Advisory board
Role & responsibilities of the Advisory board
- The general purpose of the Advisory board is to provide general guidance on the CSLP’s activities and operations.
- The Advisory board will meet once a year, for 90 minutes, with all documents/materials pre-supplied.
- The minutes of all Advisory board meetings will be submitted to the OVPRII at the time of the annual report.
- The Advisory board requirements/suggestions for research units at the university can be found on page 9 of the Procedures for Research Units and Infrastructure Platforms.
Advisory board members
- Anik De St-Hilaire, Chief Academic Officer at KnowledgeOne
- Isabelle Levert-Chiasson, Program Officer at CCUNESCO
- Leslie Touré Kapo, Researcher at INRS
- Najma Ali, Principal at Kuper Academy Elementary
- Pablo Madriaza, Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- *Diane Querrien, CSLP Co-Director - Concordia
- *David Waddington, CSLP Co-Director - Concordia
- *Zeina Ismail-Allouche, CSLP Manager - Concordia
*Non-voting member