Juergen Rilling
Director, Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; System Engineering and Evolution


Jamal Bentahar, Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing

Rachida Dssouli, Professor
Software Engineering Quality and Best Practices

Ferhat Khendek, Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing; Software Engineering Quality and Best Practices
Associate Professors

Roch H. Glitho
Associate Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing

Yan Liu
Associate Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing

Joey Paquet
Associate Professor

Nikolaos Tsantalis
Associate Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; System Engineering and Evolution

Weiyi Shang
Assistant Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; System Engineering and Evolution

Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
Associate Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; System Engineering and Evolution

Olga Ormandjieva
Associate Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing; Software Engineering Quality and Best Practices

Emad Shihab
Associate Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; Software Engineering Quality and Best Practices; System Engineering and Evolution

Jia Yuan Yu
Associate Professor
Modeling, IoT, and Cloud Computing

Peter C. Rigby
Associate Professor
Empirical Software Engineering; System Engineering and Evolution