CSLP researchers have developed an array of tools and resources that have been made available to the educational community at no charge.

Learning Toolkit+ (LTK+)
Supports the development of literacy, inquiry and other cross-curricular competencies.

Platform designed to build awareness, create spaces for pluralistic dialogues, and combat online hate.

Unveiling Equity
The Unveiling Equity workshop series offers thought-provoking discussions and reflective activities. Sessions recordings may act as valuable facilitation tools for those working on equity issues and social justice.

Explore Your Echo
Empower your educators, administrators, support staff and students with workshops that will offer the tools and knowledge needed to deal with cyberbullying.

Anti-racism, cyberbullying and misogyny: Workshop for teachers
This workshop uses the short film Attacked : hate in the digital age as a launching point for discussions of online islamophobia and misogyny and how teachers can assist students facing these challenges.

Pedagogical Freedom and Dealing with Controversial Issues in Schools: A Guide for Teachers
This guide aims to equip educators and school administrators with evidence-based insights to assist them in making informed decisions when addressing politically and socially contentious topics in the classroom.

Innovative Social Pedagogy Evaluation
Project Someone and its partners in Quebec and Alberta worked with approximately 2,000 Canadians (in both online and face-to-face contexts) to document and develop community resilience against discrimination, with emphasis placed on quality evaluation of the projects.