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The Table component allows you to organize and present data in simple rows and columns – much like a Word table or an Excel spreadsheet.


A table gives your visitors an easy way to scan through a data set and find the specific data they need.


The Shuttle bus page uses a table to show the schedule:

Screenshot showing times of shuttle bus departures on Fridays from Loyola and Sir George Williams. Alternate rows are shaded for easy scanning.

The School of Health uses a table to show their nutrition services and prices:

Nutrition services table showing individual services. There are 2 columns for prices: one for students, senios and members; the other for the public

Best practices


  • Only use a table if it's the best way of presenting the information. If you're unsure whether a table is the best way to present your information, contact
  • About half your website visitors will be on their phone. If you use a table, it needs to be clear and easy to navigate on mobile.
  • Keep the table as simple as possible: 
    • Concise text
    • No more columns than needed, and never more than 5
    • No more rows than needed

Set up a table

  • Finalize your table content in Word or Excel.
  • Add a table component to your AEM page and open the component for editing.
  • Copy the table from Word/Excel and paste it into the AEM editing window.
  • Follow the Accessibility and Design guidelines.

Accessibility and Design

Appropriate headings, lines, shading and text size are the keys to making a table accessible and easy to scan.

  1. Ensure the heading text is clear and concise. For example, revise "Expenses every year" to "Yearly expenses".
  2. In the Table tab, place your cursor in the top left column. From the Format dropdown, select the correct heading level. Repeat for the remaining column headings.
    • If there's an H2 just before the table, the column headings need to be H3s.
    • If there's an H3 just before the table, the column headings need to be H4s.
  1. In the Options tab, check the boxes beside

Horizontal lines

Vertical lines


and set the Text size to X-Large.

Screenshot of Table component settings, Options tab. Horizontal lines, vertical lines, shading and X-Large text are selected.

Your table will then be accessible and easy to scan, like this:

Screenshot showing H2 heading, followed by a table with H3 column headings

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