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Offset block

The offset block component is a flexible but very advanced component that can combine images, colours, text, links and calls to action. Used only in the full browser window template. 

This is an advanced component reserved for use by the UCS Web Team. AEM authors may update existing offset blocks but should not create new ones.

Component(s) you might want to use with this one:

Design options

There are four different text/image ratio options:

  • 45% / 55%
  • 50% / 50% (most commonly used)
  • 60% / 40%
  • 100% / no image

Images can be displayed to the left or to the right of the text.

There are several image offset and text offset options available. Start with the image and text offsets set to “Disabled.” Enter all your content before choosing offsets for your text and image.

Image offset:

  • Above container
  • 90px from container top
  • Above & below container (for tall, vertical images)
  • Disabled

Text offset:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Title over image

The component allows for up to two calls to action and supports a variety of button styles and colours.


  • The Offset block is only to be used on the full browser window template.
  • Each Offset block component should go inside its own Grid container component.


  • It is important to set the correct Heading level for the block's Title field (found in the Settings tab, under Text settings). The default is H2 (other options are H1 and H3).
  • Include Alt text for images (found in the Settings tab, under Image settings).
  • Write descriptive calls to action.


Put the Offset block component inside a 1200px wide Grid container.

Add padding to the Grid container. How much will depend on the Offset block's image placement settings. A good starting point is:

  • 60px top and bottom on desktop
  • 40px top and bottom on mobile

From there, make padding adjustments by looking at the layout in disabled mode (both desktop and mobile views).*

If a background colour is required, set the colour in the Grid container. Use sparingly and if in doubt, use white.

*Preview what the live page would look like with the changes by switching to disabled mode.
To access disabled mode, add ?wcmmode=disabled to the end of the URL.

Options in the settings tab of the Grid Container component Grid container component settings to use with the Offset block


Use the default settings for the image and text offset when beginning the design using this component.


Set the correct Heading level for the title.

Options in the settings tab of the Offset block component


Use high quality images (no smaller than 940px, no greater than 1920px for width and/or height).

Use the Image crop tools aspect ratio dropdown to crop the image as desired for the layout. 

The image crop tools aspect ratio dropdown in the image tab of the Offset block component


  • Don't put more than one Offset block in a Grid container. Each Offset block should have its own Grid container to properly set padding between Offset block components.
  • Don't use H1 unless it is the first heading on your page.

Helpful tips & "gotchas"

  • The Offset block is like an Image & Text component on steroids — use with caution!
  • A <br> tag can be added at the start of the Title field to push the text further down beside the image; the <br> will be ignored on mobile and won't produce a gap. See the examples below.
Two <br> tags in the title properties of an AEM Offset block component
two female students smiling at each other


This example does not have a <br> before the title.

Notice how the title is aligned by default with the top of the image.

two female students smiling at each other


In this example, two <br> tags were added before the title to push it down and vertically centre this text beside the image.

These <br> tags are ignored on mobile — you won't see extra spacing when viewing the page on a mobile device as you would on a desktop computer.

  • The image will always display above the text on mobile.
A web page layout with text offset to the left of an image
A web page layout with text positioned below an image
A web page layout with text offset to the right of an image
A web page layout with text positioned below an image


There is currently no training session for the Offset block component because it is reserved for the UCS Web team to set up as needed. AEM authors may maintain Offset blocks once they have been added to a page.

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