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Late course withdrawals

If you were unable to withdraw from your course(s) by the official deadlines due to serious extenuating circumstances that were unforeseen and beyond your control, you can either submit a course withdrawal request for a late DISC or a late DNE.

Late course withdrawals

If you are considering submitting a late withdrawal request and have completed a significant amount of coursework, consider alternative options that may allow you to finish the course. For example, you may be eligible to apply for an accommodation such as a MEDDEF or INC course notation.

If you are certain that the submission of a withdrawal request is the right option, you must drop the course in question in your My CU Account for your request to be considered. Formally dropping a course does not guarantee that your late withdrawal request will be approved.

Important information to consider before submitting a late withdrawal request (DNE and DISC):

  • Some financial aid is contingent upon registration for a certain number of credits per term. If your request is approved and the requested course(s) are removed from your academic record (DNE), or discontinued (DISC),then you may no longer be eligible for financial aid for the term during which you initially took the course(s).
  • If you have concerns about potentially losing your financial aid or having to repay it, reach out to or your funding agency to confirm the conditions of your financial aid before submitting your late withdrawal request.
  • International students whose status may retroactively change to part-time because of the approval of their late withdrawal request (DNE) are encouraged to e-mail to confirm if they should request that DISC notation(s) remain on their record to avoid potential immigration issues.

Requests that are NOT eligible for late withdrawal

If any of the following circumstances apply to you, your request for late withdrawal will not be considered.

  • You have completed the final exam or the final assignment for the requested course.
  • You received a passing grade for the course.
  • You did not know the deadline and/or procedures for withdrawing from courses.
  • Your financial situation has changed, and you want a refund.  
  • You did not attend the course(s) you registered for.
  • You did not pay your Concordia fees by the deadline date and assumed that your current registrations would automatically be cancelled.
  • Your financial aid was delayed, or the value of your financial aid was less than you expected to receive.

Particular medical circumstances:

Certain requests for late withdrawal (DNE) or a refund of fees on a discontinued (DISC) course(s) may be accepted based on medical circumstances, such as:

  • A serious illness or severe injury prevented you from withdrawing from your course(s) by the DNE deadline.
  • You became seriously ill or were severely injured after the DNE deadline and were unable to complete your course(s).

Requests based on medical circumstances must be accompanied by a completed Student Request Medical Certificate (English / Français). If this Medical Certificate is not included with your request, your request will automatically be denied.

Medical certificates may be verified before a request is considered and/or granted. To save time, ensure that the medical certificate completed by your doctor includes all the information requested along with their medical license number and a telephone number where they can be reached during regular business hours. The medical certificate may be refused if it is insufficiently explicit or appears to lack seriousness or, on its face, raises doubt as to its authenticity.

Particular non-medical circumstances:

Certain requests for late withdrawal (DNE) or a refund of fees on a discontinued (DISC) course(s) may be accepted in non-medical circumstances. For example:

  • There has been a recent death in your immediate family or other circumstances which have caused you severe emotional stress.
  • You have unexpectedly assumed long-term primary responsibility for taking care of an immediate member of your family who is seriously ill.

Requests based on non-medical circumstances must be accompanied by complete supporting documents that are appropriate to the situation including, but not limited to, a death certificate, medical certificate, airline ticket, or other applicable documentation.

Requesting a late course withdrawal

We understand that students face a variety of circumstances that can lead to a justified interruption in academic work. Requests for late withdrawal are considered on a case-by-case basis, based on the documentation provided. For examples of requests that are not eligible for late withdrawal refer to the section above.

A student request must be made within a reasonable period after the circumstances underlying the request. Normally, the following deadlines apply:

A request with respect to a: Must be submitted by:
Summer-session course (session ending in 1) November 1
Fall-term course (term ending in 2) March 1
Fall/Winter course (term ending in 3) August 1
Winter-term course (term ending in 4) August 1

In determining whether the period of time elapsed is reasonable, all the circumstances of the case will be evaluated. Requests from previous academic terms will not be accepted without a detailed explanation for the delay in submitting a request.

You are responsible for providing all the necessary information and supporting documentation when submitting a request. Incomplete requests will not be considered.

Attach the following supporting documents to your request:

Submit your request to your course instructor by e-mail, using the e-mail template below. (Modify the text as appropriate.) You will find their contact information in the course outline. If you don’t have access to the course outline, you will need to ask for the contact information in your statement when you submit your request.

If you emailed the instructor and did not hear from them within seven working days, please submit a copy of the e-mail you sent, as proof that you attempted to obtain the required statement.

E-mail template:

Dear Dr. [Last name],

I’m currently in the process of submitting a late withdrawal request for [enter course number], a class that you taught during the [specify the semester]. My student ID is [provide your student ID].

To complete the request, I am required to include an e-mail statement from you, confirming the date when I last attended classes or accessed the course online. In your e-mail, please confirm as well the date when I submitted my last assignment or exam for the course.

If you could provide the information above for my request that would be very helpful. Otherwise, the review of my file may be delayed.

Thank you so much,
[Sign off with your first and last name]

Course withdrawal requests are reviewed by the Student Request Committee (SRC) of your home faculty. Complete, sign and submit the appropriate Student Request Form, as follows:

Faculty Contact Form
Faculty of Arts and Science Department housing the program in which you are registered Submit through your Student Centre
Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science GCS Student Academic Services Office Student Request for Late Withdrawal/Registration Form
John Molson School of Business Faculty Undergraduate Programs Office
Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty Undergraduate Student Academic Services Office Submit through your Student Centre
Independent Students Office of the Registrar Independent Student Request Form

The review of late withdrawal requests (DNE) can be a lengthy process. You can expect to receive a decision regarding your case within 4-12 weeks of submitting your request.

If you asked for a DNE or partial refund and your request is recommended by the SRC of your home faculty, the University Retroactive Withdrawal Committee (URWC) will review your request and make a final decision on financial considerations.

Keep in mind that if your request is incomplete or if you are being asked to provide additional documentation, the delay may be extended.

International students whose status may retroactively change to part-time because of the approval of their late withdrawal request (DNE) are encouraged to e-mail to discuss their situation before submitting a request for late DNE.

Once a decision on your late withdrawal request (DNE) is finalized, the URWC may decide on one of the following outcomes:

  • DNE is granted with a full refund for the requested course(s). In some cases when DNEs are granted, an administrative fee of 35$ per credit may be applied.
  • DISC is granted with a full or partial refund and a notation remaining on your record for the requested course(s).
  • Request is denied.

Contact the Student Advocacy Office for assistance submitting your request.

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