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Social Media component

The Social Media component is used to display icons that link to accounts on commonly used social media platforms and/or to an RSS feed. It can also display clickable icons that allow the reader to share the page via email or print it.

Component(s) you might want to use with this one:

Design options

The Social Media component features different options for icon size, icon and title colours, as well as options for title placement and alignment.

Content tab

Social Media
  • Select from:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
    • YouTube
    • Flickr
    • Pinterest
    • Weibo
  • Displays a clickable icon for each selected social media platform

Link to the selected social media platform

Additional icons
  • Link to a web page with Really Simple Syndication (RSS) capability
  • Note: An RSS link will typically end with the extension .xml
Email this page
  • Displays an email icon when this option is enabled with a checkmark
  • Clicking the icon creates a new email message from the user's email application with pre-populated fields (Subject: title of web page; From: sender's email address; Body: URL of web page)
Print this page
  • Displays a printer icon when this option is enabled with a checkmark
  • Clicking the icon opens the user's print dialogue
Content tab dialogue options of the AEM Social Media component

Setting the social media links

  • Click Add Item.
  • Select a Type of social media.
  • Enter an absolute Link to the social media account.
  • Click the red circle to cancel the item.
  • Cick the green up or down arrow to change the order of the accounts that will be displayed.

Settings tab

Icon colour
  • Burgundy
  • White (100%)
  • White (70%)
  • Multi-colour
Icon size
  • Default
  • Large
  • Left
  • Centre
Title placement
  • Above
  • Beside (to the left)
  • Beside (to the right)
Title colour
  • Black
  • White
Additional info
CSS class DO NOT USE – reserved for the UCS Web team
Settings tab dialogue options of the AEM Social Media component


The Social Media component is an accessibility-compliant turnkey solution for displaying social media links with a uniform look and feel on all AEM web pages.

This component is often added to the sidebar region (on pages using the Right sidebar template) or in the footer — either the grey footer or the burgundy footer (in the case of custom footers for the latter). It can also be applied anywhere within the Body of an AEM page.


The icons included with the Social Media component have Alt text for the images already built in so they comply with accessibility standards.

Examples & use cases

Example 1

Default settings

Content tab
Follow us
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Pinterest
  • Weibo
Link External (absolute) links added
RSS Internal (relative) link added
Email this page Enabled
Print this page Enabled
Settings tab
Icon colour Burgundy
Icon size Default
Alignment Left
Title placement Above
Title colour Black
CSS class DO NOT USE – reserved for the UCS Web team

Example 2

Large white icons & title centred on a coloured background

Content tab
Title Connect with us on social media
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
Link External (absolute) links added
RSS Empty
Email this page Disabled
Print this page Disabled
Settings tab
Icon colour White (100%)
Icon size Large
Alignment Centre
Title placement Above
Title colour White
CSS class DO NOT USE – reserved for the UCS Web team

Example 3

Multi-coloured icons

Content tab
Follow us
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Pinterest
  • Weibo
Link External (absolute) links added
RSS Internal (relative) link added
Email this page Enabled
Print this page Enabled
Settings tab
Icon colour Multi-colour
Icon size Default
Alignment Centre
Title placement Above
Title colour Black
CSS class DO NOT USE – reserved for the UCS Web team


  • Do consult with Concordia's Social Media team for guidance on working with social media as part of your content strategy.
  • Do use the Social Media component to present your social media links as it was developed to ensure that they are accessible and appear with a standardized design across all Concordia web pages.


  • Don't create a layout of social media icons using your own images; this is needless effort when the Social Media component was developed as a turnkey solution to provide an accessible and standardized design for all Concordia web pages.
  • Don't fill in the CSS class field; consult with the UCS Web team for assistance with any styling questions.

Helpful tips & "gotchas"

  • Even though clicking the magnifying glass beside the Link field allows you to select paths within AEM, this field is meant to hold an external link to a social media account; ignore the magnifying glass and simply paste in an absolute link.
  • To display the same set of social media links across multiple web pages (e.g., in the footer), place the Social Media component inside a Box component; then use the Reference component on other pages to mirror the Box and all its contents.


The Social Media component is not covered in the AEM training sessions but may be addressed upon request. AEM authors are also advised to contact the Social Media team for guidance if they would like to use it.

Need support?

The Web team is here to help.

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