About CSLP
The mission of the CSLP is to conduct research on teaching and learning processes. Working with community and nongovernmental organizations, school boards, policy-making bodies, mental and social health service providers as well as public safety organizations, our overall focus is to develop evidence-based tools and strategies that would positively impact our society.
Areas of interest

Hate speech and radicalization

Information and media literacies

Innovative teaching tools in the classroom

Citizenship education

Essential skills development

Systematic reviews
Recent awards
- Dr. Angelica Galante - President's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researcher, by McGill University, as well as being named a William Dawson Scholar.
- Dr. Vivek Venkatesh - James McGill Professor, by McGill University.
- Dr. Diana Miconi - Prix Continuum 2023-2024 pour la formation continue en éducation. Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal
- Dr. Cecile Rousseau - Lifetime Achievement Award, by the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC/SPA).
- Dr. Vivek Venkatesh & Dr. Owen Chapman, along with postdoc Lea Clermont-Dion, for their podcast Pourquoi tant de haine, named one of the podcasts of the year by ICI Artv.
- Dr. Pierre Chastenay - Prix Hubert-Reeves by l’Association des communicateurs scientifiques du Quebec, for his children’s book Une visite guide du système solaire.
- Dr. Isabelle Plante - Prix d’excellence en recherche – Réalisations 2022. La Faculté des sciences de l’éducation at UQAM.
- Dr. Juan Carlos Castro - National Higher Education Art Educator of the Year. National Art Education Association (NAEA).
- CSLP Manager, Dr. Zeina Ismail-Allouche - 2021-2022 Award of Distinction in Oral History. Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS)
- Dr. Vivek Venkatesh - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month (April). Concordia University.
- Dr. André Gagné - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month (July). Concordia University.
- Postdoctoral research associate Dr. Léa Clermont-Dion - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month (August). Concordia University.
- Dr. Vivek Venkatesh - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month. Concordia University.
- Dr. Sandra Chang-Kredl - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month. Concordia University.
- Dr. Angelica Galante - Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz Award for Excellence in Teaching. McGill University Faculty of Education.
- Dr. Pierre Chastenay - Lauréat 2020 du prix Thérèse-Patry. l’Association des communicateurs scientifiques.
- Dr. André Gagné - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month. Concordia University.
- Dr. Cécile Rousseau - Royal College Teasdale-Corti Humanitarian Award. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
- Dr. Richard Schmid - Concordia University Alumni Association (CUAA) Honorary Life Membership Award. Concordia University.
- Dr. Vivek Venkatesh - Concordia Newsmaker of the Month. Concordia University.