Exams & Grades
Please contact the professor directly for grade inquiries or exam reviews.
eConcordia external exam requests are handled by Concordia University’s Examination Office. Learn more on the exams page.
If you have qualified to write a deferred exam, you will be contacted by Concordia University's Examination Office with the date and time of your exam. Students registered to write a deferred exam will be provided access to the course material until the end of the exam period. To receive access to the course material, an email must be sent to helpdesk@econcordia.com and include the following information:
- Student’s Full name
- Student ID number
- Name of the course that was deferred
- The semester in which the course was originally taken
- Proof of deferred exam accepted (a screenshot of the date and time the deferred exam will be written from your Student Centre is sufficient).
- Students may also forward a copy of their notification from the exam’s office.
Deferred students will not be charged for the course material.
All credit courses include a final examination as part of the course curriculum. These exams are held at Concordia University. Further details are available from the in-course agenda for each course.
Visit the Exams page for more information.