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Advisory board

Role & responsibilities of the Advisory board

  1. The general purpose of the Advisory board is to provide general guidance on the CSLP’s activities and operations. 
  2. The Advisory board will meet once a year, for 90 minutes, with all documents/materials pre-supplied. 
  3. The minutes of all Advisory board meetings will be submitted to the OVPRII at the time of the annual report.
  4. The Advisory board requirements/suggestions for research units at the university can be found on page 9 of the Procedures for Research Units and Infrastructure Platforms.

Advisory board members

  • Anik De St-Hilaire, Chief Academic Officer at KnowledgeOne
  • Isabelle Levert-Chiasson, Program Officer at CCUNESCO
  • Leslie Touré Kapo, Researcher at INRS
  • Najma Ali, Principal at Kuper Academy Elementary
  • Pablo Madriaza, Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • *Diane Querrien, CSLP Co-Director - Concordia
  • *David Waddington, CSLP Co-Director - Concordia
  • *Zeina Ismail-Allouche, CSLP Manager - Concordia

*Non-voting member

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