candidate for the state of Arizona.

Banner for the Dewey Cornell conference

A Proportional Response to Threats of Violence by Elementary and Secondary School Students

For safety reasons, school authorities often use out-of-school suspension or transfer when students make threats of violence or act in ways that suggest they pose a danger to others. However, educational research has found that school removal is not an effective strategy and can be over-used on students who did not pose a serious threat. Professor Cornell of the University of Virginia will present a protocol widely used by school staff in U.S. and Canadian schools to conduct assessments that distinguish serious threats from threats that are not serious and to respond proportionally based on the circumstances and context of the student’s behavior. Research conducted in more than 4,000 schools has found this protocol to be a safe and effective way to respond to student threats and to focus on providing support services for students rather than removing them from school.

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